Orbiter program *When the kerbals realized that even though there kerbonauts where weightless in space, they were confused. Why were there rockets falling back to kerbin by them selves? Then a new scientist, that went by the name of gene kerman suggested this... "What if we get enough speed sideways we fall around the planet not into it?" All the kerbals dismissed this idea as ridicules, so gene set out to prove them wrong. And so he began a project to put a satellite in orbit of kerbin! He managed to get funding from jebs junkyard. Jeb hoping to get the missions to himself, but jeb was disappointed in finding out they were unmanned. But he still was interested in the fireworks, so with jebs lawn chair by the launch pad, and a rocket primed to fire, the mission began. Endurance * Failure - Failed to reach orbit, burned up in atmo * 15,000 funds * 0 science data *upper/lower atmo, low kerbin orbit' Endurance 2 * Partial fail (didnt reach stable orbit, only degrading) * 14,656 funds * 0 science data *upper/lower atmo, low kerbin space, high kerbin space Endurance 3 * Outstanding success (extra delta V puts satellite in orbit of the mun) *19,346 funds * 3 science data * Upper/lower atmo, low kerbing orbit, high kerin orbit, high mun orbit Total: *49,002 funds * 3 science data * Missions 3 http://imgur.com/a/Z20Fg#0