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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. Sounding rocket parts are great fun. Use them as boosters for light scout aircraft, or use Tweakscale and make cute little cruise missiles with scientific payload for those boring long range survey missions. The payload trusses can also make your interplanetary probes look that much more sinister...
  2. Thanks for your time on the matter. I've seen the microstutter issue reported by a grand total of 2 other persons/posts in this thread, via a forum search yesterday, so it might be an isolated or minor incident caused by well, something. I'm just curious about the issue, since DRE works splendidly in every other fashion. My computer runs KSP at a reasonably decent framerate, capped at 80 with v-sync on. It's a new lite gaming laptop with 3.1 GHZ i7 processor, nVidia 850M, 8GB RAM and Windows 8.1. No problems at all with KSP @ 1080p unless I run multi-thousand part vehicles. Last night I installed DRE just before operating a training jet comprised of 28 parts to let a new pilot gain experience in Career mode and noticed that although the frame rates were high, but every 2 to 4 seconds, the game seems to pause for a few tenths of a second. [wikipedia - microstutter] As I've not had such issues before, so I thought to catalog the issue and see if it appears again in future. The only mods I recently installed over the past two days are DRE (current stable version) and FF. I'll see about removing one or the other fixes the issue and report back if its DRE causing the issue; the current KSP version has been rock solid on FAR and some part mods for quite some time now.
  3. I'll get to testing this soon. I like the idea of having a proper autopilot for those long haul survey flights.
  4. I seem to have a micro-stutter by using FAR & the current official version of DRE, the slight stutter occurs once every 4 seconds. This issue is observed during atmospheric flight.
  5. Hi, I would do this myself but the KSP wiki seems to be down today. I'd like to have long black smoke trails for some F-4 Phantom II incomplete combustion reminiscence. How do I modify a stock jet trail to have more persistence and paint the sky black?
  6. I have a observation along the lines of this although I have not installed TAC for my .90 What would happen if a real manned spacecraft loses all power? Pretty sure the endurance of the crew would exceed more than 2-3 hours. They will lose heat and ventilation but observing the events of Apollo 13, our Kerbonauts would survive more than the 2-3 hours depicted in TAC's stock settings. Unless of course the Kerbonauts just sit there and let themselves perish from hypothermia or something. Anyone have any opinion of this?
  7. So descent rates of 10 m/s followed by rapid disassembly shouldn't have any adverse health effects, right?
  8. Darn, the things you learn from KSP forums Okay, how does one connect the front end of the cow to the methane intake, while still feeding the cow from the same end?
  9. This blocky thing disappears at lower orbits. The reflection on the planet doesn't display properly. Does anyone have a fix for this? System specs: Windows 8.1 Core i7 nVidia Geforce GTX850M 8Gb RAM
  10. In addition to VAB music I also have fond memories of old SimCity games from the sheer retro-ness of this tune!
  11. Decided to go all "Ambitious But Rubbish" in my first 0.90 Career Mode (super hard) survey aircraft. More like a manned cruise missile but it's my first ever (barely) controllable lifting body so I decided to record some of the hilarious epic fails and some stellar successes (like learning how to fly the lifting body without ripping off the stabilizers). I was surprised the current version of FAR allows for underbody airfoils - in 0.24.2 the underbody wings would act like they had blocked airflow (0 lift 0 drag).
  12. Seriously, on extreme hard difficulty, having to buy parts after unlocking them seriously impeded my ability to go anywhere, so after poking around on Wikipedia I decided to build a plane without wings. Or landing gear. Yes, I hadn't spent the 90 Science points on the landing gear tree because I am stingy and want moar bigger boosters from "up there". "Ambitious But Rubbish" hilarity ensued. And a few spectacular visuals from a wingless object fattened with Procedural Fairings zipping around at jetliner speed. Disclaimer: No Kerbals were harmed in the making of the above video, thanks to Revert to Hangar!
  13. Wow, that's going to tick off the people at Health & Safety. I have a suggestion to avoid endangering our dear Kerbonauts to exposure. Cows. Connect the back end of a cow to some sort of methane tank and feed the cow. Cow produces methane, methane is pumped into some sort of system to compress and refine it and you'd have a biological propellant facility in space. I suspect we could also connect the septic plumbing of the spacecraft to the biomethane factory for an added boost to flatuency. In such a case, we just hook Jeb up to the space toilet funnel attachment, turn the vacuum on and feed him endless supplies of beans, chili and onion. There we go, no more "returning from Jool is impossible" complaints.
  14. Don't worry, maybe Top Gear can pick up the research where you left off. Their engineering motto after all, is Ambitious But Rubbish
  15. There is a quickfix link on the opening post of this thread but when I click on it, nothing happens. Could someone be kind enough to repost a working link here please?
  16. For those having issues with very high takeoff speeds, try the following: Designate some forward-placed control surface or canard as a "flap". I like using a leading edge control surface as a flap to increase the angle of incidence of the combined wing, easing the task of rotation or low speed approach. Another factor to consider is how the craft sits on the ground. If its nose low then at takeoff velocity the wing planform is generating a lot of downforce instead of lift. I don't have screenshots on this computer (might add them later), but I set the aircraft's rear wheels to be slightly higher up on the fuselage so the aircraft when sitting on the ground, has a nose-up attitude. This allows me to have reliable rotation speeds at realistic values like 120 - 160 kts (60-80m/s approximately). Real aircraft landing gear also design their landing gear to have the optimal takeoff attitude.
  17. From mucking about with FAR over the past several months, leading edge control surfaces can have a very large impact on lift and maneuverability. Just a few degrees of fixed trim or pitch angle can make an unflyable design workable.
  18. Here's a light/medium tactical transport aircraft with walk-in interior volume that you can construct with minimal mods - you could swap out the Kethane-derived unducted fans with basic jet nacelles and she'll fly just as well. The fuselage is created from Procedural Fairings in order to be airworthy with FAR aerodynamics. This type of construction is CPU inefficient and made obsolete by 'modern' B9 parts but still fun to construct as an engineering exercise, as you need to build from scratch the interior structure to bear both static and inflight loads. She's in the same general size/weight class as a C-27J Spartan and small rovers can drive into the cargo bay. The interior structure has dozens upon dozens of hardpoints so you could take apart the fairing, reconfigure the interior systems in any way you wanted (like add vertical rockets for STOL capability) and put the fairing back on again in minutes. The name of the .craft file is a misnomer. I did want to create a C-130 class transport but upon completion underestimated the sheer (lack of) size for Kerbal-scaled aircraft. A 3 meter fuselage (shown below) looks big on screen and consists of 250+ parts but didn't add up to the intended design objective. I later built a 8 engined C-5 Galaxy type aircraft which had upwards of 540 parts.
  19. I've been away from KSP for a long while and poked around with 0.24+ last year during breaks at work. I ended up piecing together various mad aircraft together on the old FAR versions. Since I spent literally weeks and months on each aircraft type I couldn't bear to part with them so decided to make a compilation as sort of early-F.A.R. homage. I was wanting to demonstrate the use of spoilers and flaps to the Reddit KSP community too.
  20. I made a video of my old planes as a chronicle to try and 'convince' me to fire up B9+0.90! Nothing like a vintage near-stock airshow before sending the old pork planes to the boneyard, right? lol
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