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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. That spaceplane on a booster concept is so very Gundam-ish
  2. For some reason I find it hilarious when you mentioned the thing just vibrating to pieces. Maybe outer space was too cold and it started shivering. Lol.
  3. Ah well I missed the boat - but to be fair I had only started Kerbaling a few days ago, and have gotted much much more out of $10 than I ever had. Well, except for $10 of petrol for some backroad rat bike action that is
  4. @FLX - awesome, it would be the perfect place to post my F-104 I thought, if no one else made one I\'d post it in all the variants I made, from air to surface attack to high altitude rocket boosted versions. (Saw one F104 with a booster used for experimental flights to >70,000ft - the Kerbalised one can reach orbit )
  5. On the previous page\'s discussions, perhaps on the UI there just needs to be a big red button with a soothing glow, marked by the words DONT PANIC
  6. Lol! Disintegrates if left alone! I think Scotty needs to divert more power to the structural integrity fields! hehe
  7. LOL that is the most awesome flight log I\'ve seen. Might want to put additional bracing at the bottom to counter the oscillations. The added rigidity might make the thing more efficient during launch too.
  8. I wondered when someone would design a monster like the Rodger Young of Starship Troopers. The sheer size of such a thing could probably make it to the Moon and back. If it could even lift off the pad. The problem is making it work after spending days and weeks to construct an absolutely ginormous stack with -somehow- enough thrust to mass ratio to get there and back again.
  9. Welcome to the most fun redneck engineered space program today What are you waiting for? Blow up more stuff Btw, epic emergency separation right before crashing.
  10. This would be awesome to have. A chase plane with an auto-camera function brings life to the KSP (the space program that is) And it does make good use of KSP\'s graphical engine too - viewing failed stages go out of control with engines burning really does look good... and when it impacts you wait a number of seconds for the sound to arrive just like in reality
  11. Right now my \'autopilot\' is the advanced SAS module which functions as a good \'attitude hold\' autopilot for winged or aero-stabilised rockets. How good it works depends on your design of course...
  12. Here\'s where I\'m wishing for simple orbital flight instruments and velocity vector indicator ala Orbiter
  13. Thanks for the welcome And today is a great day because the author of the C7 aviation pack released some new experimental parts. Tried them last night - I had a go designing a small and simple \'interceptor\' spaceplane, which worked albeit with far-future levels of performance (No realistic ISP option here unlike Orbiter\'s DG and XRs). Then some sort of mega jumbo jet which ended up having major issues as I hadn\'t considered how to launch such a giant winged aircraft vertically, and had fuel supply problems despite the wing parts being \'crossfeed capable\'. I guess that will be my Spruce Goose project.
  14. I don\'t mind giving this a try. I always wondered if the stock canards could be used to create an interesting rocket-based aircraft with good efficient gliding properties.
  15. Wow, last year I tried Orbiter, but didn\'t really get into it. I was more into atmospheric and low orbit ops and never bothered to learn interplanetary transfers. Imagine my enthusiasm when I saw this \'land speed record\' challenge on the other site - I promptly downloaded KSC and had a go! Managed to hit Mach 1 on my first design and now trying to make a usable spaceplane. There might not be a lot of parts right now but I love the fact that everything is up to your imagination! Especially enjoy the individual canards and the way the advanced stabilisation system works like a fly-by-wire / inertial damper. It\'s something that opens up a lot of new options with regards to airframe design and using the FBW to keep things tidy. Flying unstable airframes is pretty much a crazy task but with the right setup you can do a lot of fun things like breaking the sound barrier with an underpowered ship below 1500m, and do a Pugachev\'s Cobra before deploying the recovery chute Something you can spend a night playing with like this: I might hang around, document my wierd creations, learn some new stuff, and definitely would like to see this game and community grow. It\'s such a well constructed game - easy to pick up yet insanely hard to master!
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