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Everything posted by Warzouz

  1. Event with the CTRL+Z/Y, it would be cool to have a button. Let's think as new players !
  2. I succeeded, but the ship tilted into the water. I wasn't able to raise it and it blew when I started the engines. I use to cut the SAS on landing (to avoid wobbling), maybe I could let it on. I could try to move fuel, but most of my tanks are quite high.
  3. This is true, especially the SAS. Personnally, I've recently noticed somme wobbling (without SAS or SmartAss) on the ground with a SSTO lander that has landed multiple times without wobbling. But the wobbling was very small but noticeable despite the landing struts suspension. It disapeared when lifting off.
  4. This link is very intersting. It seems I did a loosy job when being short of fuel with my 3500dv light lander... hopfully at only few meters of the ground. My ship survived the 30m/s lithobraking.
  5. OK, thx for the advices. Last week, my first attempt to land on dryland finished in a splash by night (because of a too adventurous third aerobraking), but my ship dislocated. I'll retry at very low speed. But I'm not sure the ship will stay upward. My 2 chutes are too small to slow the ship correctly (that was expected). but it manages to drop at 25m/s. I've only to fine tune the speed to than 7m/s. I think that this low speed is because the landing struts have no effects and non suspension. So the impact speed is dealt to each parts. The water should act as a natural suspension. On Tylo, I hit the ground at 30m/s (no more fuel) with the medium landing trust and it did well (not even bouncing).
  6. By the way, how to splash without destroying the ship ?
  7. Ok, I succeeded with my light weight lander. I started at 40km and followed the retrograde then kill lateral velocity first and keeping vertical under control. At less than 600m, I activated MechJeb for landing (anywhere) because I was a bit overwhelmed. It misses a bit of fuel and hit the ground at nearly 30m/s. The medium landing struts did well. Nothing broken. Hopefully the area was very flat !. Without fuel the landing ship is 1000kg. The TWR is 2 and it had 3500dv. The escape pod is 300Kg without fuel (with an overkill 9.8 TWR and 2800dv). I did 10 experiments.
  8. I'm not sure that's relevant to this thread, but I'm sometime stuck with some craft I can't do. I've a multipart payload (for example 2 ships linked by decoupler or docking rings). When I want to switch top and bottom ships, the desconnected part has only 1 node to attach to. So I can only attache upside down. So I usually have to dismantel one ship piece by piece... Is it the way, or do I miss someting ?
  9. I'm also in a middle of a Jool exploration. I've built 2 lander for Tylo. The first one is a 15T SSTO with 6000dV and 2 LV-N (no additionnal engines). The TWR is nearly 1.0 fully loaded with fuel. I hope to slow down horizontal velocity THEN (as TWR rise) go to the ground. I hope tyhat will do (and the pilot too) The second one is a lightweight staged vehicle. 1 tank of fuel and 4 rockamax 48S. The landing stage (with science) stays on ground and the pilot lift off on a "flying chair" pushed by another rockamax 48S. I don't recall the TWR, but it's higher. Each ship is trucked by a tug at low Tylo orbit. I'll make the attempt soon.
  10. OK thx a lot for this link. Its more clear now.
  11. I did it with a medium strategy. I was doing some aerobraking, but my 3 orbit drove me in the water during the night... Then I tried after 2 aerobraking a classical retrograde to fall on an island. Touch down ! I managed to get to 500km orbit and rendez-vous orbit wih the station.
  12. Another question about docking : I d'ont quie understand how KSP manage ship before and after docking. Let's say I have a mother ship and some kind onf sub-ship. Both have names and actions groups, ressources and crew. I'm in the sub ship and I dock with the mothership. My ship "vanish" and is merged into the mother ship. Ressources are shared, crew can transfert from seat to seat. Only the Mother ship keeps it's name. Action groups are merges. - Crew : I can transfert the. Ok, no sweat - Ressources : Some are shard (elec, air intake), other can be transfered (fuel, RCS). OK - Action group : To get them manageable I have to prepare coherent action groups on each ships. If I set 1 to solar panels on one ship and 1 to toggle engines, it'll be a nice mess. - Staging : they are merged. If I'm on stage 3 on the mothership and stage 2 on my docking ship. What is the current stage on the resultaing stage. What will happen il I press spacebar ? - As my docked ship is now a part of the mother ship. As I undock the game spawns a new shipand sets a derivative name from the morther ship. Why can't I get my ship name back ? What is the rule for the mother ship. Would it be the same if I had docked the mothership on the sub-ship ? This feature is very nice, but it's not intuitive at all. It's quite strage the the docking ship merge and thus disapear.
  13. Is it possible to test on Kerbin by adding dead mass to the launcher ? In that cas how much ?
  14. I'm planning a my first landing on Laythe My station is at 500km from laythe. My laythe lander is a 16T rocket based SSTO which should be able to do the round trip. 2 basic jet engines and a LV30. I've added some small chutes to help reducing speed (I'll still need a boost to avoir crashing). I've tested it on Kerbin. As my initial option was to place the station at 70km. But I've decided to set up at 500km. I think I'll use one of my tugs to truck the lander to a lower orbit, then try to land My question : how do I manage to avoid falling into the water (my SSTO is not a plane) ? Is it better to start at low circular orbit and horizontal aerobrake or should I start on an eliptic orbit and drop form high altitude ? For now I don't car too much where I land on Kerbin and where I went to Duna, there was no problem either. Any insight ?
  15. Oui, mais l'O2 est justement un comburant, et du combustible, il y en a pas mal dans un vaisseau (tissus, peau...). Si la concentration d'O2 est suffisante, ont peut avoir des combustions très facilement. L'accident tragique d'Apollo 1 l'a démontré. Excès d'O2 et une étincelle = 3 morts. Mais le danger principal est effecivement le souffle et les débris.
  16. I'm relatively new to KSP, so I play nearly vanilla. I add some mod to ease things : things that are tiresome to do (multiple lauches, execute nodes), things I fail to do correctly (such as rendez-vous), things you couldn't do without (planing multiple missions) So mainly KER, MechJeb, Docking indicator, AlarmClock. Oh, and I added Chatter because is fun.
  17. Yes, it over compensate, but as the ship wobble, it enters some sort of resonnance. The torque add to the wobble. Generally, in this situation, cutting the SAS stops the wobble and you only have to steer manually. SmartAss doesn't have this issue. Steering muche smoother. Even if I have tall ships with few struts, there is nealy no wobbling.
  18. I've noticed most of my wobbeling is due to the SAS. The SAS steers the other way only when passing the target (node, direction...), not before to smooth things down. So it steers back and so on until resonating wobbling. To stop wobbeling, I ususally deactivate SAS or use Smart ASS from MechJeb. I've event noticed that SAS is incapable of handling high torque vessels (such as mini-tugs). It even isn't steering at the correct target, but still "vibrates". How do you handle wobbeling ? Further more, I think that some landing tip over are liked to the SAS module, especially on low gravity moons. Do you share this thought ?
  19. I agree. athmo of Laythe is way higher than 15km. I recenlty aerobrake at laythe. At 10 or 15km, you become a permanent resident of Laythe...
  20. OK, I removed 240 parts in 2 hours with KAS mod. This was quite fast and a good training for EVA. I'm down to 720 parts now. I reduced graphic options a little bit and now, it's totally manageable. I'm around 5 to 20FPS now, and context menus respond immediately (which was the main trouble). I could even remove MechJeb parts by editing the KAS a config file (copy paste and renaming). KAS is now removed. Job done !
  21. I tried with Bill, no special menu appear. No option. Only EVA. I must be another mod. I'll try with KAS Works perfectly with KAS. Already removes 50 items. Sadly I can't remove the big batteries.
  22. I'll try that mod too. I've counted around 250 useless parts I could remove. I'll try tonight. BTW, I don't think massless parts are not significative. They still ned to be rendered or lighted, and they provide functions (batteries, engines, generator). They can break under impact. They are only non massless for calculating drag and mass (as I understood). BTW do I need ladder on Vall ?
  23. I assembled a 13 mission space station over Laythe. When finished It had 950 parts... and a lot of lag. I'm a new to KSP and forgot about that. The trip went well as each part was shipped individually. I have a lot of docking rings : 20 on the station core and 2 ont the each of the 12 pieces (30 to 35 total). Every thing went smoothly until I reached 400/500 parts, then lag started. I'm looking to ways to remove parts directly on the station. I also added too many lights...
  24. I'm in a mission to Eeloo at the moment. I waited for the correct window but instead of firing at the ejection angle on the equator then do a plane correction at mid course, I fired with an inclinaison. To be able to fire with an inclinaison on the correct ejection angle point, I had to launch with the opposit angle on the other side of Kerbin. I circularised, did half an orbit and eject burn (with high TWR to avoid messing everything). When quiting the SOI, you get you effective inclinasion with the sun, which should match Eeloo's. In other word, I had to time my launch, rotate to the inclinaition angle then turn right (not east), circularize, do half an orbit to cross the equatorial near the ejection angle. Burn at that point. I had to redo that several time to get it right. The angle was too steep, or I launched too soon, so I didn't get the correct ejection angle on the other side or Kerbin. On my first attempt, I tried 11° (the inclination of Eeloo's orbit), I ended with 4° outside SOI (too low). The I tried 60° (too high), and finally 25° which seems to be roughly right, (a bit too steep). I corrected at mid course for a 400dv, instead of the usual 1300dv. Arrival in 1 year. This is my first trip to Eeloo.
  25. EVA is quite OK, it's the contextal menus and the big camera changes which are a pain. I'll try. But building a 13 launches space station around Laythe was already quite long. It took me nearly 20h, even I used MechJeb for rendez-vous and 80% of the launches. Encounter, course corrections, double aerobraking. I counted 12 manoeuver nodes per ship, not including the rendez-vous (auto-piloted by MechJeb). I did the final docking, because I like that a lot !
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