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    Curious George

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  1. It used to be possible to enable it through a glitch when reverting to the VAB. That glitch has been fixed but you can enable it by editing the potatoroid part file. I'll try to post details later today when I'm at the computer.
  2. I don't think this can be done anymore unless you hack the part file.
  3. Not MMO... I want to be able to play real time ... In the same space ... with select friends.
  4. Real time multiplayer Real time multiplayer Real time multiplayer
  5. It was a typo. The result was correct though. 7:45 = 465 seconds 8175 / 465 = 17.58
  6. I saw this post and did the challenge without seeing that the original post was 4 months old. Anyway, here's my entry. 8175 kg / 165 seconds = 17.58
  7. Dat profile pic tho. The feels, man.

  8. Well, the rescue ship docked to refuel so I guess 201 kerbals rescued (581 returned) from the Mun doesn't count. Spoiler warning: The rescue: The original mission.
  9. The picture is too low rez. I can't read the text. I wanted a clean install anyway so I removed KSP and reinstalled. I started up a NEW install and loaded this save with no problems. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0wiqeq7zwy2bb4/KSS.sfs?dl=0 Can you tell me the exact text of the error? Can you open the save file in a text editor and verify that it looks like this Save file GAME { version = 1.1.2 Title = Community Space Station (SANDBOX) Description = No description available. linkURL = linkCaption = Mode = SANDBOX Status = 1 scene = 7 editor = None flag = Squad/Flags/hexagon launchID = 62 modded = True envInfo = - Environment Info - Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP_x64.exe - PARAMETERS { . . . Are you running 32bit or 64 bit?
  10. As far as I know these missions are unique... Landing a winged dresderoid on the VAB. Threading the Needle: Flying one craft through another in opposing low Mun orbit. Threading the Needle II. One ship passing through another orbiting at 90° Landing a plane on the island tower: Capture A, B, C, D, E asteroids, join them together in orbit around the Mun, then crash them into KSC.
  11. It started as an exercise to test the post 1.1 performance improvements and turned into an epic rescue. 790 parts when docked with the station. 581 Kerbals returned from the Mun.
  12. Here's my last save which should be the latest. I just tested the save... downloaded it (from my dropbox link) and tested it again... then removed all my mods and tested it a third time. It's working for me. But I'm the one who created it. Can someone who's seeing the problem post the exact text of the error? Does the debug log shed any light on the problem?
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