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Everything posted by Ferdoni

  1. Love the design!! You did what I couldn't archieve I added you to the leaderbord!
  2. Awesome!!! Are you gonna develop a bay where you can stack rovers or/and interplanetary crafts?
  3. No, but there are rescue contracts. Because you get the kerbals wich you rescue afterwards. I've now over 40 kerbonauts and only paid for the first ones when I didn't knew this
  4. Well It could be that you've activated the engines before in the flight. Also a condition is that, you only see it when you hit the '+' button on the contract, is that you have to 'activate the engine trough staging or by right clicking on the engine -> 'run test'. Hope this helps
  5. I got the same problem once. I personally think it's a bug because when I redid the rendevouz operation, it didn't happen again.
  6. Of course you should abring a STRAT for electricity after the fuel has run dry (this is also in my design), but after your xenon gas is used up, the RTGs are still producting tons of electricity... for nothing. And yeah, if you bring more xenon and burn longer you will eventually pass the point were RTGs are more efficient. But then you are talking about more than 30.000 deltaV and multiple hours of burning time. Wich isn't neccesary anymore in the present game.
  7. A craft with a RTG for ION power actually has less deltaV than one with Fuell Cell power. This is because the RTG remains heavy and de fuel cell is burning up his weight, wich adds to the deltaV. You need 10 RTGs to power a ION engine so that makes is 800 kg. While a fuell cell is 340kg + 6x 0,05 = 640kg and decreasing.
  8. Just use a lot of gravity assists, and a lot of planning Also, check out my Libra-2X2 craft, it has 22.000 deltaV. Enough to do the trip.
  9. Many of the questions on this forum are already asked before and answered. So here is my little tutorial if you don't know something Step 1: go to google Step 2: enter your question in the search bar Step 3: press 'Enter' Step 4: Open all the suggestions on the first page your answer is in at least one of the suggestions. Didn't get a answer on your question? Then you can start a new thread in 'Gameplay Questions and Tutorials' with your question. I hope this helps many of you! Cheers, Ferdoni
  10. Beautiful designs everyone! I also updated the leaderbord for you
  11. Libra series Libra-T1 Craft specifics: Type : Single stage satellite Command : ProbodobodyneOKTO2 weight : 1.23 t goal : Long range research satellite cost : 26.555 DeltaV : 14.500 Note(s) : This craft is able to land and take off on the following bodies, Gilly, Minmus, Ike, Dres, Bop and Pol. Libra-T2x2 Craft specifics: Type : Single stage satellite Command : Probodobodyne OKTO2 weight : 4.64 goal : Long range research satellite/lander cost : 83.262 DeltaV : 22.600 Note(s) :
  12. Hmmm maybe the Kerman race is a equivalent of the 'Duck' race...
  13. to be short, no You have two options: 1 go back to your last save in wich you have your ships 2 accept your loss and move on (what I did after discovering when all my explorer probes to Jool dissapeared)
  14. It could be possible but only for contracting, like putting a spy satellite in orbit or something else (like in real life). But adding just weapons to shoot is not the goal of the game
  15. Hi fellow kerbonauts! So I'm restarting this thread to give anyone a possibility to post their findings and anyone to just come here and learn a lot of new stuff. So I'm going to start with a trick I found out just a couple of days ago. Sometimes when timewarping toward a manouvre, I found out that my solar panels were not recieving any sunlight and I could not start the burn. And this happened quite often (shame to me). Here is my beautiful trick: shut the supply of ElectricCharge of the probe core (or a battery for example) off. (do it in the VAB if you don't want to forget it in flight) In this way you have always enough charge left to extend the panels (if you forgot it) or turn your vessel so your panels faces the sun again. I hope I have inspired you all to post your findings and learn from each other!! happy launchings!! ~Ferdoni~
  16. The best way to do a Trans Munar Injection (from LKO to a Mun encounter) when, from the vessels point of view, the Mun is rising just above the horizon of Kerbin. For returning from a Mun orbit, simply burn retrograde when your vessel is exactly in between Kerbin and the Mun. In this way, you 'plummit' into Kerbin's atmosphere. (I managed to go to the Mun and back in this way without a manouvre node) Hope this helps you a bit cheers!
  17. Quicksaving back and forth is causing this. I also had the same problem. My solution is to use quicksave not as much (and become a better pilot instead ) and use the normal save instead (for example after archieving orbit). A rule for me is not to use quicksave -and load when I switched to another vessel before a normal savegame.
  18. Hmm combinating tourist contracts and rescue contracts... I like Btw, is it easy, normal or hard mode you're playing on?
  19. Hi fellow Kerbals! So I've actually never done any tourist contracts. Mainly because the rewards are just too low. How do you make a profit out of them?!
  20. Looks a lot better! BTW why fins? I searched for the proton M and Soyuz on Google but no rocket had them. A engine cluster with thrust vectoring engines should provide enough stability right?
  21. uhm pretty much the whole lower part of the rocket. Especially the part where the diameter is actually smaller wich isn't in the real soyuz.
  22. Did you test the docking directly on the launchpad? And could you also post some screenshots?
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