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Everything posted by Ferdoni

  1. Yep TUBM is shaving his back hair while playing KSP
  2. Banned for quoting the user above you
  3. Granted, but it's too expensive for you to get it. I wish for an invisibility cloak
  4. I don't know what your max altitude now is so I can't judge if you need more engines or not. But I think it's enough. As for the elevons, yes I can read, but I meant it for the instability above 12km what you stated above. In wich elevons are far to small because the atmosphere is too thin so you need a bigger manoeuvring surface. And reentry shouldn't be a problem, you have to raise your nose to glide into the thicker atmosphere. (and check the CoW and CoL ratio's in the SPH with empty tanks) I don't know, as far as I know it's just another air intake
  5. But than you have an enormous amount of storage for the LH. So the ore storage is still not neccesary. And if time is not an problem, you can timewarp through te mining and converting so than you even need even less storage for everything (exept LF for electricity of course). And if you delete at least one stack of ore containers, you can allign the ore storage, converter and LF storage on only one set of wheels instead of two wich you have now.
  6. Just hit 'M' twice and you're back to normal view. Saves a lot of time zooming in.
  7. Use RAM's instead of Shock Cones and add a lot of radial intakes. Plus your elevons are very small compared to your SSTO. I would advice canards on the middle of the plane (to change the CoL not too far to the front)
  8. Not efficient in the way of storage, you have a gigantic volume of ore but only 450 'slots' for LF. Dependable of how much fuel the NERV's need, but I would only use 1 small ore tank because you directly change the ore into LF. But very nice design tough!
  9. Staging or not, if you have two or more docked spacecrafts with a different set of action groups, it will still be a mess. So whether you lock the staging or not, you always have to organize your action groups.
  10. There is also an app called KSP Calculator wich does it automaticly inclusive landing and return. Currently it is outdated because of KSP 1.0 (delta v to LKO is now 3500 instead of 4500) but the required delta V used for travelling is still pretty accurate.
  11. Plus the RAM is only 10 kilo while the SC is a baffling 25 kilo. Conclusion, the difference is minimal but the RAM is the better intake
  12. Both 0.3. But that means that the Ram has more intake per drag, 1 per 0.3 drag and the Shock Cone 0.9 per 0.3 drag.
  13. Just don't use staging after the useful ones. Just organize your action groups effective
  14. I think the map view always focusses on the sunny side of kerbol, because the problem does not always occur.
  15. I will, by the way, what is TUAM? TUBM will post a picture of him/her dancing like a Kerbal
  16. Granted, but you die before the device start working I wish i can jump like a frog
  17. The RAM has 1.0 intake over an surface of 0.1 and the Shock Cone 0.9 over a surface of 0.09. So they are equal but the RAM has an scale advantage
  18. Nice, I will check it out I think it would be pretty high tough, I decided i want to use it as a fuel hub for a SSTO service to my Space Station so i can at least recover my rescued kerbonauts there and refuel my SSTO. Thanks anyone!
  19. Did you know that kerbals have such strong legs, if they jump on the mun, they get an minmus encounter?
  20. Playing KSP while waiting for a Eeloo encounter 2 years away Sitting behind my desk
  21. Granted, but he takes you to jool and got stuck in a orbit forever I wish i could wish a thousand wishes
  22. The computer takes over your brain and enslaves you to KSP 0.17 I plant a rose in the garden, WTWTCH?
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