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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. I'm not sure how well trajectories is working with the new atmo, but have a look at it: And I'm testing out the new NTRPS:
  2. In the default font, capital "i" and lowercase "L" are the same: "l" "I" Also: KOS (Kerbal Operating System) RP-0 FASA SXT (Stock eXTension) VSR (Ven's Stock Revamp) RPM (Raster Prop Monitor) KCT (Kerbal Construction Time) KF (Kerbal Foundries) IR (Infernal Robotics)
  3. Yes, definitely. With a new computer and SSD, load times, everywhere, were more than halved for me.
  4. This is great! Here's a couple (many stolen from http://www.decronym.xyz/) AFB (air force base) AGL (Above Ground Level) ASL (Above Sea Level) AOS (Aerojet Rocketdyne) ARM (Asteroid Redirect Mission) ASDS (SpaceX Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship) F9 (SpaceX Falcon 9) F9H (SpaceX Falcon 9 Heavy) MECO (Main Engine Cut-Off) EDL (Entry, Descent, Landing) ESA (European Space Agency) ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) Isp (Specific Impulse) ISRU (In-Situ Resource Utilization) KSC (Kerbal Space Center) LES (Launch Escape System) LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen) LOX (Liquid Oxygen) NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application) NTR (Nuclear Thermal Rocket) SOI (Sphere Of Influence) STS (Space Shuttle) TVC (Thrust Vector Control) TWR (Thrust to Weight Ratio) LOS (Loss Of Signal) SRB (Solid Rocket Booster) LRB (Liquid Rocket Booster) TLA (Three Letter Acronym) x64 (64 bit operation system/program) x86, x32 (32 bit operating system program) m/s (Meters per Second) km/s (Kilometers per second) CTD (Crash To Desktop) BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) SAS (Stability Enhancement System) ASAS (Advanced Stability Enhancement System) CKAN (Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network) That's all I think think of/steal right now. Oh, and OPM (outer Planets Mod)
  5. Okay; Backups. I start a craft, then when I make a major design change, I save, then add a number to the end of the name, and make the change. Holding alt while attaching something forces it to attach at a node, rather than on the surface. While rotating a part with the gizmo, move the mouse far away from the center of the gizmo for more precise rotation. (thanks to @Majorjim for this one) Every craft is a tree, branching off from the root part. Keep this in mind while building. You can both be tricked by this (trying to attach a part to two places) and you can abuse it (offset something that needs to be stable, but has to be at the outer limits of the craft away from the root, then build backwards from it towards the root.
  6. That looks great! I have never seen a computer in KSP before!
  7. I'm late, but I haz big ticket. Any news on whether the landing gear drift bug will be fixed?
  8. I was there. With a small company, and relatively late. But I did try to put the rocket builders in the internet wayback machine.
  9. Its still not clear what's jamming it. I do have some things to try, but not right now.
  10. Thanks! Thanks, the problem existed before I changed over to a fairing.
  11. Is anyone else having trouble getting the DAV to seperate properly? It looks like it should work, doesn't it?
  12. I disagree too. Here's a screenshot taken with a pedestal I made. It really lets the statute shine.
  13. Amazing! The dragon is so perfectly recognizable! I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the idea!
  14. All KSP players know what to call this kind of failure: Out of fuel.
  15. You mean like when the Kuiper belt was installed and Pluto was suddenly not- Hey, who are you! What are you doin- AHH! HELP!!! The- *muffled shouting*
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