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Everything posted by the_machemer

  1. Are the merits retroactive for achievements met before the installation of this mod or are achievements only tracked by the mod?
  2. This is just such amazeballs! I've never been so blown away by a KSP mod before! Few other things: 1. Does this use the glide slope provided by Kujuman's ILS mod or is it seperate? I saw some discrepancies between the two displays in the video. 2. I'm trying to get Crzyrndm to use Kujuman's ILS mod to make an approach mode for his pilot assistant, could be very cool if he's willing/able. 3. Is your post above regarding 1.1 compatibility?
  3. I have contacted him. I just wasn't really sure how much collaboration/work from either side it would require so i posted on both threads.
  4. Not sure if this has already been suggested, but have you considered working with Crzyrndm and his "Pilot Assistant" to make the glideslopes provided by your mod into a fully fledged ILS that allows planes to lock onto the LOC and be guided to the threshold of the runway? I haven't a clue about coding and therefore would totally understand if it was too much work, but i think that it would be the next logical step to elevate your already awesome mod to legendary status.
  5. Not sure if this has been suggested before, but i think it would be really cool if you could add an "approach mode" to pilot assistant by using the glide slope provided by Kujuman's ILS mod. I'm not exactly a coder and have no idea what kind of work doing such a thing might entail, but i think that having an autopilot mode that can lock onto a localizer and bring the plane down via the glide slope to the runway threshold would be INCREDIBLY COOL and very beneficial to players who spend a large amount of time flying between Kerbin Side and/or stock runways.
  6. Any plans to update to 1.1? I can't fly my tubeliners without this awesome mod!
  7. I do hope there will be a 6 wheel landing gear like the new stock one, I would finally be able to make a B777 and A380! Thanks for the brilliant mod, I await the update with bated breath.
  8. Just downloaded and started messing around with it and it seems that I am unable to set multiple parameters for a particular type of navigation. For example: when using V-NAV i can only set target altitude OR vertical speed. If i set my Alt to 4000m and then go to the VSpd section and enter something, my target altitude just gets set to whatever my current altitude is and the plane just starts to climb endlessly at whatever i set the VSpd to, ignoring target Alt all together. Similarly if i set my VSpd and then go and enter something in Alt, it just resets my VSpd to 50 m/s and climbs steeply until reaching my target Alt. Basically, regardless of V-NAV, L-NAV or autothrottle, i can only set one parameter at a time. I'm assuming that isn't how you designed it so am i doing something wrong by entering one parameter and then another? I don't think i have install issues since i used CKAN but who knows. Thanks in advance, i really hope we can figure this out because this might be the best aviation mod i've stumbled upon yet.
  9. Is it possible for me to edit a cfg file or something that prevents reinforcement of any joint involving a wing part? I love how it makes my larger aircraft fuselages stiffer but i would still like some wing flex. Thanks
  10. Definitely lower settings if possible. While OpenGL does often result in less CTDs, most report that it doesn't do any good to their fps.
  11. My bad, i forgot to mention that it keeps happening with the flight assistance turned off. I even restarted the game and it still persists.
  12. Hi I'm getting this bug that causes phantom control inputs (not phantom forces) while out of atmosphere. These inputs aren't from trim or my joystick as they aren't limited to just one control axis and they go back and forth with no rhyme or reason, sending the craft into random gyrations. Turning on SAS generally smooths things out but it too is affected as it oscillates and has a hard time zeroing in on vectors. I've seen two threads about this problem and both pinned it down to FAR's flight assistance, but the best solution they could offer was to make a clean install and then being careful to never touch flight assistance. I was wondering if anyone here has had experience with this bug and knows how to fix it without having to delete yet another save game. I've played 375+ hours across 4 career modes and have only managed to send a total of 2 craft beyond kerbin's SOI as my saves keep getting killed by something or other before i ever get very far. If somebody can get me out of this one, I would be eternally grateful. Thanks in advance
  13. I started having this problem and despite turning off FAR flight assistance and restarting the game, it still persists. What do i have to do to make this stop? Is it just my current crafts that have it or is it anything i build subsequently too? Can i simply uninstall/reinstall FAR? I guess my real question is: do i have to delete yet another career mode? This is about to be the fourth time due to various reasons and I'm really getting fed up. Thanks in advance.
  14. Can anyone tell me how to remove the particle effects from the J-33 Wheesley Turbofan engine? Since they changed the way it looks, it seems kind of inappropriate for it to be shooting flames out the back.
  15. Not sure if anyone mentioned this in here already but does using KerbalJointReinforcement prevent your aircraft from breaking up as easily under high aerodynamic forces? And if so, are there settings i can adjust to negate this?
  16. Sorry if someone already asked this, but is there a way to just have the atmosphere effects without the other stuff? I tried just installing the BoulderCo file but then my game would just crash. Please help me, I really love this mod but don't wanna burden my game with the Joolian ring asteroids and such.
  17. I apologize if someone has already asked this, but how come i cant see the layer of atmosphere around Kerbin when in orbit? Is it because I'm using KSP 1.0?
  18. Btw, i have FAR installed too, not sure how much of a difference that makes. Anyway, usually going about 2300~2400 m/s when i start getting reentry effects, coming in from 100km orbit around Kerbin with periapsis just under the Kerbin's surface.
  19. Help! I have Deadly Reentry and my landing gear keeps burning up! I've tried many different reentry profiles, with the heatshielding on and off, but to no avail, the temperature rises at about 100 degrees a second! I've seen Scott Manley use them with DRE and he had no problems... So i guess my question is: are they meant to burn up easily with DRE or does my KSP just have mod sickness?
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