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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. It will, there will be another announcement when it is.
  2. Where the moderators are banned, the modders insist on playing stock, and the forum games are... respectful and though-provoking. (A prairie home companion reference) Anyway, I think that Kerbol should not be smaller, because it fills a extremely bright area similar to that of the real Sun's bright area.
  3. 4/10 ROFLcopter no longer a gif.
  4. Let's get your priorities straight. SpaceX KSP Breakfast [/OFFTOPIC] Here's a screen of an interesting launch vehicle:
  5. To prevent the endless spiral down to nukes... It's jammed.
  6. Is it just me, or is it sticking it's tongue out at me?
  7. I'll replike anything with MJ style strutwork.
  8. HHHHYYYYYPPPPEEE!!!!!!!! (How did I miss this) Also, reaction images!
  9. Oh, don't worry. There'll always be someone who can make KSP lag. Like @zekes' space shuttle: 1300+ parts. Or my high-roller: 800+ parts Or @Whackjob's birthday cake! Almost 1500 parts! Or any @Azimech craft (up to 1000 parts) Or @SaturnianBlue's WWII ships! (1100+ parts) You'll never have to feel the pain of 60 fps KSP.
  10. I was curious about this, so I looked up some stuff about it. KSP costs US 40 dollars at the store, US 39.99 at steam. Steam takes a minimum of %30 from every sale, which means (assuming $40 for KSP) that they get $12 per KSP sale. So the devs get $28 per sale. However, that's not the whole story. Steam hosts servers that SQUAD doesn't have to host. They also provide an immeasurable amount of exposure. Taking @technicalfool's ratio of 100tb/month via amazon, to $9779.96/month, and rounding down to 9000/month, we get a ratio of 1/90 tb/$/month. Next we have the problem of copies bought per month. I'll take a total stab in the dark, and say that 3 million copies have been sold. About one year ago, there were 1 million total copies sold on steam. So let's say that, in the past year, another 800000 copies have sold on steam. KSP is about 1GB per game, to that's 800 tb per year., which equals ~66.66 tb/month. That's $6000 a month. This means that the devs get $1,866,666 a month off of steam sales alone? That's almost certainly not right. But if it is, then the cost of hosting servers is negligible, and it's matter of whether the exposure outweighs the %30 cut. This is not meant to refute your post, Red Iron Crown. I am curious whether different venues provide different profits.
  11. I was wondering if it was flapping because of the coolant being circulated through the structure.
  12. In my mind: Q E K W H K I Q E H N H Also, does anyone else see the ripped radiator at 4:59?
  13. So subscribed. This sums up my thoughts on math too!
  14. It's not ready yet. Soontm you can have it by going to some kind of properties menu.
  15. Sorry guys, I forgot to add @Yukon0009's SCF to the OP, and so I didn't realize that we were out of maintainers. I'm looking for people! I'm afraid I won't be able to do it on Friday, either.
  17. Woo! They're on their way! I'm a bit sad that Gregmore wasn't able to stow away, though. I'm skipping the transcript this time, I hope it's not a problem.
  18. I'm sorry. It serves me right for having too many tabs open and not remembering which one was which. I still maintain that the Mun does not exist.
  19. Alright, I want to add to my previous statement. I am sad that I cannot download the early version, but it doesn't feel like I'm "not getting 1.1," I am getting 1.1. I am not getting a buggy, not-mod-supported, early version of 1.1. I'll be happy as long as someone makes some videos and/or descriptions of what 1.1's like.
  20. If you don't want to give your money to steam. If you just go to kerbalspaceprogram.com and don't know that you could download it elsewhere. If you bought the game before it was on steam.
  21. You can always put bugs on the tracker: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/
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