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Posts posted by DerpyFirework

  1. It seems I've found an issue when this is used with ModularFlightItegrator. It spams the log and connections don't work.

    I'm submitting an issue to Github, with output_log attached.

    EDIT: Or not.. I can't get it to reproduce for a log. Sorry if this isn't actually an issue!

    EDIT2: Found it! It's actually a combination of MFI and Persistent Dynamic Pod Names, submitting the Github issue now.

  2. @tygoo7, could you see about giving each nozzle on the first stage F9 engine a gimbalTransform? Right now, it seems the gimbal acts on one transform with all thrust transforms attached to that transform, which means roll is not possible. You could also add the mesh as a child to the gimbalTransform which would then animate it (ie. moves with gimbal), and you could do the same with the second stage engine. Would make the Falcon 9 pretty much perfect then!

    If you're not too sure about how to set this up, I'll be willing to help.

    (Sorry if this seems demanding, I'm not very good at communication)

  3. 15 minutes ago, damonvv said:

    Sorry for the spam, but I just can't get enough of it!

    Hope you don't mind me asking, but where did you get that landing zone from? It's something I've always wanted at KSC and I have never seen a mod which adds one

  4. 15 minutes ago, NotAgain said:

    Are there RealPlume configs for the new parts yet?

    I've been takinng care of this quietly in the background, adding them to the main RealPlume-Stock package as parts are released on GitHub (Check the RP-Stock repo)

    On a related note, @Beale, if you want the RealPlume configs as part of Tantares/TantaresLV, I can submit a pull request for them and you could merge it when you make a release, so then people don't have to wait until RP-Stock updates to get RealPlume support (although your custom FX looks great!)

  5. On collaborating on KK: I felt it would be better to make this myself, since I'm not all that confident with my programming ability, especially with a plugin of this size (It's my first independant plugin). I also think it's good to have an alternative to KK, though I'm always going to recommend using KK (It's way more developed).

    I created the thread so that anyone with good knownledge of programming would be able to help, since there are some things I'm just not sure I can do (Like the map view issue)

    And on the stock asset use, I do have a branch on GitHub that can use KSC2 models, however I'm not sure how well that method will work with mods that change planets a lot.

    On another note, I'm not going to be developing this for a short while, I'm a little burnt out from the push getting it working in the first place.

  6. Early WIP of a plugin I created for placing models on planets, similar to KerbalKonstructs.

    (No pictures yet)

    Current Features:
    -Support for any planet
    -Each structure can have multiple LOD groups (LODRANGE nodes)
    -Each LOD group can have multiple models (MODEL nodes)
    -A structure can act as a CommNet node

    Planned Features:
    -Support for stock (KSC and anomaly) models
    -Support for custom launchpads
    -Support for controlled animations
    -Ingame config editor

    Known Issues:
    -Objects do not collide in map view (#17) (Need help with this one)

    No release just yet, but the GitHub repo can be found here.


  7. @Sigma88, I've been working on a plugin that places structures using PQSCity2 and I've run into an issue regarding compatibility with SigmaDimensions.

    I'm experimenting with several objects, including some droneships, and the droneships have "snapToSurface = false". This, and using SigmaDimensions to resize to 2x, results in them being 600km (1x original radius) higher than they should be (ie. In space). Any object placed with "snapToSurface = true" is unaffected.

    Looking at the source of SigmaDimensions, at line 108 in SigmaDimensions.cs it compensate for the resizing of the planet for every PQSCity2, but it would seem as though every PQSCity2 that I place (in the mainmenu scene) accounts for this without any additional code, which may indicate that this is already handled by PQSCity2 itself.

    Just thought I'd let you know, since I have no idea what else to do.

  8. Just now, Nhawks17 said:

    Ahh okay... Well hopefully when RO updates we will get one... I will in the meantime try my best to see if I can figure out how to recompile them.

    Just found this in the SmokeScreen thread:

    On 20/10/2016 at 11:57 PM, sarbian said:

    It s most likely a layer problem. The effect may use the wrong one. I could add a settings to force it...

    It may just get solved by the next SmokeScreen update.

    And just as an extra thought, could this layer issue be related to the other odd behaviours that people have reported? I'm no expert at any of this but that sounds reasonable.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Nhawks17 said:

    Well damn.... I guess I'll have to try to look into that. Paging @DerpyFirework for help because I'm gonna need it :P 

    I'm afraid this is something that the core RealPlume people will have to fix. From my understanding, the effect models (the .mu files in the RealPlume folder) need recompiling to include the ignore aerofx setting (the layer or tag).

    So we've just go to wait for an update in the core RealPlume models, other than that, I don't think there's a way around it for now.

  10. 23 minutes ago, svendii said:

    Unfortunately the 1.2 update broke the grid fins. Somehow that's what I see in the flight scene when the fins are retracted:

    I've been able to track it down to ModuleAnimateGeneric. It happens with and without the grid fin plugin. Other parts with ModuleAnimateGeneric (the heat shield for example) work fine. No idea why this happens.
    The log doesn't help either:

      Reveal hidden contents

    [LOG 21:25:22.434] Unpacking Untitled Space Craft
    [LOG 21:25:22.474] recalculating orbit for HECS2.ProbeCore (Untitled Space Craft): Kerbin ( Update mode TRACK_Phys )
    rPos: [-494197.387362596, -1018.13570037521, 340375.341600806]   rVel: [-99.2435385742814, 0, -144.093518395208] |174.963487597427|
    [LOG 21:25:22.478] recalculated orbit for HECS2.ProbeCore (Untitled Space Craft): the Sun ( UT: 132514.866407728 )
    rPos: [NaN, NaN, NaN]   rVel: [NaN, NaN, NaN] |NaN|
    Delta: [NaN, NaN, NaN] / [NaN, NaN, NaN]
    [LOG 21:25:22.485] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [ERR 21:25:22.492] Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "Grid Fin M/model/fins/Grid"

    [LOG 21:25:22.495] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.505] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.506] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.506] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.507] setting new dominant body: the Sun
    FlightGlobals.mainBody: the Sun
    [LOG 21:25:22.508] Vessel HECS2.ProbeCore (Untitled Space Craft) velocity resumed. Reference body: Sun vel: [NaN, NaN, NaN]
    [LOG 21:25:22.511] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.511] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.512] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.514] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.514] Kerbin: Resetting
    [ERR 21:25:22.523] Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "Grid Fin M/model/fins/Grid"

    [LOG 21:25:22.525] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.525] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.531] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.531] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.532] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.532] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.533] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.533] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [LOG 21:25:22.534] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
    [ERR 21:25:22.534] Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path "Grid Fin M/model/fins/Grid"

    ...and so on

    It shows a problem with the collider but it also happens when the part is exported without colliders.
    Maybe someone has an idea.

    You might want to check the Superdracos, they both crash the game for me in 1.2pre as well as the grid fins.

  11. 6 minutes ago, passinglurker said:

    @DerpyFirework wow thanks on both accounts your config works so I must have been typing in the thrust transform names wrong all along. As for whether to put the configs in my download or in RP-Stock I think the best thing until I move this mod from add-on dev is to include them in RP-Stock if it isn't too much trouble. I'm trying to keep the number of official compatibility config files in my download to a minimum before the 1.0 release so that I can focus on fleshing out the parts list first (though of course I'd still happily link to any compatibility configs anyone else makes in the meantime :wink:

    No problem! I try to help out whenever I'm pinged, and this sounded simple enough.

    RealPlume configs should be included in the next RP-Stock release, just added them to the repo.

  12. I'm going to guess it's the uniquely named thrustTransforms the engines have (i.e. thrustTransform800v rather than just thrustTransform), because I just made a quick MM config to apply the RAPIER closed-cycle effects to the "Hawk" engine.

    				channel = Ship
    				clip = sound_rocket_spurts
    				volume = 0.0 0.0
    				volume = 1.0 1.0
    				pitch = 0.0 0.2
    				pitch = 1.0 1.0
    				loop = true
    				prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike
    				transformName = thrustTransform800v //This will be unique for each engine
    				emission = 0.0 0.0
    				emission = 0.05 0.0
    				emission = 0.075 0.25
    				emission = 1.0 1.25
    				speed = 0.0 0.25
    				speed = 1.0 1.0
    				localOffset = 0, 0, 1
    				modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue_small
    				transformName = thrustTransform800v //This will be unique for each engine
    				emission = 0.0 0.0
    				emission = 0.05 0.0
    				emission = 0.075 0.25
    				emission = 1.0 1.25
    				speed = 0.0 0.5
    				speed = 1.0 1.2
    				channel = Ship
    				clip = sound_vent_soft
    				volume = 1.0
    				pitch = 2.0
    				loop = false
    				prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
    				transformName = smokePoint
    				oneShot = true
    				channel = Ship
    				clip = sound_explosion_low
    				volume = 1.0
    				pitch = 2.0
    				loop = false
    		@name = ModuleEnginesFX
    		runningEffectName = running_closed

    Hope this helps! (Going to make the RealPlume configs now)

    EDIT: Here's the RealPlume configs. (You can include them in the download or we could include them in the RP-Stock package)

  13. Getting the same issue with a GTX 1070 here.

    When I press 0, the "come back in a minute" message pops up and several things show in the debug log, but no particles show.

    Running Windows 7 x64, KSP 1.1.3 x64 DX9.

    Will test with the above builds now.

    EDIT: Above builds show nothing. Just thought I'd check with a GTX 10xx GPU, since I'm lucky enough to have one.

    EDIT2: Can also confirm it works in OpenGL

  14. 11 hours ago, svendii said:

    Didn't know about the grid fin bug, they are normally not deployed before launch so that problem has never come up before. @DerpyFirework it's probably for the same reason they stop working after reloading (if that helps and you haven't yet given up on it :wink:).

    It is indeed the same bug as the reloading one. I believe the issue is an interaction between ModuleControlSurface and ModuleAnimateGeneric, as I've been able to reproduce it without any plugins and only those 2 modules. I'll see if I can find anything else that might help in fixing it.

  15. 3 minutes ago, svendii said:

    Not sure if I understand. I launch my rocket by staging (launch clamps and engines) and it doesn't fix it.

    About the plume, added thrustTransformR and thrustTransformL and changed the config:

      Hide contents

            name = Hypergolic-Lower
            transformName = thrustTransformL
            localRotation = 0,0,0
            flarePosition = 0,0,0.35
            plumePosition = 0,0,0
            fixedScale = 0.35
            energy = 0.9
            speed = 1

            name = Hypergolic-Lower
            transformName = thrustTransformR
            localRotation = 0,0,0
            flarePosition = 0,0,0.35
            plumePosition = 0,0,0
            fixedScale = 0.35
            energy = 0.9
            speed = 1

    That didn't work though, it only shows one plume... ;.;

    Ah, just use the old plugin, it was just a bit of an experiment and it seemed to work when I tried it.

    As for the plumes, just name both transforms thrustTransform and it should work.

    But really, the parts are good enough without any of this.

  16. 27 minutes ago, svendii said:

    Well that was quick. I've been trying to get two small plumes instead of a big one but that didn't work. Will do some more experimenting but this looks quite cool already :D

    All you need is one thrustTransform for each nozzle, and that should do the trick. No extra tweaks necessary.

    EDIT: For some reason, the plugin just stopped working for me. Just include the last version for now, it seems I broke something.

    EDIT2: Found the issue, it only happens before any staging happens. I'll look into it another day, it's not as if the old version isn't working.

    EDIT3: The issue fixes itself on staging, so unless someone launches by action group or some other method than staging, it'll work fine.

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