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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. Awesome thing. I select option D too - the first three options are just too obvious. Need guerilla tactics and recon the area before deciding if a home run in the open is even a good idea. Player character needs to stock up on combat equipment. No rifle, no go. ((Inventory check request??))
  2. Welcome to KSP, where fuel is unlimited and the more explosions you have, the more fun it is. Of course, actually reaching the Mun is a bonus objective You\'ll be landing space fortresses up there in no time whatsoever, judging from the number of mega mun expeditions I\'ve seen so far.
  3. Reaper gunboats!? It\'s Joss Whedon\'s Firefly!
  4. Seconded wing area issue. Though I must say the ship was very well put together! Those liquid fuel stages are VERY heavy. The wing area looks like what I\'d use for a 3 engined 1 meter hull supersonic interceptor carrying... no more than 6 missiles. That\'s considered a very light fighter by some standards. However the Avalanche currently has 4 2 meter fuselages and two huge LF engines with fuel tanks. Definitely need a much bigger wing area to fly it. You may also have the heavy liquid fuel engines at the back weighing down the back of the ship too much making it fall to the ground tail-first regardless of how much lift you have. Also, for this kind of mass, the ship is way too short to fly like an aircraft. Length in terms of KSP C7\'s spaceplanes like a car\'s wheelbase - the longer it is the higher the stability you have and the more horsepower you can cram into the hood without upsetting the handling. Currently the craft has something like a turbo Hayabusa engine in a Smart car. It probably just spins round and round the moment you up the power. Looks stable for vertical launch as you have described, because vertically it is well balanced. Transforming it into a multi-plane would probably work to keep the sleek and well put together profile but... it\'s much easier to stick a pair of mega wings (the huge ones) to the side if you want to keep the LF engines... or if you get rid of the LF stacks you could transform it into a delta winged spaceplane easy enough! So at this point Avalanche II would either have to be: 1. Tri-rocket delta wing light spaceplane (using C7 engines) 2. Huge liquid fuelled cargo lifter (retain liquid fuel rocket engines)
  5. It works pretty much identical to the artificial horizon on aircraft but adapted for spaceflight. It should be instinctive to note how the ball is \'locked\' to the horizon and thus, tells you your vehicle\'s current attitude. To use the more advanced features of KSP\'s artificial horizon you need to know how \'normal\' flight looks first - what does a climb, a dive and rolling looks? After that get used to orienting vertically and fly your rocket vertically for the first 10km or so then orient it somewhere towards the Mun. Note the heading and pitch angle. And how you\'re steadily gaining speed and will eventually reach orbit if you have enough engine power. It may sound like a pointless exercise that does not follow any instructional procedure for spaceflight - but the spirit of the thing is that once you got the hang of how a launch, coast and re-entry looks like, you\'re well on your way to learning how to achieve targeted orbits, etc.
  6. I like how \'slow\' and graceful everything looks. Retro instrument panel is easy on the eyes too.
  7. I see it as an aerodynamic issue - can your aircraft\'s re-entry stage fly 'straight and level'? I reckon Leeksoup, try and fly a more simple design first. The usual problems with spaceplane designs are as follows: 1. Centre of gravity too far front / back 2. Centre of lift too far front / back from centre of gravity 3. Asymmetrical thrust 4. Unbalanced thrust (too many engines at the wrong place will destabilise the plane) 5. Insufficient / unbalanced lift 6. Insufficient / overpowered control surface authority Almost anything will launch fine pointed straight up, but without subsonic low altitude flight testing I won\'t bother trying to recover anything. Work the bugs out stage by stage before you try a complete orbital launch and recovery for easier troubleshooting. For an unpowered gliding ship, you also need to do glide tests to make sure its recoverable. It\'s very hard to diagnose the issue without at least a picture but for a quick fix - you may want to try getting a single engine space \'fighter\' type plane up and down again first. Try using RCS and ASAS to hold re-entry attitude and transition to fixed wing flight at about 20km altitude. If the aircraft flies decently well at low altitude then just add more thrust without upsetting the balance of the design. It\'s easy to reach orbital altitude now anyway because C7\'s \'jet\' engines do not lose power as they go higher. (more realistic service ceilings are being looked at in the future)
  8. For a basic attitude hold \'autopilot\' just orient the craft and hit the SAS button. All you need is an ASAS module to manage RCS and airfoils for you.
  9. Pilot probably finds these rear view mirrors handy for reverse parking it on the carrier
  10. I wonder if it might be easier to have a red angry bird command pod. Cos its round. Lol.
  11. That is awesome design right there! Talk about an ekranoplan style / seaplane carrier. The only little suggestion I have is try and change the tail to a 'V' type so the fighter can land on the deck from the rear (less hazardous)
  12. All it needs now are lasers, autocannons and LRMs. Then, pew pew pew sounds.
  13. Oh don\'t worry, should one of your prototypes clip a munar mountain, the concept of lithobraking is perfectly Kerbal
  14. Here\'s the proof http://mashable.com/2012/01/20/sopa-is-dead-smith-pulls-bill/
  15. SOPA HAS BEEN KILLED http://mashable.com/2012/01/20/sopa-is-dead-smith-pulls-bill/
  16. World War 3 - starts with cyber warfare. The group 'Anonymous' has taken down many government websites in retaliation in an operation named 'Payback', targeting major anti-piracy organisations. http://www.mercurynews.com/bay-area-news/ci_19777444?source=most_viewed http://thenextweb.com/uk/2010/10/17/anonymous-takes-down-government-website-in-operation-payback/
  17. Lets see if you can put the words 'protest' and 'anti-SOPA' into your keywords, see if it can attract more google/youtube search viewers. With 105 views and 5 \'likes\', I think it\'s a small step for kerbinkind but... (insert the rest)
  18. Basically I think OP wants a \'manly\' rocket that.. Thrusts like a Saturn V Goes ballistic like a Soyuz emergency re-entry. 8G re-entry ftw lol. Anyway in game terms, vehicle must survive a free-fall landing, that\'s all.
  19. Awesome stuff there. It\'s been decades since I caught up with those interesting Cold War tech. The first time I came across the ALBM concept was reading in Clancy\'s novels about the evil Chinese putting a redneck engineered ICBM in a cargo aircraft and dropping it out of the cargo bay suspended on a parachute. Get it to orient at the correct angle suspended on said chute and light it off.
  20. This is the most awesome development news I\'ve seen Hmmm... submersible aircraft carrier. Drool.
  21. That reminds me - we need a huge bombing target on the ground with the SOPA logo. I will send my armada of Cold War replica aircraft and bomb said target and post it on youtube.
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