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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. I really like the ramble-on-y style. It makes it very different, and makes a reader more invested than in a simple mission report.
  2. I haven't watched it either, I just suddenly wondered whether there were more shout-outs in the kerbal's names.
  3. No, this is a ancient (~2 years old) and noble aristocracy!
  4. A wild mad rocket scientist appears and breaks the moderator chain! @Starwhip
  5. I've actually been playing Nolimits for a bit recently. It's perfectly fine to have a burnout.
  6. Interesting! It might actually help handling, because you don't lose as much speed when maneuvering. +replike
  7. @SpaceplaneAddict, it's your turn today! Sorry I forgot to remind you yesterday.
  8. Okay, here's how I'm going to schedule this: First I'll do a go/no go on a couple of dates, asking which they can do, which they cannot do, and which would work the best. Then I'll do the same with times. @ZooNamedGames, @Dman979, @MysteriousSteve, @CliftonM, @Gaarst, @agent 902, @the_pazter, @WellItExplodedAgain, @Cooboo, @Tanner Rawlings, @SpaceplaneAddict. I need to know which of the dates you can do, cannot do or would work best: April 1 April 2 April 3 April 4 Other
  9. Banned for not banning Frybert for green artifacts on edge of ticket image.
  10. ⓗⓨⓟⓔ ⓗⓨⓟⓔ ⓗⓨⓟⓔ ⓗⓨⓟⓔ ⓗⓨⓟⓔ
  11. Maybe a "Craft-builders" section? With @zekes, and @Mulbin ETA: Mulbin is actually just working on something else, not sure how to count that...
  12. Now would be a very good time for SpaceX to make their own official mods...
  13. Transcriptions! CHAPTER SEVEN: TANKS, AND FAREWELL First Officers's Log CDR Dilsby Kerman Captin Valentina and Chief Engineer Bill have taken a boat to Minmus Flats to mine oxidant in preperation for landing the ship. Though Val didn't leave specific orders, I have no doubt that she intends me to load as much fuel and oxidant into the Intrepid's tanks as possible before she returns. This is no oversight. If I know the Captin--and by now, I think I do--it's a test of my initiative. She wants to know whether I can handle a independent command of a this magnitude. Yeah. Risk ten lives and the flagship for a personal growth opportunity. That's Val for you. New page: With me in the captin's chair, Science Officer Bob is doing my job. Right, that Bob--the kerb I stranded on Eve the last time I was in command of anything. Also, the Bob whose special ability is bringing up "concerns." If he trusts, anyone, it's Bill--but Bill's not here. I'm not worried about Bob. Him, I can handle. I'm a little less sure about the hundred and twenty ton asteriod currently on a intercept course with the ship. BOB: Dwagonfly just burned again. Intercept in forty-five minutes, range will be six hundred meters. MAUVY: [ON VIEWING SCREEN] Hey, what about the cheese?!! DILSBY: Thanks Bob. Melbe, tell them to correct closer. MELBE: Aye aye! Hey, Dwagonfly! Y'all gotta do better'n that! DILSBY: Sarjint, open the aft ramp. Rig Tugbot for towing. SARGE: Yessir, Comder. BOB: Wait, what? DILSBY: That's right, Bob, I intend to grapple the asteroid... ...if you have any concerns, I'd like to hear them now! [TUGBOT MOVES AWAY FROM INTREPID] New page: [IN QWAMMER] VAL: Wow, Bill- Intrepid's even prettier on the outside! BILL: Couldn't agree more-but than again, I'm a bit partial. I'd set down on the flats, near the old mining rig... heh, remember the last time we were here? VAL: Hah! Who could forget? [B&W FLASHBACK TO VAL AND BILL "REARRANGING" CRAFT] THROWBACK TIME! THAT'S FROM THE VERY FIRST CHAPTER OF DUNA, ORE BUST! --K New page: VAL: Were we really ever that young? BILL: Hey, some of us still are! Drills deployed, fuel cells on line processor heating up...so you worried about Dilsby? VAL: No. He's an excellent officer, andthe crew would follow him anywhere. I think maybe the only one who doesn't know that... is Dilsby. [Nitpick: A flagship is either a ship in command of a group of other ships, commanded by a flag officer. Technically, the Intrepid does command some probes, but generally a flag officer is an Admiral. Then again, in Kerbfleet, a Captin may be a flag officer.]
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