I don't think this should be. I like changing twitch Thursdays, but adding a community craft is a BAD idea. Every time something like this is started (Sal_vager's craft of the month, KSP starter pack, spacecraft exchange video series, etc.) people have only been unhappy with who is chosen, and how they have their craft presented. I think I would be just as unhappy as anyone else if my craft wasn't picked, after all, I have all spent hours on my crafts, and I would feel like mine should be chosen. The other problem is this: Majorjim, Rune, Zucal, and a few others I'm too lazy to mention build the absolute BEST craft on the forums, and they make the most of them, too. I'm afraid that only they would be chosen (and people would be unhappy because of it), not because they don't deserve a showcase, but because they DO! Anyway, that's just my USD $0.02.