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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. The spacecraft exchange is always happy to see any craft, however many mods it uses. First off, a disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, and any advice I give is to be taken at your own risk. Now, here's what I think about redistributing mods. Legally: all mods on the KSP forums are required to have a license. If this license says something like "all rights reserved," or a license (look up the license for the mod in question!) that does not allow "redistribution" then you will not be able to include it in your download. It's probably not even worth asking for special permission in these cases. However, if you have not modified the mod, a link to the mod's forum thread/hosting site page, without redistributing the mod, will be perfectly fine. If the license is more permissive, like a GPL or copyleft license, you should (depending on the license) be able to redistribute/modify and redistribute the mod, along with some kind of credit and/or specific license for the redistributed copy legally. However, if I were a modder, I would prefer to be asked if I was okay with that. Most people don't mod their mods, and so only include links or even just names of required mods. Yes, modded craft do tend to get less attention than stock ones. However, don't let that stop you! See above about redistribution with modifications. If one of the modded mods does not allow redistribution with modifications, then you might consider making a patch mod, that will change the mod in question when both the patch and the mod are installed. A couple of things to keep in mind: I do not know whether licenses can prohibit this! Asking the modder/someone who knows more about licenses/patches than me is a good idea. I think the patches are called Module Manager Patches. Back in the old forum software days, there were colored tags that you could add to the start of your thread title. They were "[STOCK CRAFT]" and "[MOD CRAFT]" this is a good way to make it obvious what kind of craft yours is. People tend to leave whether their craft are modded or stock off more since the software change. However, there are still some modded craft around: (The above one even has modded mods!) @Columbia made a nice guide, but it's more for stock craft: Oh, and you should take a look at https://kerbalx.com/ it's a free KSP craft hosting site, and it has mod detection, so your viewers see a list of the required mods for the craft. It doesn't work with modded mods though.
  2. I suggest you read this, you may prefer the 3d modeling software used:
  3. I'll take a look at this if I'm online when it's happening.
  4. We must invent new, easily typable words for various types of landing failure. I suggest softfail for when falcon lands softly (-ish) but then falls over. Jason-3, umm, that second failure. With the RCS thruster firing to keep it up after landing. What was that one?
  5. Mine did, at T-1 minute, and came back at T+30s. That was a local internet problem, though. x-post from /r/spacex:
  6. Yes, and then the four DAV engines burn the ISRU fuel from the ascent tanks.
  7. I think my fuel flow logic has achieved sapience and is now reprogramming itself.
  8. LT-2 here too. Very slow slip, but I probably can remove it entirely with suspension tweaking.
  9. This was last updated back in 2014, but there's a fork from the 1.0.5 era: It'll need a recompile and UI re-write, but there's also this:
  10. Here's the plane in the hangar: I used hyperedit to land at which is kerbalmaps anomaly location, with no visual bugs, other than the clouds looking a bit dark. Mod list: BetterBurnTime Distant Object Enhancement EditorExtensionsRedux Engine Lighting EVE KER Hyperedit Docking port alignment indicator PlanetShine Precise Maneuver Node Editor Scatterer SVE TakeCommand Texture Replacer WASD Editor Cam
  11. Was the plane launched docked to the carrier? Or did you launch them separately, then land the plane on the carrier? Thanks!
  12. Are you playing with x64 or x32? I'm going to give a try to replicating it, I'll post here again when I'm done.
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