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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. It was fun watching the stream! I'll put you on the board, with 1082 points. I have an idea for what to do with bonus parts like that, I'm going to change the rules slightly. Basically you must carry useless parts for points only halfway to your destination. I'm going away from the forums over the weekend, so don't worry if you don't get put up on the board, just submit your entries!
  2. UPDATE: Looks like a DPL on April 8th for CRS-8.
  3. That seems like a good idea. With new wheel physics, I'm sure there will be loads of new construction techniques, too.
  4. @MarkZero, @Miiku87 look to be KerbalEDU people from their post history. [/NOTAMOD] ETA: Nevermind, talking about different people.
  5. You're not fully considering the effects of outpulse instability on the compressor's magnetic blades. The oscillation mode will be amplified and actually destabilize the quantum field. Now, using a pre-filter linked to the plasma conduit sensor array could remove the outpulse instability before the the compressor entirely! Cooling could be an issue, though.
  6. Yes, the command chair is a command pod, whether it has a kerbal in it or not. However, the probe control cores are not command pods. I'll clarify that in the OP. I can't wait to see your attempt!
  7. Here's my idea for a challenge: Use as many distinct parts as possible, and do not use a part twice, and score points by traveling to different locations. RULES: You must have only one instance of parts. That is, your rocket cannot have two of the same part No modded parts (exceptions: Asteroid day) No cheating with hyperedit, alt-f12, etc. Launch clamps or other structures that stay on the ground do not count, either for the points or for duplicate parts. (This is so you can use more than one launch clamp on your unwieldy rocket.) SCORING: Points are calculated for each milestone, plus the part count of the vessel at the time of the milestone completion. Does not explode on launchpad: 10 pts. Lifts off successfully: 15 pts. Suborbital trajectory: 30 pts. Orbit: 50 pts. Return one Kerbal to Kerbin safely: 50 pts. Return all command pods (including the command chair, not including any probe core.)(They don't have to be crewed) to Kerbin safely: 70 pts. Mun fly-by: 100 pts. Mun orbit: 125 pts. Mun landing: 175 pts. Minmus landing: 150 pts. Solar orbit: 100 pts. Duna fly-by: 150 pts. Duna orbit: 175 pts. Duna landing: 225 pts. Ike landing 200 pts. Return from Duna system to safe Kerbin landing: 75 pts. Craft is a spaceplane: 100 pts. Jool orbit: 200 pts. Vall fly-by: 100 pts. Laythe fly-by: 100 pts. Eeloo fly-by: 175 pts. If any of you get farther, than that, we'll work something out. SCOREBOARD: @NightshineRecorralis, adding four new scoring objectives, and getting 2316 points! @purpleivan, with 2026 points! @5thHorseman, doing a livestream and getting 1444 points! @Racescort666, with a spaceplane and 1114 points! @Mad Rocket Scientist, With 264 points My attempt: One with everything, with 95 parts. Creative thrust limiter tweaking allowed me to fly an almost straight trajectory, to ~7000 m. Creative timewarping broke the ship in half, allowing for crew recovery. 10 + 94 + 15 + 94 + 50 + 1 = 264
  8. KER. NoOffsetLimits. WASDEditorCam. DPAI. TakeCommand PreciseNode. BetterBurnTime VOID. HyperEdit. PlaneMode.
  9. It's DPAI! Oh, and does SpaceX use magnetic docking ports too?
  10. Apparently, too many klaws in the same vessel creates an explosion:
  11. That's a great challenge, and this is a great report!
  12. I fixed it, anyway. The not-transcript was not-not-defied by by the not-comic. No, not-sane-rocket-scientist is mint ice cream.
  13. "Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey Chapter 7 Pg30: Specifically written to defy any attempts at transcription." Uh oh. It's only three pages, though. How hard can it be? MELGEE: Look, my colleague! The not-minty, not-vacuum, not-not-gravity world! What was it called, in the before-time? KURT: Ahh, that is Home, my colleague, as sure as my name is Kurt! MELGEE: Aha! But are you sure your name is Kurt? KURT: A am not! But I am sure that at least one of our names is Kurt, and that is enough! BILLY-BOBBY: Home! Kerb from cheese with wheels said Home! Home-going we are now, pilot-who-looks-like-taco? DONGUN: That we are, Bill-Bobby! But I am not a taco, so please stop putting salsa on my arm! ...I am bread, so you should butter me! NEW PAGE: SAMANTHA: Minmus Lab, this is Gliido. I'm reaching angels sixty and burning to intercept! You guys okay? MELGEE: We are also Gliido! KURT: And also not-Gliido! BILLY-BOBBY: Mmm, bread! *CHOMP* DONGUN: Ha ha! That tickles! *GLIIDO APPROACHES MINMUS LAB* SAMANTHA: I'm gonna take that as a 'no'. Just don't do anything too crazy while I dock... ...once you transfer over, there's some snacks in the- KURT: Snack! Snacks the not-Lisa said! BILLY-BOBBY: Snacks! Snacks! Snacks! Snacks! NEW PAGE: *GLIIDO PULLS AWAY FROM THE MINMUS LAB, AS IT BURNS RETROGRADE (THE LAB, THAT IS)* SAMANTHA: Annnd there. The old station is set to de-orbit. I'll have you guys down on the ground in about half an hour. MELGEE: Hooray for the not-Lisa-who-is-called-Sam! KURT: Hooray indeed! My sanity returns already! DONGUN: Mine does not! BILLY-BOBBY: Snacks! Snacks! Snacks! Snacks! *LAB REENTERS* KURT: Do you think we will miss the lab? MELGEE: I do, Not-Kurt, and do not, Kurt. KURT: I could not agree more... MELGEE: ...or could I? I hope I not-messed up on the names. I am a not-taco, not-not-max-creative.
  14. And when you punch through steel plates, you distribute the loads over a longer time.
  15. I've tried the RCS tanks, and they look too small on it. I'm just going to clip more fuel tanks. I think I can leave a hole through the lower stage and let the engine fire through that. Thanks!
  16. Wow, that thing's huge! I like that compound fuselage design.
  17. Amazing! Whenever I think I understand where the story's going, you throw a curveball. K:AJO DRES MISSION CONFIRMED!!!1!1!!
  18. BUMP! With 1.1 coming out soontm I'm getting back started on my Constellation mission pack! Unfortunately, in that time, my standards for replicas have gone up. So I'm rebuilding almost everything, starting with... Altair: Based on this: Gone is the weirdly small airlock and overly visibly strut endpoints. With it still is the use of ore tanks, and stayputniks.
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