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Everything posted by LN400

  1. First, let's look at different class of products and the importance of flawlessness. A car with flaws obviously pose a greater threat to life and health than a flawed game. The consequences are worlds apart. The Comet jetliner v1. The Challenger disaster. Serious flaws that should not be accepted, and I certainly don't accept one should knowingly "release" seriously flawed products but the key point is, these disasters did happen. And that was when the stakes were as high as they were. To demand flawless releases of a game created solely for harmless entertainment, to me, sounds unreasonable to the extreme. We can wish, and I do wish but I can not demand it or even expect it.
  2. As for Daggerfall: Yes. I think it was right and I will explain. The TES games are published by a major publisher, and at that level it's either "meet the deadline or we will scrap this project". If the devs had held it back, I sincerely doubt we would have had Daggerfall at all. Furthermore, one can speculate what would have happened if the publisher had pulled the plug on the game. Would we have had Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim? Look at the Ultima series. There it was the publisher who forced a release that effectively killed an entire gaming franchise. The failure of Ultima 9 was the direct cause we did not get any more Ultima games. Ultima Online was released later but that was a title that was already well under developement and killing that, well I'm not EA but they did release UO and that was the last Ultima game released. Another example of a release that should have been worked on but was published is Elite 2 Frontier. The release was forced, again it was the publisher, and it took a very long time (Elite Dangerous is just out and that took a kickstart to get done) before the series was revived. KSP is developed by an indie developer but I would be surprised if they didn't feel the knife on their throats, demands that they had to release v1 as it came out. Then it's back to what does v1 really mean? We just need to look at a few titles to realise v1 does not equal a final, flawless product.
  3. To address the last point first. Daggerfall was only (mostly) playable well after v2 came out, after what must have been the World Record in bug fixing and patching. Initial goals are not always polished. For the first point: We are probably not seeing eye to eye on this but I believe style is very much at the heart of the graphics arguements. In one of the topics someone said (something to the effect of) "this is the most realistic representation of Kerbals I have ever seen" and I totally agree while laughing at it. As for uniform/non-uniform style across similar parts, I can honestly say I haven't seen anything that totally throws overboard the rest, or even comes close to that. Could be my eyesight is getting poor with old age but could we have an example of parts which styles conflict in any way? EDIT: Champ: I was merely poking a bit of fun of the ragers, quoting you followed by a joke over the bug rage
  4. This is not about white knights with a holy purpose, no matter how rethorical and symbolic that was intended to be. Look up [..] Days A Stranger. Great game, rotten graphics if photorealism is what you want. Just the right graphics for the style of the game. KSP is not Orbiter Meets Skyrim. Ok, tastes differ but rather than calling the graphics bad, just say you don't like it. Fair enough. I enjoy the cartoonish style. It's the right thing for a cartoonish 'world' like in KSP. They reached their initial set of goals. Not their final goals. Reaching the initial goals spells v1.0 in my book. Tell that to the crowd coming here to ask why their rockets topple over every time, thanks to the new aerodynamics. Yep it's a bug and the turn it off thing is a _temporary_ workaround. It will not stay this way forever. Be patient. Again , initial goals, nothing is set in stone. Nobody here except SQUAD have the slightest clue how they plan this further. Plenty of sound effects here. No chatter but 'practically without sound effects' is just plain untrue. Where on earth did you get that from, that the devs aren't even trying? That, you did indeed pull out of nowhere. Could it be better? Certainly. Lots of things in the game I think could be different. Can SQUAD please each and every one of us with more features? Not a chance. That is never going to happen. Noone can please everybody. So who are they going to please then? Me and not you? Or you and not me? Who can say they have more right to be satisfied?
  5. That's it, I quit. One can not play KSP if you can actually go to Mun. Why wasn't this fixed? Ok, jokes aside. Is this rage I read in this topic for real? Like seriously for real? I don't get it. I really don't get it. Who the flippin heck do some people think they are? Talk about pretentuous, pompous sense of entitlement. I will bite my tongue here, almost bite it right off so I won't get banned for delivering too much of a broadside here but guys, you really are a find. Why don't you trundle off and play Daggerfall? Now there you have bugs. The bugs here? They're nothing. And furthermore, who ever said SQUAD won't fix it in due time? Not SQUAD, I can tell you that. The ragers, that's who. /rant
  6. Absolutely no worries, take your time, it's gonna be well worth the wait I'm sure.
  7. Perhaps it's as simple as this: Nothing in KSP is real. It's fantasy, it's a universe that only exists as 0s and 1s inside a computer as well as in our imagination. As such, these sats can be whatever each player wants them to be and it's perfectly fine. If you think of them as commsats, then they are commsats. If you think of them as spysats then they are spysats. If you imagine they are for scientific experiments and that's it, then that's exactly what they are. There is no right or wrong. It's all what each of us want it to be. To me, a satelite with a goo container is not a commsat. To someone else, it is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either. It only becomes an issue if we start thinking that we all must imagine it all the exact same way. To me that thought is dreadful!
  8. Personally I really don't consider it a cheat to do multiple missions with one satelite. The key thing is that once you launch the satelite, that satelite is not available for later contracts. To me that sounds both reasonable and plausible. To me, cheating would be if you could use the old sat for new contracts. That would imply that the manufacturer of the sat somehow managed to peek into the future and equip the sat for future missions. Beside, it's not like I have 10-20 contracts that can be covered with one sat when I launch it. More like 2-3 if I'm lucky with the orbits. Leaving only one around each body to send back data (again, plausible) I then scrap the rest when I'm done with them.
  9. Aah thanks a lot for explaining! Ok, show all stages it is then.
  10. The mods I would most hate to be without: KW Rocketry, Modular Rocket System (for parts), and for gameplay: KOS, Remote Tech, SCANSat, KER (not strictly neccesary but whoah it saves me some time), KAS (looking at KIS now). The gameplay mods I would REALLY hate to be without. Gonna give the new fairings and aerodynamics a good go but gonna get Procedural Fairings and FAR later and see how they feel compared to stock. With FAR, PF was just as essential as having an engine on the rocket.
  11. One more for both. They both have their place in the game. Granted, these days I have very little time for gaming and exploring the new KSP is happening in small steps so I haven't got down to planes yet but as soon as I have figured out this new rocket business, I will have a look at the planes. Even if I can't build a super light SSTO, I assume planes will be the bird of choice for low altitude contracts, as well as landing at hard to reach-by-rocket places on Kerbin.
  12. A quick return to the mass and part numbers As seen, there is no RCS fuel. All liq fuel tanks full. Still mass is reported to be 15/10,743. You can also see parts count reported to be 2/20. Mods installed (1.0.2): Alarm clock, proc. fairings, sounding rockets, KOS and KER, all latest versions. EDIT: Removed the decoupler and now parts count is 0/19, mass is 0/10,738.
  13. "Good" to see others having issues with the 2500 record. I was thinking getting into orbit would void the contract but now I'm not sure at all. Can someone verify whether this disappearing business is intended or a bug? If it is intended, then I would like to see ingame in the contract description any factors that would kill the contract.
  14. Flat earthers are relatively level compared to the hollow earthers. These theories, I don't know whether to facepalm or burst out laughing.
  15. As for KSP and time dilation, I'm not sure if there are any gains there, gamingwise, let alone how it would be implemented at all. That would be a proper nightmare for the coders having to deal with all the different crewmen/women aging at different rates. As for whether or not time dilation is real, I don't recall the exact experiments but it is true that it has been shown to be real. The time difference between an observer on earth and an observer traveling near the speed of light is quite substantial too. One calculation I came across concluded that 42 years for the traveller (in this specific scenario) corresponded to 60000 years for the observer back on earth.
  16. I have the Steam v1.0.2 and sometimes I can't pick any parts in the VAB, or delete empty staging icons in the lower right. I can however pick already existing parts, copy them and attach them, just not pick new ones. Only by exiting the game altogether to desktop and restarting can I pick parts again. Mods used are KIS, KOS, KAS and KER. I'm deleting all mods to see if one of them causes it but I will follow this thread. EDIT: Just saw the above post. It happened with several different ships. Tell me where to find the log and I could post it. EDIT 2: Oh dear... Deleted all the mods, only the Squad folder remains and now it's seriously borked. First time I enter the VAB there are no parts group icons. When I select the extended groups icon, the parts icons appear but there are no parts there. EDIT 3: This is a bit silly. Restarted the game a 2nd time (no changes) and now it appeared to be fine.
  17. Realism as far as is possible considering the astronauts are small, green men traveling in absurd contraptions. Still, no fun no play. It has to be fun but as others said here, the two aren't mutually exclusive.
  18. Just wondering. Got the latest KER and while I need to check if I used the wrong set of values for delta v (vacuum vs atm) there is still a couple of things that seems odd. First, the mass. The rocket is 1 Mk I pod, the KER circuit board, 3 1/8 tanks, 3 radial parachutes, the t-45 engine. Additinally, 1 Rockomax decoupler, 2x t-38k and the tiny nosecone (test rig). After depleting the fuel the mass was, according to KER, 400/3.xxx, 3.xxx being 3 tons something which was the correct value. Wondering about the 400. Second: Parts count after fireing the two t-38's and with the rockomax still attached was 1.0/10.0 Is this intentional and if so, could someone shed some light on what the 400 and that 1.0 means? EDIT: Addtional mods are KIS, KAS and KOS, all latest versions.
  19. I want things to stabilize too, after SQUAD squashes the last bug and found the best balance they can come up with. Before that, I'd rather it didn't stabilize. Anyway, there is no way I can have my 0.90 SSTO design working here but I really don't mind. It was a small SSTO that could bring a <1t satelite into LKO using absurdly little fuel. The fuel costs for sending up a 800kg satelite would be something like what, 200 credits if even that much. It was completely ridiculous. Fun, cheap but ridiculous. Even in career mode, if I can't afford something slightly more "real" than a SSTO-for-spare-change then I'm doing something wrong elsewhere in the game.
  20. As smjjames said, it's normal for the polar areas. EDIT: From what I can recall, it's intended in the sense that SQUAD made a choice when they came up with the planet building algorithms.
  21. Got an incompatibility message on Kerbal Engineer Redux, KIS and the extended action groups mod.
  22. Thanks tons, SQUAD, for the work you put into this.
  23. Definitely. No career mode game here until SCANSat and a couple more are released.
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