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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. I love the Star Trek references. Every since I saw the Enterprise, I hoped you would make a joke like that, but then you made all of them! Surely you wouldn't doubt the true commander of the Enterprise.
  2. I'd be happy with just adding HarvesteR Kerman or Felipe Kerman to the name pool, too.
  3. Hold on, you *checks Time Traveler's Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations* fore-wioll haven been dead. How are you posting from beyonden fore-when the grave? Or: Time Travel Tense Trouble
  4. That's amazing! Could we see a couple of more pictures of it? Or maybe a video? I also really like your flight control.
  5. Here we are: The second picture "Post Flight" looked like that, before I reloaded the page.
  6. Nice replica! What mods did you use? Some of the parts look a bit like KSPRC.
  7. I'm looking for anyone who can do SCF today (or whenever this friday is in your timezone.)
  8. File uploads are disabled on this forum. @0111narwhalz's instructions are for imgur, a popular 3rd party image host on the forums.
  9. I'm torn about that. Right now, it's exactly 3.75 m, making the DTV and Ares V design much simpler. However, if I'm making it larger, I might want to go back to a stock fairing, since that removes the largest problem with those. I'll do a little testing on both.
  10. Because it looks the closest to the shape of the end. Because it looks the closest to the inaccurate fairing that I based this off of. I'm going to change that.
  11. 1.0.x (but not 1.0.5) was the most crashy for me. 1.1.2 is incredibly stable, browsers crash more than KSP for me right now. Even with SVE, Scatterer, a 4k skybox, and a handful of other mods.
  12. I'll see your stock Mobile Launcher Platform and raise you a stock strut-built Falcon 1 gantry from an abandoned project: (It's not as impressive as I remember.)
  13. Wow, it's so exciting to finally see a constellation release thread! Looks amazing, too!
  14. GPS:Helicarrier:-1067.29:453.24:74.57:
  15. I have this on windows 10 and chrome. I think it appeared when I moved to chrome back when I was on windows 7. The next time I see one, I'll link it here.
  16. I voted " No, 1.1.x is progress and while it's imperfect I can live with it (for now). " But I think 1.1.2 is fairly stable and bug-free.
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