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Everything posted by ThatGuyWithALongUsername

  1. What's that flag next to the US flag on the first stage?
  2. I don't think I could actually join right now. Cloud (Kloud?) One Plus: That's all for now! I'll make the Vapor and at least one of the Luna rockets later. Blame Squad for the absence of black parts.
  3. aaaaAAAAAH TOO MANY KSP REPLICAS BE RIGHT BACK This is too awesome! I already wanted to do this, but now I really want to help somehow, even though I'm not sure what I could do!
  4. That's what I thought, just making sure... apparently I can't read. 16 tons...
  5. Is that the 3-core rocket design on twitter, or is this bigger?
  6. A real aerospace company CEO just liked my post... Glad you like it, it doesn't really fly very well at the moment. It's a WIP. KSP could use a hybrid SRB, it would work well... but first the "flea" needs to changed into a vacuum-optimised SRB. A few questions, what are the cloud one's dimensions? And what happened to that "official mod"?
  7. Nice! No, really, this is awesome! I guess someone has to do the honors and make this thing in KSP... what do you think? The upper stage is solid as well, right? I put an LF engine on this... This would be so much easier w/ procedural parts, actually.
  8. Huh... interesting. I could easily see a system of "contracts" for payloads that could be written by the government, launch providers, and even other payload providers. Science experiments could also generate funds, but since this is a sandbox game that would be tricky. The current system is fine, but I just feel this could make the payload provider side a bit better. It would also give launch providers and payload providers the ability to spend money on a contract to stimulate the industry a little. Not sure how realistic it would be, though.
  9. This sounds like an awesome idea! I'm definitely participating NOW! Or... when I finish making a payload! Quick question, I'm kind of confused on how payload providers make money. Does the "government" pay them for contracts? Are there set amounts for different contracts? I get how it works on the Launch Provider side, but *for now* I'm more interested in the Payloads. How do those work?
  10. Oh, wow, spaceport! Haven't heard that name in a looong time... I still think it was better than curse. I remember those days... *starts rambling on about how we had to install Kethane for in-situ resources in ye olden days* Anyway, Spacedock is the mod sownload thingy now. It was built after Kerbalstuff went down.
  11. RIP Zaltonics... I hope the space center is stocked up on batteries. That... was quite a chapter! Mary-Annette, huh? Can't wait to see chapter 82!
  12. Yeah, just noticed that. *for the future of Valve and whatever games they come up with Sorry, misread
  13. Wow! I wonder what this could mean for the future of Valve, and what games they might come ip with... honestly I can't see that much happpening, but who knows, they might have a plan. Surprising and exciting news!
  14. I just dropped it into the GameData folder and the clouds were broken. I kind of fixed it by replacing the cloud layers with the default EVE Kerbin config.
  15. I installed the mod on a new game without any other mods and the cloud problem still shows up.
  16. Pandoor's clouds don't seem to be working properly. All the other planet's clouds are working fine. Are here any dependencies I could have missed, perhaps? I also installed it on an existing save and had the same glitch but I kind of expected it. I installed it on a sandbox game, and it makes it a lot easier to explore the mod.
  17. Week 2! Surprise! I'm a bit behind, so pardon the fact that I am desperately trying to cram in mods. (I'll land the shuttle in week 3)
  18. I just came back to KSP (again) after a few months of inactivity... and I find paid DLC? I'm kind of torn on this. On the one hand, paying for content would help the company and kind of works on other games. On the other hand, quite possibly the best part of KSP is the modding community. There are very few ideas Squad can come up with that isn't already a mod, and the openness allows a lot of variation. Introducing paid DLC is a problem for the modding community.
  19. Nice idea! If they don't do that, there should at least be some kind of penalty for allowing asteroids to hit Kerbin, to encourage the player to redirect them.
  20. I just base it off the stock game with all settings on high. I don't think these physics allow for planets changing and such, I guess a modded universe is just different. At least, that's how I view it. There isn't really a definite, fixed answer to this question and it depends on the player.
  21. NVM, I guess you need to urn your terrain detail to "high". They're working now.
  22. Huh, strange. I don't see them- I know they were there once, at least...
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