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Everything posted by Warzouz

  1. Since 1.0, the KSC looks wrong. I tried to reinstall, but still the same. Which option is wrong ? PS : no mod
  2. Is it a stock mission ? If It's not, you might try to do it as modder would take some time to adjust to 1.0 If it's stock, you could try to tune your rockets for 1.0, have some trials on Kerbin to test landers. I recently ended a mission (bit smaller) as you want to do. A 13 launch mission for a space station built around Laythe with 5 SSTO-rockets landers (+1 staged for Tylo) and enough fuel capacity to do 4 trips to each moons (half of ships were orange tanks). It was great, and it took me a while. I collected 41000 science points (including the 6 probes mission which was a separate launch in the same window). If I were in your sitation, I would tune my designs and play it as 1.0.
  3. That would be great, especially for new players (and not so new players ). But can it be developped in 2 days ? (including display interface well integrated in the existing GUI)
  4. Ok, I wasn't really clear enough (I didn't wrote english for a long time, and I feel to have a bad time about it...). The "2 month to discover" is about the nes easter egg, not about the overdue feature.
  5. I think this overdue feature is not the new easter egg. Thats 2 different things. Harvested is surprised we didn't find out what the overdue feature is. It must be something simple.
  6. HarvesteR said it's something basic, not advanced. I guess it's somthing new player would notice or for new players. Maybe he redid the stock VAB and SPH ships ?
  7. On his last attempts, BenHR was very close : he crashed at 100m/s (IIRC). It may be doable just by optimising the descent. The main problem is not the vertical velocity, it's the horizontal. You must kill all of it WHILE keeping vertical under control. With high TWR, it's quite easy and efficient : burn rerograde as near as surface as possible (suicide burn) or not so near if you have more fuel. But with low TWR, you can't do it because you loose a lot of time while killing horizontal and your vertical velocity goes uncontrolled. You usually crash in a cliff or ground. You must do a less efficient manoueuver as many described by keeping vertical velocity controled around 100m/s. But this manoeuver is less efficient on delta-V (but more efficeint in survivability). But as BenHR is so close to land, trying different altitude or selecting higher landing spot or retry manoeuver to burn closer to ground COULD do the trick. BTW I managed to survive (ship intact and steady) a 30m/s hit on Tylo ground, so vertical velocity can be a bit forgiving. Horizontal is not... if you want to take off later. Another advice (I think it was already given) : try to burn monoprop first to get to orbit. You can do a lot with RCS. It's just slow and inefficient. But more efficient than keeping the monoprop for the final landing.
  8. Hmmm, 18T for a lander without takeoff capacity nor science : that's heavy. Tylo is quite hard, it required specifically deisigned landers. For Tylo I desiged 2 landers. One I was quite sure to go there and back : it was a 7 or 8 tons lander with full science and takeoff capacity. The second was a 14T low TWR SSTO, with 6000dv, but I wasn't sure to be able to do it (I succeeded though). Both had a tug left in low orbit of Tylo. With only 3000dv, you can't do much more than suicid burn and hope for the best, if you have sufficient TWR (which it seems to be ok). Good luck
  9. There is 2 aspects on that 1- Your orbit intersect a SOI, you didn't sawit because it was in several orbits. It's quite hard to predict as SOI size aren't visualised on the map. You have to make calculations or carfully manage you ships. This situation is dangerous around Duna (where Ike has a quite lare SOI) and in the mess around Jool. 2- You changed SOI too fast and the physic engine calculate badly because of missing frames. This is a bug which is due to be solved in 1.0. The workaround is to use Kerbal Alarm Clock mod to wake you up on SOI change (that I always do to check if everything goes as planned) I exeperienced the first situation on my return trip from Duna. I had 2 missions (one on Duna, one on Ike). I parked the Ike mission at a too high orbit around Duna. As waited for the window, I found my Ike mission orbiting the sun. But I managed to bring it back to Kerbin. SO to speak : beware of high orbits @Kweller : I'm not sure that Kerbal Alarm Clock can plan for SOI change if they aren't already visible on the map.
  10. The gravity is infinite near the singularity, not at the event horizon. The event horizon is just a visual effect of the escape velocity higher than speed of light. It can get higher, much higher than that. On a super massive black hole you could cross the EH without harm (yet...). gravity gradient is not a If you'd cross the event horizon, you wouldn't notice it as it would always seems to be under you (light would go done, always). It's not a barrier. But beside that, there is no point knowing what's below the even horizon. Information can't get out. So what ever is inside doesn't interfere with the outside. That's why black holes are described as the simplest known object. There is no chemistry, no radiation (well the Hawking radiation is some kind of paradox), only 3 parameters : mass, electric charge, angular momentum. On the other hand, if you want to describe a simple rock, you would have an incredible number of parameters. I'm not sure that science is able to "describe" a simple stone. As for orbiting photons, they don't orbit on the event Horizon, but higher (1.5 event horizon radius)
  11. Few years ago I had a CRT monitor which had some display issue. I had to hit it on the side to fix it. As I had to hit harder and harder to "fix" it, I managed to use a hammer. But it did quite well for few more years, before the internal grid detached...
  12. Does it work to bring back 2 exact same experiment (with same starting conditions) ? Do they add when back on Kerbin ? I'm not sure.
  13. Except for Goo and Material bay, you can send the result once and redo the science but keep the second one. It should be not far from maxing anything.
  14. Hmmm, I finally saw the video (locked from work). Your TWR seems to be very low. You can't just follow retrograde. You have to try to kill horizontal first while keeping vertical speed under control (less than 100m/s). You should use KER to display those figures. To do that, start quite low (under 30km) ; you must aim above retrograde, not on retrograde. The more you slow down, the more to must aim above retrograde. But I'm bothered that your TWR could be too low. On your 2 first tries, your fuel tank was already very low and your ship was far from reasonable speed (600m/s left). But on your last try, you where close. I noticed your altitude goes upward before going down. That's not a good idea, you loose deltaV. So keep going downward but with controlled vertical speed. Also you aimed for Highlands. That's a good choice. It'll cost you less (vertical) deltaV to land and to take-off, thus I don't think you'll be able to escape Tylo.
  15. Some says that with high TWR it can be done with 5500m/s. Never tried though ; only with low TWR.
  16. How does the memory leaks appears ? I usually have a bug when I load/switch a ship. The ship appear, then disapear immediatly and the screen is black (I still see the HUD, with NaN orbital speed) and event the animated Kerbals portraits. KSP is not crash of freezed but ultra laggy. I can get back to KSC, but I loose my ship. I have to kill (not exit) the game and restart or I loose my ship. This bug even occurs right after reloading ; it's very random. Mods : MechJeb, KER, AlarmClock Is it a memory leak-linked bug or something else ?
  17. 48-7S also have a tiny animation, but in only one axis, as its physics.
  18. The 48-7S has gimballed, but only in one axis, which is really strange.
  19. That part is strange. Too small for the bigger cubic struts, too big for the small cubic struts. I would use the if it look nice to use them, but what the point if it looks ugly and off.
  20. Well I understant why KER mod has some difficulties handeling deltaV calculation on my design...
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