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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Pre-1600. If you could convince the Chinese to make as much gunpowder as possible, you could get into a solar orbit.
  2. Two interesting facts about LESes: After aero forces were low enough, the Mercury LES would decouple and the abort mode would have been to fire the retropack. In the Apollo LES, depleted uranium was used so that the pendulum rocket fallacy would not make it unstable.
  3. How about this talk of no scrub? Nevermind, looks like it's been confirmed.
  4. I'm wondering if they suspected that something might be wrong when they were talking about how hard <thing> is.
  5. Slim, but not quite zero. I think it's most likely to break up/burn up during reentry. Maybe they don't know when the video will start yet?
  6. It doesn't have an effect on wheels, but I have heard of it making a difference in whether a craft works or not, even though it's only a plugin type mod.
  7. Airbrakes? But those are for pulling you out of the hypersonic deceleration spin! What, isn't that how everyone slows down their spaceplanes? Anyway, MK3 parts seem to have a slightly radioactive effect- that is, they repel each other, and even the slightest jostle will disturb the balance between the spin-pair attraction and the strong fall-y-apart-y force, such as is provided by touchdown. I have experimental data on this, in the form of my A320 replica, which would, every time I landed it, fall apart.
  8. How does this sound for RSP: https://slack.com/ It's like IRC but with permanent messages. It's what the KSPtoMars team uses. It seems to be free with slightly limited features.
  9. I move my knight and attempt to take your ukulele.
  10. Thanks! About the delay, you'll be glad to hear that I definitely didn't actually load the crew into the vessel and then wait two years. Definitely not. No way. Anyway, here's two answers to your question: The serious answer: I always build and launch my craft, then get a transfer window. The canonical answer: It took two years to build, fuel, and test the Resolution.
  11. 2 years later... The Resolution flew forwards on twin columns of fire, or at least, that's what the press release said. It wasn't as majestic when your options for the 1g burn were standing on the wall or being pulled sideways out of your seat. Which was why I and my crewmates were crammed in the Kerbin Return Vehicle (KRV) for this burn. True, it was cramped, but better than a neck sprain. Anyway, I'm supposed to keep this journal so that the KSP can use it for promotional material. Obviously, they'll edit it down to something short and positive. Here's the list of what I'm supposed to put here: Explain, in layman's terms, the design of the mothership Explain the command structure Explain your jobs aboard the ship Explain why this mission is important Okay, so I'll focus on 4 today. The space program was doing great. The kerballed Duna mission, landing probes on most bodies, the kerballed Moho mission, etc. But then something happened: people started to take the KSP for granted. As projects became ever more ambitious, funding stayed the same. So, this mission was hard to get funding for, but, the idea was, was going to start a new growth in space by having a closer look at potentially habitable moons of Jool. So, a mission plan was made, and the Resolution was assembled in orbit. Chosen to crew it were: Kasper Kerman (That's me), an engineer, Kama Kerman, a scientist, and Gwemmie Kerman, a pilot. Anyway, it looks like the first half of the burn is done, and we're moving over to the nukes. Looking at my thermal camera display, the radiators are working fine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, what do you think of the story format? If you like it, I'll continue.
  12. With some help from @NathanKell, my latest rocket now recovers 47,000 funds every flight, out of 118,000.
  13. Amazing truck! Is it possible, @DrMarlboro that you have kerbal joint reinforcement installed?
  14. As I understand it, just start editing stuff!
  15. Yes, I agree. Double or triple redundancy on all critical systems. Oh, and this PDF is useful: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjlw9rI_JDLAhVQw2MKHaqDBf8QFggdMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fscience.ksc.nasa.gov%2Fhistory%2Fmercury%2Fma-6%2Fdocs%2Fma-6-results.pdf&usg=AFQjCNFxKRLGEdwjyJARCUXvlZkLiPe8gQ&sig2=O2EUQOWt6H9hGPYz404oSg
  16. I think we're just figuring out whether it's possible for us to keep a kerbonaut alive in space for a couple of hours.
  17. Could you include me in that PM thread? It'll help me get an idea of when we'll be go for launch. Project Scorpius. The CM is named Independence 7.
  18. Depends on whether the CM has enough life support for however many orbits we do. How many are we planning to do?
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