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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. GFL (BTW, I'm not personally involved) is not a mod, but a project where, with multiplayer, telemachus, and RO/RSS/RP-0, people will fly missions with one person controlling a aspect of the mission, like in real life spaceflight. I'll point you at Real Space Program (Which I am personally involved in) which has the same premise, but more progress and even a full mission complete with video:
  2. If you take rover wheels, and just clip the very bottom of them through something, the collider will stick through and work like a wheel, but the model will stay popped up because of its suspension.
  3. I've highlit the cells in the spreadsheet that will work with a 4/2 launch date. It looks like exceptions to people's normal schedule will have to be made. I'm going to wait a bit longer to do a go/no go.
  4. Haha, you thought you could get away with it. But now, because it was stickied, we know that it is the MUN that does not exist! All Mun pictures are just manipulated pictures of Dres! How do I know? Because this was stickied!!! The KSC wants to draw attention away from the REAL deception by popularizing the FAKE HOAX!
  5. Is there any way to tell if a user is banned by looking at their user page?
  6. If you can't edit it, then I'd just report it. Hopefully there are moderation tools to delete posts.
  7. Don't worry, but if no one's done it by that time, could you do it? No worries. I'm going to have to go now, unfortunately.
  8. Mine never were especially powerful. Just compact, and they used 5 sep motors, one to depress the trajectory so that it would hit a reliable distance away from the firing point.
  9. Can someone do it this sat/sun? We don't have anyone else on the maintainer list though. @Rune, @Majorjim, @selfish_meme, @Jon144? Just a couple people that might be able to do it. No, it's just confusion. It doesn't really matter.
  10. Oh, and here's my Jool-5 mission report, I forgot to link it here before: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132126-kasper-kerman-and-the-moons-of-jool-chapter-1-the-waiting-game/
  11. This is very clever. I may have steal borrow some of these ideas for my own.
  12. That calculator is great! Thanks. Escape velocity make a much simpler control system compared to LEO. However, looking at that, probably the trickier control system is better.
  13. True, but model rocket engines have a low mass fraction just due to their size. Here's my thoughts: earth escape velocity ASL is 11.2 km/s. It takes 10 km/s to reach a 7.8 km/s orbit, so drag, steering, and gravity losses are about 2.2 km/s, call it for 2.5 km/s because of higher drag for our rocket. That's 13.7 km/s to escape velocity. Let's say that the ISP of a early black powder rocket is ~80. Reversing the rocket equation gives us: e^[13.7/(9.81*80)] = 1.01760993514 We round that to 1.02. If I did my math right, that's pretty good. It does need multiple stages, but that's not a problem. Please tell me what mistakes you find in this, when I get it right, I'll continue with a more detailed assessment. ETA: Wikipedia has a different mass ration equation: Which gives 11136.4, but now I'm all confused.
  14. ISP doesn't matter, since you can just add more rocket. Staging could be as simple as in model rockets, with staging charges at the top of the motor. Containment and control would be the trickiest bit. For containment, possible some kind of metal, or maybe even using rope of some sort for a composite shell. Control: this would be tricky. Maybe a gyroscope set up to fire small motors arranged radially around the top of the rocket? So if it tipped to far in one direction, this would fire a rocket in the other direction. Thrust vanes are another possibility.
  15. Are we sure about that date? I just want to know so I can begin a go/no go for it.
  16. Yep, that's a clever trick. Although I expected a post on that upper stage that uses backwards pointing engines.
  17. I'm going to wait a bit longer to do a go/no go for the date, but I will remember the 6th.
  18. Yeah, @legoclone09 is working on the vehicles. We're probably going into a ~200x~200km orbit. It's likely that it will happen on a weekend, maybe the 5th of march, or one week later.
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