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Everything posted by EnigmaG

  1. Sorry, i do not have the skill for it. PS: I have forgotten to delete the surplus values at "resourceAmounts ="
  2. 2.0.5 works fine for me, nice work. Could you please integrate alumina and aluminium in the stock ore tanks? Like dis: Edit; New Verson ; OreSwitch.cfg @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Ore],!MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch],!MODULE[FSfuelSwitch],!MODULE[B9PartSwitch],!MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],!MODULE[ModuleEngines],!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter],!MODULE[ModuleResourceHarvester],!MODULE[ModuleAnalysisResource]]:NEEDS[InterstellarFuelSwitch&!CryoTanks&!ModularFuelTanks&!RealFuels]:FOR[InterstellarFuelSwitch] { %totalCap = #$RESOURCE[Ore]/maxAmount$ %masswore = #$%totalCap$ @masswore /= #$mass$ @masswore /= 100 %masswalu = 0.398 @masswalu *= #$masswore$ %masswalum = 0.277 @masswalum *= #$masswore$ MODULE { name = InterstellarFuelSwitch tankSwitchNames = Ore;Alumina;Aluminium resourceGui = Ore;Alumina;Aluminium resourceNames = Ore;Alumina;Aluminium resourceAmounts = #$../totalCap$;$../totalCap$;$../totalCap$ hasGUI = true availableInFlight = true availableInEditor = true tankResourceMassDivider = #$../masswore$;$../masswalu$;$../masswalum$ } } @PART[*]:FINAL { // Remove temporary variables to eliminate log spam !totalCap = 0 !masswore = 0 !masswalu =0 !masswalum = 0 } PS: A way to use stock drills to harvest interstellar surface resources would be nice, too.
  3. As long as your line off thrust runs through the centre of mass, it should´t. Try RCS Build Aid when it is up to date again.
  4. ABZB it is on Spacedock Download and Github Download hir is the forum thread PS: It would by nice if FreeThinker was able to integrate the InterstellarFuelSwitch-Part in to InterstellarFuelSwitch
  5. Now in 1.7.3 it works in atmosphere but only accepts lithium as full.
  6. Li Fusion mods are ok with 1.7.1 but now Magneto Inertial Confinement no longer works with Thermal Ramjet Nozzle or Thermal Turbojet. Sandbox mod.
  7. No p-Li7 and D-Li6 Fusion mods for Fusion Reactor´s available
  8. @FreeThinker This bug is still in Also is the lack of lithium Fusion on purpose?
  9. If you have Near Future the numbers shut by ok, if not there fare to low.
  10. The minimum power to charge the alcubierre drive is enough to fly with 1c for more or less you need more power. In gravitational field your maximal speed is limited so you can not start with minimum power. Also when you charged you can fly but need the above mentioned power, i don´t know if you can receive it at warp speed.
  11. I can confirm this, empty costs scale unreasonable(Deut empty 30k H3 empty 8mil.), also InterstellarFuelSwitch don´t calculated the price new if you switch contact. For example if you scale it to 2.5m Deut then empty and afterward switch to H3 it only costs 30k
  12. In sandbox it locks ok, no scale on the Thermal Launch Nozzle. Else no complains.
  13. If you don´t have Near Future you should have 15-85GW depending on update. 240MW sounds like Near Future numbers.
  14. Is losing the waste heat completely still possible? It seems with the integrated stoke heat system it is not.
  15. As a alternative fine, but i like to keep the status quo.
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