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Everything posted by LN400

  1. This is a very intiguing mod. I plan on getting KIS/KAS (have KAS for the 0.90 install) and this would make munwalking not only less tedious but also more true to life as we know it, Jim. Also, I am happy to see the antenna range is limited when used with RT. 10km, sounds just about perfectly balanced to me. Another mod on my radar, this one.
  2. That's not a bug, I believe. It's been this way for I don't know how long but at least since 0.90. Someone else might chime in with a more accurate answer there. I think of it as the EVA mono prop fuel is not the same as the mono prop used by the ship's RCS and the command pod has these tanks inside. Go IVA and look around, the Mk I has these tiny tanks, why not think that's where they store the "EVA mono prop fuel"?
  3. If it is science fiction, it is an intriguing idea. If it ever becomes reality, then I am concerned this is an extremely short sighted idea driven by some people's hunt for the Fantastic while not seeing, be it through bias or pure lack of insight, the long term consequences. First, if warp drive or anything like that violates the laws of physics then interstellar travel will have to be a journey over hundreds, thousands or millions of years. Imortals could cope with such a quick trip but time is still time and how would they cope with it mentally? My point is, unless we somehow can get to other star systems with our wits intact, and being alive when we get there, then we're stuck in this system. It can only hold so many. How are we going to deal with a world wide population growing out of all proportions? Or would we enforce a population control where we only allow newborns if someone else die and make room? If noone die except in accidents or through diseases (they do evolve too, the diseases), where will all of us live? The prospect of eternal life is one that is not making me one bit happy.
  4. LN400

    help me

    Look on Youtube for language lessons. There are a great number of videos that will give you a good start in learning to read, write and speak English. Start with the easy things, like basic words and phrases. Read and always ask yourself "why do they write it like that?". If you find words you have not learned, ask us here or use a translating dictionary. Last tip: Use small cards to write down words and phrases. In English on one side and your own language on the other. Have the cards with you all the time and read them until you know the words by heart.
  5. Best is all in what each of us want KSP to be. To me and not counting parts mods, number 1 would be KOS simply because it adds a tremendous amount to what is involved in planning even the simplest mission, down to writing ship specific code for that particular rocket. MechJeb is a classic but to me I'd much rather have the satisfaction, after cursing and shouting and pulling my hair out for a couple of days, to see all the work I put into that mission, like writing the auto pilot code, ended with success. How many games have I ever played before where I felt that completing the first orbit entitled me to having a cold one from the fridge? Another top ace is Kerbal Engineer Redux. When you don't feel like having to put a ton of work into a mission, then it really is a LOT of help. Even if you do like all the nasty maths bits, KER in my opinion offers more than just a few numbers to make the build easier. If you want to think ground control is busy with their computers computing orbital time, rendezvous time, any-sort-of-time, delta v, then KER will offer you all that. If you want more out of your satelite program then 2 mods: Remote Tech and SCANSat. RT in particular is a game changer as far as sats and probes go.
  6. Sweeeet. Again, thanks tons! Hopefully getting time to spend on KSP before long. Gonna let you know if I come across any borks.
  7. If "Gifted to me" is an option: After playing the demo last summer, a mate who knew I was a nut for anything flight related gifted me the game last fall/late summer through steam. I really don't remember anymore which version it was though.
  8. I might be (another) odd one but to me it was actually part of the excitement, the wait. I'd launch a sat into orbit for scanning, then be off for a different mission while the scan proceeded. Using the low res alt scan on Mun to pick a suitable landing site and having to wait for the result actually added to the game, for me. No more "let's shuttle over there and get the landing done already", but "let's get the preliminary ground work done then before the landing attempt". Insta-scan would to me be a leap backwards. But that's just how I enjoy the game and everybody's mileage vary.
  9. Good news all around today and now this. Wicked cool. Just a few more core mods now (RT, KW, MRS, SCANSat and KAS & KOS) and I'm off to Mun again, or spectacular failures! Jeb, brace yourself.
  10. I only recently got this mod (0.90) and was concerned an early launch could void the contracts on altitude records. I did read it wouldn't and I read it would but how will it be now, with this new system of auto-completion of alt/speed records? Can I launch these and still get to fulfill the contracts or is it better to first do manned launches?
  11. Weird, I only found this topic through google, couldn't find it on the site search (I'm obviously not a search ninja) but: This is splendid news! MRS is alongside KW my must-have parts mod. Really looking forward to the v1 version and thanks for the work!
  12. Oops too late. Ok, editing They are not running out of water in the near future. What do you know about Mongolia?
  13. The question is rather, if you put an F-15 or an SU-35 on that conveyor belt and fire up the engines, would the conveyor belt fly?
  14. To all you modders who created all these gems: Thank you tons! Even more when I see how quickly you are responding to the v1 release. No matter the mod, no matter if I download it or not, a huge thanks regardless. So, let's give them a good round of applause!
  15. This is awesome. Just a couple more essentials and I'm set. Thanks tons to all the modders who create all these gems.
  16. I did a search but came up blank. Anyone know the status on Modular Rocket System for 1.0? I have it working on 0.90 but can't seem to find any info on any planned updates.
  17. Dunno, seems to me the main idea of mining/ore is that you can set up refueling stations on other planets, rather than building up a trading empire. Then, having heavier/cheaper ore makes sense, gameplay wise as well as in general. Ore, I would think, is heavier than fuel and a whole lot cheaper. A refueling station on other planets would make it more than worthwhile. You can even set up an orbital refueling station with drone rockets shuttling back and forth between the drilling operation and the station. The gain there far outweights any loss in not being able to directly profit from it.
  18. I don't know what caused this but IF you are the only one so far, then coincidence is what one could expect from probabilities. In fact, it would be less probable that no computer among the thousands running KSP called it a day than one computer calling it a day, for reasons unrelated to KSP.
  19. Personally, I kinda like the idea of having to upgrade mission control (although in effect it's more contract control) and the tracking station. One thing is to send a sounding rocket up. Light the fuse and off it goes. Space flight takes a whole lot more. Computers to compute trajectories, commlinks, all those things. So yeah, to me it makes perfect sense having to upgrade these two buildings to unlock man. nodes.
  20. Any faster on that release and it would have overheated! Thank you for this.
  21. Mine was just one I use on this other forum about RC helicopters which is my main hobby. Being a flight nut I chose LN, the code for Norwegian aircrafts and 400 which was the class/size of my first proper model.
  22. Well, I know that if you find your plane is landing in Venice, then someone made a mistake somewhere. What do you know about Lichtenstein?
  23. Unfortunately, the complexity of new games compared to say, a game for the Commodore 64 (I had tons of C64 games) means it is not feasible to have an absolute bug free game. The wild variety of hardware we run our games on, the wild variety of software running underneath, the complexity of the code itself, you just can't expect a bug free game. So it is definitely how it is, not a result of giving up but because we humans have limits when it comes to analyzing every single aspect of a game in any of a myriad different software/hardware environments. Minding buggy stuff, I still have Daggerfall Only lack of time stops me from playing it nowadays.
  24. (Edit: a bit late so to the post above about calling it 0.95) Then I doubt (considering the time it would take even for a large gaming crowd to identify all the bugs and for the devs to fix it all) we would see a v1 this year, perhaps in 2017? 2018? By then chances are the OS's we run would be outdated, the hardware would have evolved to allow for even more we would want etc etc. At some point one has to say "ok this is good enough, let the rest come later".
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