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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. I wonder what it was, people kept going on about "Comic sans" and "MS paint avatars" and "Moderators." If someone could explain this mass delusion, I would be eternally grateful. By the way, what do mods see when they look at a user's page? What awesome tools (I'm looking at you, banhammer) do they have?
  2. I'm having the same problem, I wouldn't worry, the OP is offline, so he isn't intentionally ignoring you.
  3. Thanks, it didn't have enough fuel, I might try the challenge again, but I just wanted to try with that plane, and yes, it does have 6 standard jet fuel tanks, but they are clipped into each other.
  4. Yes, you do recognize that, I used your intake trick. Am I the only one who sometimes thinks: "Is anyone actually going to fly my mission? I might as well just not test it." Then I go ahead and test it, because I don't want to release a bad product.
  5. Okay, I'm 10 minutes in: Lots of fuel clipping. The plane. I've been traveling at 1,000m/s, @20,000 with pilot assistant's help. I'm not going to have enough fuel. EDIT: The memory leak got me.
  6. Here's the wiki page on the Apollo and Orion ablator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVCOAT It is epoxy novolac resin with special additives in a fiberglass honeycomb matrix. It looks like KSP's shield: Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_entry#Ablative
  7. I'm using gimp, I don't have a file transfer service, and imgur doesn't do .xcf's. I'm using a 3.75 tank, surrounded with orange tanks. What are you using as a ramp? Airbrakes?
  8. Well, I don't have anything related to Crewed Vehicles/Rockets/Both, but one time I expanded the capacity of a squirt gun. I used plastic tubing, inner tubes, and a bit of drip pipe to connect a big water bottle to this squirt gun, it was kind of a new squirt gun, so it had the pump handle arrangement. It is pretty small, but it shot out a reasonable amount of water, unfortunately it's water tank was absurdly small, only like 6 shots, so I attached this bottle and got more like 50 shots, very fun.
  9. Thank you! I'm very happy with how the prop came out, especially with such a low part count. Thanks, I don't have firespitter installed, but I'll consider it.
  10. What was the great forum crash/revert/disaster/kraken strike of 2013?
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