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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Joystick, but I only use it in atmosphere or special circumstances. I always end up rolling when I yaw.
  2. That'd be great! Thanks for doing it, if you need any help, just ask on this thread.
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pr6AYHH33FG0kHEa34BNi56hii6CVd4bTTYyNMLwkXU/edit?usp=sharing
  4. The user's guide and DL are in the shared RSP folder, if you have working code, I'll put the link to it in the user's guide. As in a reusable 1st stage? I think @Dman979 and I can work on something for that. Personally, I'm making the 75t to LEO lifter have splashdown recoverable engines. @Dman979 do you prefer forum PM or skype chat for building this?
  5. How about a transcript? LATER, IN THE LAB... LISA: [looking at a scree] There's that sensor glitch again, Clauselle! Big thermal spike, 200 klicks astern, then nothing! CLAUSELLE: [off-panel] Oui, Lise--but the diagnostique shows nothing wrong! AND IN HAB THREE... KENLIE: [typing on k-pad] Two hundred klicks astern of the Kenliestar Awesum, the Murderdeth scout craft fired its engine. [Kerbulan spaceship fires LV-N in background] "Why aren't they following us anymore?" the Kenlistar's robot voice tinkled pleasantly. "Because they've finally figured it out," said Martystu, pacing the deck in his special magnetic deck-pacing boots. "If we were really going to the Murderdeth homeworld, we'd have burned to intercept it be now!" "Since we haven't, the scout has to go home to its evil boss, so they can plot their next move! [background: Evil Bob pondering] Meanwhile, on the Murderdeth homeworld, that evil boss pondered... NEW PAGE [background: Kerbulan SSTO moves past Nimnus] ...another scout, the really murdery one, would be returning soon. [background: Kerbulan SSTO headed towards a desert space center] And that meant that the evil boss might finally be able to get the answer he was looking for all along: [background: Evil Bob agonizing Evil Kenlie] "Where is the Kenliestar Awesum really going?"
  6. 5 minutes. That's how late I came to the webcast. 5 minutes after the landing. GAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh* Sorry, I'm just upset about it. I'm still happy that I could see what I did, though.
  7. I'll take a risk of being political, and say that while I agree with you in some respects, that is not entirely true. The effects of global warming are much farther-reaching than just sea level rise. I'm living in the midst of a massive drought, which affects everyone. Every lake nearby is dry or much lower than it should be. Elsewhere, increasingly drastic weather patterns are causing huge huge snowstorms. The melting arctic ice sheet and changing temperatures will decrease already minimal habitat for animals. Heightened sea ocean temperatures are bleaching coral, and killing huge numbers of fish. Most mangrove forests will be affected by rising sea levels. Finally, here's two maps: Make especial note of much of the Gulf of Mexico area.
  8. Following a thread will put it in a list that can be accessed either with a custom activity thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/discover/25/ or in a menu somewhere. You can also use your browser's bookmark tool. [/NOTAMOD]
  9. *Puts on tinfoil hat* ALIENS!!!! IT'S THE ALIENS!!!!!! THE SCIENCE-STEALING REPTILIANS!!!!!!!!! *Takes off tinfoil hat* Also, crayons.
  10. @Findthepin1 Substitute Recovery (doc) @adsii1970 (Non-mission control role) @Mad Rocket Scientist (Non-mission control role) (doc) @ZooNamedGames Flight director (doc) @Dman979 Booster Systems Engineer (doc) @CliftonM Public Affairs Officer (doc) @RoketMan Back up anything @MRMCNUGGET ??? @ILikeIke GNC @legoclone09 LV dev team (Non-mission control role) @Cooboo Guido (doc) @agent 902 LOD (doc) @Joeythompson31 @Ethan3369 @LorenLuke @something @WellItExplodedAgain EECOM (doc) @Sequinox (non-mission control role) @something @Analog
  11. Destroy it! Bill's lost too much of his knowledge to try to change how it works!
  12. I love this kind of craft. And the explosion montage is amazing!
  13. V2 with transport---By AMRSD & Sgt_flyer My most DLed craft ever, with 389 downloads and 13 points, this is a fully functioning (hinges by @sgt_flyer) replica of the V-2 missile and transporter. https://kerbalx.com/Mad_Rocket_Scientist/V2-with-transport---By-AMRSD--Sgt_flyer
  14. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me! I have a couple of suggestions: Add a bolded link to the forum rules, with instructions saying to check there if you want clarification on rules. I don't want to be nitpicky, but I think you might want to change this typo: And you might want to clarify that this to be about staff/moderation decisions, rather than the general nature of those actions: Finally, since this was posted, a new rule was added, 2.3f: Again, just because I have some criticism, I don't think this is a bad idea.
  15. 14.6kg * deep sea 1.5 = 21.9 (Running a challenge)
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