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Everything posted by Warzouz

  1. Relative speed shoud be nearly the same. But on an eliptic orbit, the speed is slow, so you'll have to wait a long time. On my Eeloo mikssion, I had an encounter after Apo. It was more than 1 year after crossing the orbit before Apo, even if it seems very near.
  2. How do you calculate ISP of a "meta-stage" when you have mutiple engines fireing different durations My "huge" first stage is - Small SRB destach first - Then 8 red tanks with Mainsails - Then 4 red tanks with mainsails - then 4 bigger tanks with mainsails - then the core with clustered engine Except SRB, all engines have ISP of 360 and descent TWR. DV is just enough to send to orbit 200T
  3. That would be stupid to have celestial bodies you can't get back from. This game is mainly about exploration. If you can't return from Eve, going to loose it's fun. Best to remove Eve, then.
  4. As I'm waiting for 1.0 to do some serious mission, I was tweaking my current various "first stage". For my Joolian mission, I had a 500T, but my second stage was too weak so I redesigned it. It ended being much heavier. So I had to redo my first stage too. The full rocket is now a 1130T monstruosity ! It was overfueled and some most of the parts (it was a 13 launches mission assembled around Laythe) used the first stage core to slow down on Jool arrival. Well... overfuelled I said ! I saw various designed stating 15% of payload to orbit efficiency. So I tester my first stage to really know what payload it as able to put to orbit. 200T at 200km with a cost of 2280Cr/T and a payload mass of 15.5%. Seems to be quite average. So I check other first stage. My previous first stage was able to launch 82T at 100km for a 15.24% and a 2450CR/T. But my older launcher I used for Duna car launch 63T to 100km orbit at surprising 17.7% payload mass and a 1970Cr/T. It's a very simple design using 1 mainsail and skippers So my questions : What are your launchers efficiency (discarding reusable ones) and cost per ton ? What do you do to optimize it ? What is you strategy (mutliple launches/single launch) ? PS : - Orbit is calculated as nearly no fuel left (less than 100m/s) - Payload efficiency = Paylod mass / Total rocket mass (including payload) - Cost/T = Cost of first stage (no payload) / payload mass
  5. 61000 I just returned with 41000 points from my Joolian mission. And another 18000 from my Eeloo survey (touchdown on every biome in only one mission). PS : I play in Science gamemode, not Career
  6. Hmmm, maybe it's always visible in "science" game mode ?
  7. But I have in flight information (default config). Is this triggered by a option somewhere ?
  8. (probably stupid question but...) What are the 2 parts for ?
  9. Well we had a discussion about that on another topic. The suicide burn on retrograde is far from being the easier solution for landing. You have to have a decent TWR. With lower TWR, this will always end crashing. With lower TWR, you have to kill horizontal while keeping vertical under control. Then switch to retrograde and land when horizontal is nearly killed. This is less efficient than suicide burn, but this is the only option with low TWR. With this technique, I was able to land and reorbit a 14T SSTO rocket with used dv of 5900m/s (out of 6050). starting at 30km
  10. You'll be accepted in the "Elderly Club" next year !
  11. I have 2 questions - Is it possible to develop using VisualBasic .Net instead ofVisual C# .Net ? (I think yes, but...) - Is there some where as description of the save files format ?
  12. And make thios adapters more rigid and less subject to compression/wobble
  13. I was thinking about that. This is a very good idea. Many lightweight parts could be added to the center of mass. It would have to be recalculated each stage, decoupling or undocking. The drag aspect could have issue with the new aerodynamics, but at least the weight part could be easily handled.
  14. I use the structural fuselage for space station. It's light weight and looks nice to emulate access tubes to docking rings.
  15. I don't like adapters. I usually put them because they make nicer rockets, then notice the are very weeak and "compress/wobble" a lot, so I remove them after the tests launches. Sadly.
  16. Due to my recent Jool 5 mission and Eeloo, my score is 5.6.
  17. It largely depends on what you need your tug to do. I use a "Station Tug" which had RCS only but is able to deorbit some stuff and move landers and stations parts around. It rarely quit the vicinity of the station. It has RCS rocket engines and RCS packs. A probe core and a SAS wheel. Batteries and fixed solar panels. Basically a cylinder with 1 docking ring at each end. It refuels on the station (it was sent to Jool with a very big tank of RCS) Then I use a Tug (I have 2) to carry landers to their destination (specific for Tylo). They are built as regular ships and have docking rings at each end and LVN.
  18. If you have RCS, you can prepare your orbit for rescue. I was out of fuel twice in my Joolian 5 mission. I managed to get back to Laythe Orbit (where my station was) but not able to circularize. RCS to change the inclination to 0 and set the correct periaps. Then I sent a Tug to cache it. It was quite easy (MJ can help a lot with that). If you have a docking ring you can simply refuel (a simple drone mission with little fuel will do). If you don't, you have to send a ship with an empty seat.
  19. This reminds me of the Spielberg movie "1942" with Bellucci
  20. Yes, great idea. Do you have a link ?
  21. What is you TWR now ? Is it your very low TWR lander ? Starting at 5 km seems very bold. I think there are some mountains at 4km high. That leave you only 1000m. So you MUST keep your vertical velocity at 0 while killing your orbital. With Low TWR, this is nearly impossible on the long term. Landing on highlands is a good idea (less fuel down and up) but you should start higher.
  22. When you follow an ellipitc orbit you go very slow on apoaps, but very fast on periaps. That's why we retrograde at periaps to reduce apoaps to circularize. But with a high TWR, maybe you would be able to do both. Circularise an orbit has a cost too. You should circularize first. Another advatage of circular orbits : you can easily select your landing area. With elipitic orbits you have to start landing procedure at periaps. That could leads to land by night.
  23. Well On my Eeloo mission I had a lander which had to visit 4 spots before refueling (in polar orbit) and redo it again. I found a general spot where 4 biomes where quite near. I made 3 very flat and short hops. Science full great. On my second trip the hop was much longer (nearly the other side of Eeloo), so I prefered to refuel before and drop directly on it (the small "Crater" biome). I take off low, check the direction then continue prograde low until I reach the targeted biome. I overshoot a little bit. I wait until I reach the biome, then kill horizontal first then vertical. If not easy, I activate MJ where horizontal speed is very low. Flat trajectories seems to be cheaper, quicker and easier to correct. Quicksave before you take off to reload if you managed to go in the opposite direction...
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