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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. That reminds me - we need a huge bombing target on the ground with the SOPA logo. I will send my armada of Cold War replica aircraft and bomb said target and post it on youtube.
  2. I like the look of terror on all 3 of the little green men. Now are they terrified of the impact forces, or the fact that they will all die very slowly
  3. Vostok 1! Now that\'s something worthy of roleplaying.. in Kerbalese fashion.
  4. @RedDwarf\'s entry from VETO aerospace looks slick and streamlined. Not that the earlier entries aren\'t awesome. They\'re epic... reminds me of some sort of Da Vinci sci fi craft with all the multi-plane configurations and all.
  5. That\'s my next topic of aviation history research. Definitely piqued my interest
  6. New challenge - spam mun and kerbin with many, many anti SOPA satellites.
  7. We definitely need turboprop engines. For a Pucara, C-130, etc
  8. All future rockets shall have the KSP-standard anti SOPA module! Launch them to infinity, and beyond!
  9. I kind of feel like making an enormous cargo aircraft to see if its possible to air-launch an ICBM. Because Tom Clancy :3
  10. Here\'s wishing for a bail out function for aircraft. Or ejection seats. Then we can see cute little kerbinauts jumping out of the stricken C-5!
  11. Could use a like button here right about now. *likes*
  12. I got a Tu16 replica flyable in a rather short time, once I knew the strengths and weaknesses of KSP\'s current aircraft components. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO-fLEqPdbc As Russians seem to love, I made a huge antiship missile out of an SRB which... surprisingly launches and flies perfectly. I found the basic design a bit too stable so I added a lifting body section under the engine nacelles with a small LERX (leading edge root extension) which made the low altitude maneuverability of this medium bomber very interesting. The shareable Tu16 replica probably will come without LERXes as currently it\'s only flyable with a joystick. Let\'s just say, stability is too relaxed
  13. For screenshots either use fraps to save screenshots or even better, irfanview which is faster and free.
  14. With 12 boosters around a central command module I think this thing can reach Mach 2.0 at low Kerbin altitude.
  15. I am just keeping the thread & discussion alive on the OP\'s behalf - my first time playing KSP and I saw a website doing a \'land speed record\' - max speed under 1500m altitude using C7 parts. I thought to approach the problem the \'realistic\' way and use a small aircraft to do the job. Back then the competition only had slower conventional aircraft being posted and the top speed was anything from 200-300m/s. This broke the sound barrier (for just a second) using an SRB and two small \'turborockets\' with minimal fuel load from the C7 parts pack. Building this thing got me addicted to KSP because of the 'Chuck Yeager\'s X-1' feeling of going past Mach 1 for the first time on a redneck engineered rocket plane. Since I had a strange habit of launching along the coast using the little islands as navigation points, my recovery point was a lake, or rather, a few lakes further downrange. The then-record setting Mach 1 run got me so elated at getting the flight profile right, I forgot to disengage the inertial compensator (SAS) and the plane refused to turn causing it to land short of the lake. Then I cut in a video of a later flight which did not hit the target speed of 332m/s but was lake-landed smoothly and correctly. The record was soon surpassed by out of this world parallel-mounted SRB only stacks that could hit almost Mach 2! (I have posted this on other threads so ignore if you\'ve seen it ) p/s, though pathetically slow by later standards this little speedster was very fun to fly with 3 different stages. It\'s deliberately unstable so I can do a high-alpha stall to deploy the recovery parachute to land. First stage - ASAS controlled vertical launch Second stage - climb to 1500m on sustainer motors with flight controls in semi-automatic mode (SAS, with manual override for control surfaces) Third stage - Fire SRB and terminal dive just as the fuel runs out.
  16. And I was thinking of wearing Roman-esque armour or chainmail to motorcycle events. lol.
  17. Lets put them on every starship that takes to the skies! Devs, make a decal for it. Historical protest.
  18. ASAS is helpful when I create deliberately unstable designs off real world fighters. Things with a rearward CG can be made to point the nose fast in one direction then use ASAS to get it flying straight without spinning out. Snap direction changes could be made in this \'cheating\' manner, where manual control means stalling and spinning out. Not tried a course as tight as yours yet, so point noted
  19. Ah yes I overlooked the fact the T-38 model is more or less complete. Now we just need an in-game chase AI. .... which could be used for Top Gun style ACM practise too. Evade the chase plane
  20. After all its Kerbal, and not Earth, and they -might- have antigrav technology. Hehehe. More seriously though, this competition course could be used for a future \'KerbalFighter 2012\' competition between various defence contractors. Consider my interest piqued lol. A template for this flyoff might be: Fighter aircraft with single engine, carrying a pair of air to air missiles. Top speed of at least 300m/s at 1500m altitude. (minimal drag, moderate to high wing loading) C7 parts to be used, experimental parts are probably fine provided they come from C7 himself. No (A)SAS assistance. No magic turbine lol.
  21. You might get flattened keyboard buttons along the way.
  22. For this \'seaplane carrier\' challenge you probably need the pontoons featured here. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4873.15 Otherwise you might end up dunking a whole boatload of fuel tanks as sacrificial buoyancy.
  23. If I read this right eventually we can program a Shuttle like orbital launch procedure... which would be 110% awesome.
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