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Everything posted by SaturnianBlue

  1. Finishing up my Admiralty M Destroyer, fixed the EC problem, and I'm almost ready for the release, now I just need to conduct some sea trials.
  2. Don't worry, I use a Mac too. I knew Comic life existed but I hadn't though of using it before. I'm excited too see where the story goes, I wonder what's next, a lot of exciting elements have been laid down already!
  3. I'll try multiple rudders, but the problem is that I'm using 6 generators on a 80 meter long destroyer, which might be because of a poor sense of hull building, as this is my first ship. Destroyers are pretty weak ships though.
  4. Yes! Hopefully you can get towards the current pages, since pacing does change a lot through out the comic.
  5. Id like some feedback on The Asteroid Senitnels, as I haven't been getting too much feedback on the page. I wonder if it's because it seems like a YAML, though my storyboard plans to change that fairly soon. I've been expermenting with the format again, and while it seems ok to me, I don't know what you all think. I might need to pick up the pacing a little, though I'm not exactly sure if that is a problem.
  6. The Admiralty M Destroyer now reaches 18.3 M/s, but turning circle is pretty bad, and it loses ½ its speed in 180 turn. The back gun has NOT exploded, and now the guns work. The Torpedo tubes are all very good now, they manage not to get destroyed, and reach 23 M/s, but the Torpedo Tubes do get damaged. The whole construction is 800+ Parts and still needs Hack gravity to not get destroyed while waiting for the runway and require Hyperedit/Vessel mover, but it does work, now I just need to give the ship some small improvements in performance and hopefully neutralize the EC drain, which is sadly pretty high.
  7. It appears all the bad things are happening to Gene Kermans in many stories... I feel that Parka Kerman is Darth Vader, and the voice in the intercom is the Emperor...
  8. Series 6 Episode 6 Is here, and the kerbals celebrate a victory, but that will be short-lived...Thanks for reading, leave any feedback you might have below! Edit: This is my 404th Post That does not mean "404 Asteroid Not Found" however....
  9. The Torpedo Tubes and Guns work on the destroyer itself, but the guns are kind of wonky and unbalanced. The Torpedoes might need improvement on the sepatrons, because they keep impacting the water and breaking up (The very front's intake gets destroyed, cutting power the the Panther engines, which in theory should let it reach 22 M/s). Only one Torpedo has actually managed to survive impact so far. I think I can fix those, but the back gun for some reason is notorious for exploding. I will also build the rafts. Then I will be able to release this, which currently clocks at 790 Parts and is the heaviest thing I've ever built by at least 10X. It is capable of over 17 M/s, which is good for a WWI destroyer.
  10. Morale of the story: Not everything is possible! Loved the chapter, an interesting dynamic of adorableness and rather disturbing things happening...
  11. Working on torpedo tubes for my Admiralty M Class WWI Destroyer, built them, attached them on the destroyer, was testing buoyancy and performance, then this weird bug happened after Hyperediting (I think) the craft: And that apparently is what happens when a WWI destroyer suddenly starts flying through the air at Mach 2.... The wreckage goes for 2.5 Km, and the ship sunk... Stern First, after the electricity ran out and all.
  12. The Admiralty M Destroyer's Torpedo tubes are being finished up. The problem is that the intakes tend to break up when launched into the water sometimes, as they will end up being dropped from ~3 Meters, and require sepatrons to make it out of the torpedo tubes. The torpedo tubes have 360 turning though, as the gif below shows. EDIT: The Destroyer is at 787 Parts! That's a personal record!
  13. That reminds me of a career story that's been in the works for months, but hasn't really gotten anywhere because it uses a lot of mods. An interesting idea I have for it is to potentially go into alternate history and explore the What If? Of human history and integrate that into a plot.
  14. The kerbals will be attempting to access these wormholes, I'm certain they will... Who knows where they might end up if they do...
  15. Here we are with Episode 5 of Series 6! @Kuzzter! What happened here! We've got wormholes, Large Black Monoliths, and a Jeb talking about strange stories and stuff... As well as being a part of "A Jool Odyssey"?!
  16. ENTP or INTP, occasionally ENFP for me. It seems different sites give different results, since one other site gives me ENTP almost every time, occasionally INTP. The preference of Extravert isn't much though, it's really split down the middle, I don't always work well with people after all. INTP Introvert(16%) iNtuitive(31%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(31%) Edit: Apparently the KSP Forum is filled with the rarer personalities and not the more common ones.
  17. I built the working gun turret. It separates from the main shaft stand, and the inner shaft is full of LFO, and a fuel cell converts this to EC, with powers the SAS, and this allows the turret to turn 360 Degrees. Kinda clunky though, and it won't help AI BDA ships. As for the main destroyer, I just realized that I ignored the whaling boats and dingys... I might skip that for now and work on the torpedoes.
  18. Apologies for the long break, I suppose that was the break that never happened between interlude 2 and S6, I had a rather busy week as can be told from my posts. However, here we are with Series 6 Episode 4, with the landing to take place, and a greatly disturbing event will occur...Here we are... Jeb's out... For now... The "filters" that you might have noticed in some screenshots are from the ColorHiResTV setting of the MovieTime mod, which I certainly plan on using more. Also notable: this thread has reached 13K!
  19. Now I need to add some flags and wires to the warship, and I need to replace the "placeholder" 4 inch guns with actual hinged guns, and build rotating torpedo tubes, hopefully twin torpedo ones. I need to improve the turning ability, and maybe action group some of the turbines. I'm at just over 600 parts, and I'd imagine this might reach 800 once I finish the weapons and wires up.
  20. Good Mort... Good... Let the hate flow through you! Good!!! Seek Revenge! Good!!!!!
  21. Ah, the classic "you're fired!" one-liner. Interested to see where the Kerbals go next.... Mort has Kerpitalism at its finest! He just wanted to make some money, after all!
  22. I haven't been able to get too much progress, but I've managed to improve the detail of the smokestack-torpedo tubes areas. I'll need to make better torpedo tubes, as the NAS ones are place holders (the real Admiralty M destroyers had Twin torpedo tubes). Next is the stern. The pom-pom has a projectile, but it is very slow compared to "real" ones. Edit: This is still in WW2 Warships .35, I'll need to update. Turning is ok, but it loses A LOT of speed doing so. The ship can reach ~20 M/s now.
  23. A mass conspiracy?! Oh boy... These corporations are starting to show their true colors... Also, does that mean that both Kerbfleet and Plan Kappa are going to be doomed? What about my universe?
  24. Ooo! 1000  Profile Views. :P

    I'll probably work on the destroyer today, yesterday i made some pom-pom guns with projectiles, but generally I didn't get to do much yesterday. I will also try to get the next TAS episode up. (Quite likely that there will be... Much Disappearing...)

  25. Oh dear! The Invisible Menace approaches, and the kerbals are about to reach the asteroids and where'd my Jeb go!!! This is going to put a wrench in the plans, and this is going to be another problem in the list my kerbals have! You got the font for my Jeb correct.
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