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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Yes, I had it wrong when I took that screenshot. I've changed it since then, so it's going the other way. Thanks, though!
  2. Well, I don't really know. When I signed up for the forums, it just struck me. Before this, I just used something with my initials in it.
  3. The spacecraft docking to the spacestation is fairly realistic, IIRC. After that, it's only worth watching it for the special effects.
  4. @Findthepin1 Substitute Recovery (doc) @adsii1970 (Non-mission control role) @Mad Rocket Scientist (Non-mission control role) (doc) @ZooNamedGames Flight director (doc) @Dman979 Booster Systems Engineer (doc) @CliftonM Public Affairs Officer (doc) @RoketMan Back up anything @MRMCNUGGET ??? @ILikeIke FAO @legoclone09 LV dev team (Non-mission control role) @Cooboo Guido (doc) @agent 902 LOD (doc) @Joeythompson31 @Ethan3369 @LorenLuke @something @WellItExplodedAgain EECOM (doc)
  5. @epicrafter Have you ever seen The Great Race? You really should.
  6. I haven't picked one yet, but I'll be back to this thread with one. Okay, thanks. Thanks for the answer, and I did mean hyperthreading. Perfect, I'll read through those! Thanks for the help. Thanks for the suggestions!
  7. /me reads the OP. Look at that! What are you planning to do with this compuer: KSP, space engineers, nolimits 2, other games. Some 3D modelling possibly. Budget: Not sure yet. Not massive, but I don't want to buy something that will be obsolete tomorrow. Does this include a copy of Windows: Yes. Does this include peripheals (a keyboard, monitor, mouse, speakers, etc.): No. [*]Where are you from: USA Wherever you may be from, does the store that you are planning to order from have a website: I will either go to a bricks & mortar Fry's, or order elsewhere online. If you are from the United States, do you live nearby a Microcenter? Not sure what that is. Do you have any specific requests with the build? DX12, lots of graphics power, efficient for KSP (Right amout of threads, cores.) Do you plan on overclocking? If yes, do you have a specific goal in mind? No. Would you prefer the build to be particularly small? No. Would you prefer the build to be particularly quiet? No. In general, do you prefer this to be a computer that you can spend money on now and let it rest, or a box built for continuous upgrading? Ideally, I would like to upgrade for a while. Do you ever plan on utilizing NVIDIA's SLI or AMD's CrossfireX technologies? These features, with a compatible motherboard, allow a user to link multiple identical graphic cards together for added performance. In real world terms, this lets you buy a second identical graphics card down the line as a relatively cheap and easy way to gain a fairly large boost in performance. However, this requires buying a SLI/CFX compatible motherboard and PSU now, which may result in slightly higher initial cost: Not sure. It could be useful, but I don't know.
  8. Oh, and are there are recommended tutorials on the web for building a computer?
  9. Okay, total computer building noob here, and I'm thinking about building a new computer. Here are my questions: What dx12 graphics cards are best for KSP/space engineers/gaming? What number of cores will work best with KSP? What does multi-threading mean, and what CPUs have it?
  10. 79.5 degrees f, along with a nice little 24 hour chart:
  11. We have a scheduling document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MeILK2O7hGEbyy6bebOBoHsSdS4OY_daliZnI_n65tQ/edit?usp=sharing If you'd like to edit it, PM me with your gmail address. @Findthepin1 Substitute Recovery (doc) @adsii1970 (Non-mission control role) @Mad Rocket Scientist (Non-mission control role) (doc) @ZooNamedGames Flight director (doc) @Dman979 Booster Systems Engineer (doc) @CliftonM Public Affairs Officer (doc) @RoketMan Back up anything @MRMCNUGGET ??? @ILikeIke FAO @legoclone09 LV dev team (Non-mission control role) @Cooboo Guido (doc) @agent 902 LOD (doc) @Joeythompson31 @Ethan3369 @LorenLuke @something
  12. Umm, you might want to use some gigantors instead of RTGs. Just try to select it, even though it won't highlight, it will go away when you hit backspace.
  13. Is this how the hype train can drop off passengers at 1.1 without stopping? http://www.wimp.com/chinatrain/
  14. Well, KSP does not accurately simulate hydrodynamics. It's approximated with higher drag and buoyancy. Also, even mod propellers work like rocket engines, providing a simple source of thrust, so it wouldn't matter what kind of engine you used. However, @Azimech makes a mod with boat engines, mostly simulating the boiler system. Actually, you might already be using his mod.
  15. *Puts on tinfoil hat* The object was an alien spacecraft!
  16. Can you edit the scheduling document? @Findthepin1 Substitute Recovery (doc) @adsii1970 (Non-mission control role) @Mad Rocket Scientist (Non-mission control role) (doc) @ZooNamedGames Flight director (doc) @Dman979 Booster Systems Engineer (doc) @CliftonM Public Affairs Officer (doc) @RoketMan Back up anything @MRMCNUGGET ??? @ILikeIke FAO @legoclone09 LV dev team (Non-mission control role) @Cooboo Guido (doc) @agent 902 LOD
  17. Well, all fun must come to an end. I still will keep this mod installed, though. I've never fished on Eve or Laythe yet!
  18. Looks nice! If you're doing an Elcano, make sure that you're not going to have too much lag.
  19. I just googled it. Basically, you click start, and you're put in a chat room with a stranger. At specified times, every chat room votes to "grow" (merge with another chat room that also voted to grow of the same size) stay, or abandon. Majority wins, and with every "grow" the chat room doubles.
  20. I hear that if you download the pre-release from the store, your chances of getting the kracken edition are exponentially higher.
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