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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. Hi! I'm a longtime lurker; having played very early alphas way back at the end of 2011 I moved on to play and manage a fan community for other sandbox games, where I inexplicably built nothing but ridiculously complex air and space craft. I picked up KSP again at .24, made even more ridiculously complex aircraft for the past few months. Now, I finally updated to .90 and guess what I'm making next? That's right. More fat planes!
  2. I enjoyed TAC-LS immensely when conducting long-duration missions in .24 last year. I am patiently waiting for TAC to be updated to .90 before starting a 'serious' career game in the current version
  3. Buried deep in my Screenshots folder are some interesting usage of PFs dating all the way back from version 0.24.2! I actually spent months on these cargo aircraft with huge internal walk-in/drive-in volumes and are simply PFs with locked shape used to cover internal frames. It's quite a different experience from stock KSP building as I needed to create an actual frame to handle all the static and dynamic loads an aircraft would go through in the air and on the ground. Now that I've finally updated to 0.90 I look forward to see what the current crop of PFs have to offer to a new generation of Strategic Bacon Lifters
  4. Hi. I am this lazy person who never updated the game for months because of lame excuses like "real life" and "sheep" but really I got the KSP and a smattering of mods setup just right for v0.24.2 so I decided to be a virtual hermit and enjoy primitive isolationism in the universe while I tend to the flock. For months on end I have fruitlessly toiled for dozens of odd hours to work on a concept that proved ambitious but rubbish - we don't really need walk in or drive in cargo aircraft do we? What's there to haul about? Just like the previous century, hundreds of prototype planes were sent to the boneyards because they were obsolete even before they were built! Mine are no exception. Setting inspired by this scene Now that I actually updated to 0.90, maybe I'll revisit the pork planes once I get my favorite mods running in .90 and OMG procedural wings, B9 Aerospace parts OMG! Is there an actual demand for full-sized, realistic strategic pork lifters? We'll see if transporting enough premium pork to feed an entire continent of starving Kerbals is a necessity in our Bacon Space Program. But for now, revel in the monument of utter stupidity that are the Planes of Pure Pork : More Rubbish Screenshots Here For clarification, these huge aircraft are built with internal frames covered by Procedural Fairings mounted horizontally. They are flown with F.A.R. I could also create working doors for the back end but out of laziness I test flew the pork planes with the back end open. The "small" one, about the relative size/capability of a C-27J Spartan, simply kneels on a quartet of lander legs and retracts the aft landing gear so you could drive little rovers or walk into it.
  5. Luft46 designs definitely look very Kerbal. Kerbal + C7 pack, to be precise. Some of them look way ahead of their time and have concepts that found their way, big or small, into Cold War and even modern aircraft too. P.215 = SpaceShipOne type tail fins.
  6. 'I learned that from Richard Hammond in the \'How to Make Your Own Top Gear Film\' DVD'.
  7. This is the (not so) secret winglet attachment rule! Use two hardpoints on both sides of the tail fin to create a T tail. Note that for some fuselages they can\'t take the weight of a large T tail and will snap right off, so testing and structural reinforcement is key. For a bomber sized craft you will also need to attach struts to the ends of the horizontal stabilisers to prevent them flexing too much in flight (which will be a big issue if you\'re using C7\'s \'heavy duty\' control surfaces. That\'s the inspiration for the V tail, heh. Problem is I could not do a big enough V tail for the huge slow Badger replica so it ended up a sort of double V.
  8. I am unsure if an L-point relay satellite is viable. Is station keeping difficult within the L-point?
  9. Ironically the concept of flying fireballs did appear in pre-war science fiction magazines - I am actually reading all those vintage Astounding Stories of Super Science magazines which by modern standards is actually of higher writing quality and more engaging than many of the writers of today. So now we know that the Nazis were so desperate to turn the tides that they resort to putting DC Comics concepts to the drawing board... then making them. Sadly focusing on the one-off and experimental is not the way to win a world war.
  10. Someone gave you a soft object to cuddle while you were out. Might be a pillow but you don\'t really care.
  11. Its exactly 12 hours behind my timezone. Today in STO I unlocked the duty officer system. Very interesting strategy \'mini\' game and does make you feel the complexity and size of the Trek universe ships. And oh look a video :3 Star Trek Online - Intense Space and Ground Combat
  12. I vote C by C because we simply don\'t have the mass interest to create a turn by turn story right now. It will get boring if I replied you 95% of the time.
  13. Oh that, just ignore it, it\'s not that big anyway. Because right now you can earn skill points for individual starship and ground combat kills, sometimes you just have a few skill points left that can\'t be assigned anywhere. I\'ll happily meet you gentlemen during the weekends. Weekdays, the timezone will be a problem because gaming time for the US is morning office hours for me. In the meantime I talked to some veterans and we got a fleet started for our own social purposes. Makes the galaxy more fun if you have people to share notes with, and in future team up a few cruisers to task force missions. PM me if you want the fleet\'s contact. Then you can use the \'social\' page of the game to find them. Gameplay wise this is the most customisable and flexible Trek game I\'ve played in ages. The weapon and systems slots for the basic NCL (advanced light cruiser) class you start the game with may be very limited (2 fore 1 aft weapon slots), but you could create anything from a close range phaser gunship, or convert it into a fast torpedo boat to annoy larger ships with. You do have to spend some time walking around to learn where to get all the ship modifications done, and where to get the parts, but its very rewarding. There are different classes and mounts for the same weapon, such as fixed heavy cannons, turrets, and classic single or dual phaser banks. Once you got the ship\'s configuration sorted out, shop around the Exchange (player market) to get some low cost \' pre - owned \' bridge consoles. These are special subsystems that enhance specific weapon systems or ship abilities. Right now I\'m using a full photon torpedo loadout with improved variable geometry detonators. Since this type of ship is a hit and run unit that possibly will be taking quite a bit of enemy fire, the engineering subsystem is setup for increased damage resilience. Then support this equipment setup with your character\'s (Captain\'s) skillset for a pretty foolproof solution. Higher ranked officers can make experimental ships with \'alien\' weapons that are normally outside the Starfleet order of battle; things like plasma cannons and disruptors were encountered on a rare basis even in more serious strategy oriented games such as Starfleet Command 1 & 2 as well. The good thing about STO tactical combat is that you do not necessarily need to go close to the enemy (although most others kind of like close in dogfights). Just use continuous phaser strikes on the same shield to bring it down then a few precision strikes from overloaded photon torpedoes does the rest. Use your officers\' special abilities to create overloaded shots, ECM, etc, while captain\'s skills are for maneuvering the ship with increased speed and precision. Maneuvering the ship to surgically place strikes on the enemy vessel from maximum range, slipping them past downed shields is quite the art. Simply blasting away aimlessly is quite ineffective especially with the standard weapons loadout. Single-shot overloaded photons can blow marauder battleships to pieces, if done right.
  14. Too close to working hours to be safe, but I can catch you next time, no worries. The single player missions will take up a lot of your time anyway!
  15. Sounds awesome, because for all my youtube searching, there\'s only one mention of a rocket launch. Go and make a bigger one
  16. Every man would panic in this situation, faced with the possibility of passing out in 15 seconds due to catastropic loss of suit pressure... But you don\'t, because you remember that about 4 decades ago there was a cartoon called Macross and the main character managed to survive decompression with only a helmet and flight suit, after bandaging himself up! If you remembered right, there were giant tuna fish in space too! So amid an epic outflow of valuable gases which spew Mun dust everywhere, you calmly take a huge piece of plastic wrap and feather-soft packing to encase your leg in, duct-taping it to the open end of your space suit. There, nothing like duct tape and a bit of anime influence. It\'s not just McGyvering, its redneck engineering! Just then, you see a giant fish floating past. It looked like a silver tuna, and it was huge, the head itself was like 5 meters tall. You decide you MUST catch the fish, if only so you can post an epic photograph to Facebook later - not only did you have lunch on the Mun, you caught the biggest tuna in the whole universe too! Hmm, facebook, must log on. *You ask Siri to turn on the 3G and open the web browser*
  17. Forgive me but I loled at the awsum speeling Big lols too.
  18. Technically the FSW (forward swept wing) should decrease effective stall speed and also make ailerons effective during post stall maneuvers. I am unsure if the FSW affects maximum Mach speed as the bow shockwave will inevitably hit the wingtips during supersonic flight. However they should be made much more expensive than normal wings due to the composite anti-twisting materials required. That or make it heavier, if conventional materials are simulated.
  19. @Jelly - With your permission I would like to solve the stability problem of your missiles. I can also make a cruise missile out of it, with primitive WW2 style attitude hold autopilot. lol.. RE: New updates - the bicoupler was exactly what I was dreaming about earlier. The forward swept wings are also totally awesome. X-29!
  20. There are some limitations to free accounts such as no forum postings and a in game credit limit but trust me it has no effect on the awesomeness. I\'m not about to earn ten million credits anytime soon. since you play a Starfleet officer, the requisitions of ship systems and equipment are pretty competently handled by the single player quest. Because it was a payware game before, the community is tight and there are some awesome senior players to tag around with if you are lucky to catch them. A few of us intend to roleplay a bunch of characters from Stargate SG1 just so we happened to run into a Jack O Neill earlier this morning. lol.[reply now in correct place] Must be ECM from the Orion Raiders I was combating earlier.
  21. What? I am pretty sure I was at the Good Free Games thread, as displayed on my phone. BAD ANDROID.
  22. There are some limitations to free accounts such as no forum postings and a in game credit limit but trust me it has no effect on the awesomeness. I\'m not about to earn ten million credits anytime soon. since you play a Starfleet officer, the requisitions of ship systems and equipment are pretty competently handled by the single player quest. Because it was a payware game before, the community is tight and there are some awesome senior players to tag around with if you are lucky to catch them. A few of us intend to roleplay a bunch of characters from Stargate SG1 just so we happened to run into a Jack O Neill earlier this morning. lol.
  23. Star Trek Online became free to play last week. I tried it any found it surprisingly entertaining despite the dated graphics. it\'s rather Trekky in its gameplay and backstory but that does add to the immersion and fun. Ship combat is a mix of Starfleet Command that\'s as fast paced and customisable as Lineage. be warned that if you are a hardcore Trekker you will find that pretty much no one cares about Starfleet regs. But seeing an entire Federation armada hovering over Earth after a mission is totally epic. sort of like a free Eve Online or something.
  24. That\'s why you need a Lun http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lun-class_ekranoplan
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