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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Nice! The concorde worked about as well as mine, that is: not at all, especially before I gave up on my fairing based fuselage idea.
  2. Good idea! Welcome! Don't! This isn't a joke... Flavored cabbage? Blech! Agreed. Remember, if anyone isn't happy with their joke, please tell me, I try to keep it light-hearted, but I may accidentally insult someone, so please tell me!
  3. Ah, but you forgot, NASA (And roscosmos, too) have to be involved! Why? Well, because... DON'T BELIEVE EVERTHING YOU READ. But youtube conspiracy theories are completely accurate and true. You see, NASA has really awesome rockets, but they don't want to show us them, because then we might know about them! THEY go STRAIGHT UP, like any real rocket. And NASA made contact with the Illuminati aliens in 1969, when we were told that we landed on the moon. That is, the REAL moon, not the fake one, which was put in the same place as the real one, and made to look the same.
  4. Maybe the real moon has the giant laser on it to project the fake one. And the real moon uses romulan cloaking tech.
  5. Quoting is broken for me, so here you go: @Vagani: Added! @SLS: Will add.
  6. No, but I know the first: 0 (rounded to the nearest 10). Good enough for most aerospace applications. The user below me likes strawberry ice cream more that carmel.
  7. Rep is like 100 Ω 5% tolerance resistor. White, green, red, and gray bands, symbolize a resistance, using a internationally accepted set of standards.
  8. Searching for "gray red green white" gets... Shoes. Rep is like shoes, it has many colors.
  9. I wonder what ocean the Soyuz was going to fall back down to. *Resist laughing face* - - - Updated - - - I think he forgot more than the speed of escape velocity. Two astronauts?!?!?! I think generally 3 launch on Soyuz. Lunar waves? Goodbye, video.
  10. Welcome! Rep is like cookies, it has white side, green side.
  11. What would you think if I made a Kerbal guotinne (guittine? guitone? Whatever, the choppy thing.)?
  12. Strange. I don't know what's happening. Welcome back! Ohh, a replica! I... must... rep... all... replicas...
  13. ALL HAIL WHITE IRON CROWN!!! notcaps. - - - Updated - - - Come to the dar... errr, white side... we have cookies. Vanilla cookies...
  14. Banned for not being white iron crown.
  15. Ohh, good, I missed that. Unfortunately, I can't run FAR, not because of my computer, but because I'm testing that constell pack.
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