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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. I think that video is incredible. Great job on getting a precise landing with the booster and capsule!
  2. @ZooNamedGames Could you add this link to the OP? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MeILK2O7hGEbyy6bebOBoHsSdS4OY_daliZnI_n65tQ/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Hmm, water is damaging parts it's not directly touching... Sounds like splash damage.
  4. No, no, no! Complexicated is in the spelling police's jurisdiction, not the grammar police's!
  5. When you talk about mass ratios for just about everything. "Since this ham sandwich uses small pieces of bread, the mass ratio of crust to bread is much higher."
  6. I'm fairly sure that we can find a position for anyone who's interested in this. I can put you on the document if you want to join. If you want you can PM me your google email so you can edit it too. As CliftonM says, this could get interesting... What is our opinion on reverting? Here's the options I've laid out: Revert only if a crash or bug appears Revert if anything goes wrong Never revert, ever Personally, I like option 1 the best, but since we're doing larger missions, we should be thinking about it. @legoclone09 how soon will the manned flight hardware (we must have a program, capsule, and rocket name this time) be ready? No rush, but we should schedule maybe a week between finalizing the design and liftoff.
  7. Actually, we could decrease DV margins by having it release the impactor, then go into orbit. Like this: Halfway to moon on collision course, impactor is deployed. Course change on satellite moves it out of collision course. Impact happens right before satellite begins insertion burn (IB), which must happen before LOS. SCIENCE! (Maybe with a small dmagic telescope)
  8. I think a lunar impactor (autocorrect suggests using "imp actor") is feasible. I think we should have the impactor split off from a science collector, which would have SRBs on it to slow down to watch the impact. Of the impactor. We'd need a course correction stage, with plenty of restarts (maybe RCS thrusters?).
  9. I was able to solve it by going to imgur.com and clicking on of the boxes. It seems to go away after your first visit.
  10. No, I'll be a minute while I install SXT and VSR, though. I just have a weakness for the cyroengines models.
  11. Thanks! FASA, procedural parts, proc fairings, cyrogenic engines (By Nertea).
  12. @NathanKell Do you think you could help me with RSS/RO lifter design? l'm building a 50 ton to LEO lifter, and according to KER and MJ, this rocket has 10 km/s, but it's still far from achieving LEO. Here's the link, any ideas?
  13. My pawns use 5 banana peels and make your king slide out.
  14. Banned because "just now" can't be converted to another timezone.
  15. Banned for not seeing when it was really posted, at 12:00 PM.
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