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Everything posted by SaturnianBlue

  1. [quote name='Rthsom']We just got snow here in the Midwestern US. Is that where you live, OP?[/QUOTE] Ah,me too! Barely snowed before yesterday, I'm sitting in this room with a view of ~3-6 inches of snow, there was plenty of traffic yesterday.
  2. [quote name='Kuzzter']I think that's wise. The character stuff worked better in the last update--you're not trying to force it, you're having them do things in their own way at that makes them doing those things much more interesting. Mort blowing up rockets was truly strange, and inconsistent with the rules of the world you'd established. When you do that, it tends to take the reader right out of your story--readers keep coming back and getting deeper into it when you build up their trust, with consistency. Your world becomes a familiar place to them, comfortable, they know it. Betray the reader's trust at your peril :) For the bubbles--honestly I've read every comic you posted and I think I may have typed almost as many words about them as you have, Blue, but I couldn't for the life of me tell which colors belong to whom without looking. (nor can I remember for [I]any [/I]comic where individual characters all have different colors) I don't expect people to remember that in my comic either, which is why I try not to go too long without a portrait nametag or the name being mentioned in text, e.g. "Hey, Tedus!" Also I don't assign individual colors: all anyone has to do is remember who has what job, whether they're male or female, and orange suit or not, and you can narrow it down very quickly. But again, even for my comic which has a very big and dedicated fanbase I don't count on everyone remembering that when a female speaks with a blue balloon and it's not accented, it's Lisa. The person finding a Kerbfleet comic for the very first time has to be able to understand it, or that person may not come back a second time.[/QUOTE] I'm gradually toning down Morts anger for now, and making him a bit passive and still caring for lives, but I wanted to keep my Mort a little bit darker and somewhat shadier at the same time. The cutting coms off is probably going to be an important piece of plot for now. Rockomax is a little bit of an interesting thing I'd love to try and put in cleanly while keeping the person to person tone there nor introduce too many Kerbals at once, something that might prove somewhat difficult. As for the format, I've given it a bit of standardization, and a color code for reading.
  3. Ah wait, I think I was wrong. Mort might be nice and cares about lives, but he sure isn't afraid to make... Illegal actions a little bit of a trade he has.... The adventure and ascent continues less violently, but can they get to the Mun? Can they get help if they can't? Also, the views... It's over 9000 now! This mission is easily on the second page of the mission report for views, and soon we'll get up to 10K! Also, here's a bit of a color code I set this time: Cyan-Scientist Light green-Engineer, Blue-Pilot, gold-Finace/Higher Up, Grey and such is Mission Control. Blue out line-> Intern, Red equals High ranking, Dark-red->Highest-up. Yep... Rockomax is trying something fairly risky....
  4. None of those! 1.Toured a U-Boat 2. Rode a plane for longer than 12 hours 3. Went to the Tokyo Skytree (Jokes on you Columbia, I've actually been to a tower that's really tall :P)
  5. For those who just want the torpedo, here it is. [URL="http://kerbalx.com/SaturnianBlue/Mark-15-Torpedo"]DOWNLOAD KERBAL X[/URL][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/w5YBl5v.png[/IMG]I'm working on a "super sepatron" version, which involves sepatrons to accelerate the craft when it hits the ship to cause some major damage.
  6. Working on a pt boat, that battle cruiser is just going to crush it :P I'm working on a Fubuki or a Shimakaze after that. I'm wondering what the part counts for the ships will be... I actually used 2/3 open Mk2 Cargo bays for PT Boats, Mk3 is just a bit to big for it!
  7. 138 to my second light-green bar, recently made a triple barrel torpedo launcher! [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Cn6J1yy.gif[/IMG]
  8. Future plans will be to release a subassembly of just the torpedo, and a Two engine torpedo for speed, maybe with ore tanks to make it below water unlike my current torpedo.
  9. [quote name='clivman']Not even close to effective.... you need 60 m/s to hit a lightly armored ship, 75+ if you are hitting fuel tanks.[/QUOTE] You know, I'd love to see some of your designs, my torps go a quite faster at 30 meters a second, and have a 80 km range, but nothing much in damage too.
  10. [quote name='Kuzzter']Ok, good start :) The Mort vs. Jeb conflict is a bit thin. It does come through that Mort cares, which is interesting, but really each character just comes out and says 'this is what I care about and this is what I want.' We didn't see how they got to this point. We didn't see them take actions that show us how they feel--which is much more effective than them telling us. I haven't looked backwards in my story to be sure, but I hope that if you go back and read my Mort from the beginning of Order Zero you'll see what I mean. Character development doesn't happen in one page; it is a process :) val: her log is just a news report. It doesn't tell us anything about her except that she's so good she won't be flying many missions. If you want to develop her you need to have her do things that show how she's different form everyone else. i agree the dialogue between Jeb and Mort is the strongest part of the episode. You know how much I love a dramatic argument in the middle of a countdown :) Again, this will have more effect as the characters take action and show their depth. And you're right, there's not much going on here for other characters like Wernher. That can be OK--a reader can only pay attention to so much. :) I'd recommend you really work on developing your one or two main characters, THEN you can worry about the others. Take two or at most three characters and give them something to do. Then SHOW us who they are via the ACTIONS try take. Did I ever say out loud 'Kenlie is kind of a screwup, but he's brave and loyal, and is pretty good at his job when it comes down to it."? No, but if I did my job right over the last few chapter everyone knows that anyway :) ps sorry for any typos and poor formatting, am on iPhone in airport- biz trip to Carolinas.[/QUOTE] So I've tried to build on the character development bits not directly stating things, but more or less taking direct actions. Mort and Jeb are the main characters I'm trying to build on, with the rest of the mission crew also being somewhat developed. I suppose they'll be established after quite a while (maybe the whole chapter, though Mort and Jeb will probably have more development later on later too). Of course, Mort blowing up rockets and stuff was a little bit ridiculous, so I think I might want to tone that down and make it a little bit more reasonable. I would like a little bit of feedback on the color choices for my character bubbles, and how to get people talking on the novels too, since I do leave a few things to give the reader answer, and not just here.
  11. Triple Barrel Mark 15 Torpedo Launcher 1.0.5 Torpedoes+Launcher, KerbalX This is a working torpedo launcher equipped with torpedoes that are based off and inspired by the Mark 15 Torpedoes used by the US Navy is WWII. This craft has three barrels, which contain these torpedoes. Each torpedo is powered with a Juno engines, allowing speeds of up to 62 knots in speed, for as far as ~80 kilometers. This launcher should be used on Destroyers and Cruisers, but as an example, this craft has a rig with ore tanks carrying 9.158 tons of Ore. Since the craft is not limited onto a ship, by default it can use SAS to turn the craft. Stats: 3 barrels, 39.7 tons, 127 parts total. Each torpedo has 16 parts plus a decoupler. The initial boost out the tube is powered by sepatrons while the jet starts up. The torpedoes have probe cores for optional control. The real Mark 15s were generally launched out of quintuple barrel launchers, but I didn't do that because of part count and wanted to keep the launcher slim. Also notable : This launcher has no reload capability, a capacity only IJN destroyers had (I think?) Now for the Pics! KVV Racing in the sea! and into the shore... Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you clear seas on your naval adventures around Kerbin! (Maybe Eve+Laythe? :P)
  12. I've been conducting a series of tests on my torpedoes, The Tri-Launcher is alright, and the tops have an ~100 km range, but they don't have much damage capability. Again, the tops still go 60+ knots, and this time use sepatron boosted to get out the tubes. I based it chiefly on the Mark 15 Torpedo, but instead used a Tri-Launcher instead of Quintuple. I should get them released today or tomorrow. The tops still need manual adjustments every once a while.[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Iu8q2BG.png[/IMG]
  13. The pilots can do the same thing Mort can do, but why? Mort of course uses power via fear naturally, he might want to protect lives of Kerbals, but he wouldn't mind firing a few! RSO can't be aborted or overridden quickly enough, unless you are Mr Master Hacker, which Bill isn't... Mort ordered some commands to be irreversible from space too... *gulp*
  14. The start of Series 5 begins with the "MVP" (Mission : Very Possible) launching into the skies above the KSC... But Mort's not ready to give up yet, and Jeb is rolling on with the mission. 4 Page series introductory entry. How was Jeb and Mort? How was the format for you? How was the mood for the entry? Oh and yes, I changed the logo a bit. For those who like munching on outside references, Spaceballs gets a mention with "We Brake For Nobody", and Doctor Who in the style of "Harry Sullivan is an imbecile!"
  15. Granted, It ends up in 1885 with a broken engine. I wish for some sushi.
  16. First thing after updating to KSP 1.0.5 after messing with a little plane is what I meant to be a little Torpedo Tube project, but quickly evolved into a PT boat replica. The exterior is practically done, but the interior is something I might have trouble with. The PT boat's equipped with prop Bofors+Oerlikons, but has Torpedoes and Depth charges, but sadly both don't do much damage, though the tops move at 60 Knots, which is nice. The PT boat sadly moves at only 33 knots, vs 41 in real life.
  17. Hooray! 8000 views! I'm also updating the first post to include all of series 4. I still haven't gotten ksp 1.0.5 downloaded (Macs don't recognize Squad, and i'm not the admin account), and the next one I'd prefer be in 1.0.5, so while most of the mission is done, not all of it is. Also, I'd like a sprinkle of feedback on what bits you like about series 4, so I can improve series 5. EDIT: Series 4/4B added to the first page for those who'd prefer reading it in imgur without the forum things.
  18. Thanks! I am planning to make Mort take... Desperate measures... I really didnt want to make characters one sided, which is why I add this side, but I'm pretty sure keeping him mostly an adversary will work best. I'm mainly planning on the crew as the main characters, so I guess they should be developed the most . I'm not exactly sure how to improve on Val's character for now, and I'm not really sure when I can get to developing her. I'd wonder, should more characters be introduced? Right now I'm saying no, since I've already got plenty to focus and use. Also, A question to comic writers/all writers: How long do you like making each entry/pg/entry/post? I prefer 2-6, as it helps provide different types of entries, while keeping things alright, since I average around 3-4. Also, how long do you make your seasons/chapters/volumes?
  19. Alright, since 1.0.5 is almost certainly upon us, my plans are to.... -switch the skippers for vectors, -switch the OMS spider for Thud, -Add more fuel thanks to the gimbal range of the vectors. After that, the Centaur G Prime will be flown, and the IUS will too. If the overheating bug gets fixed, I will fly a Galileo Recreation and release it. For those already flying it, what do you think of the shuttle? I'm especially looking for feedback on space shuttle control and even more for bugs.
  20. Hmmm. I wanted to somewhat side with Jeb, but have empathy for Mort. I wanted to tell readers that both sides aren't all good or bad, Jeb being somewhat reckless yet trying to get the KSP to wrangle in science, while Mort would partially agree with that, yet he's very disappointed and fears the safety of his crew. I wanted to give the newer characters better contrast. -I tried to push Val's character forward while noting some plans, and tried to give them some character in this and earlier entries to make them be cared. -The main conflict is Jeb vs Mort, but Kerbals vs Asteroids will slowly make a return. I'm trying to get it solved by slowly developing the arguments for each side and the repricussions if either side makes dominant. -The tense last-minute argument worked very well in bringing Mort's other side forward, and somewhat for the other characters. Drawing some characters may have distinguish characters. -I don't really think the finale helped much with developing Wernher or Bobaks character forward, except sort of giving them a bit of a "leader" thing difined. Perhaps some readers who like fast going finales may not have found Val's entry particularly interesting. Subeth's character isn't really perfect yet, aside from still being friendly but perhaps more serious vs Bob. -I didn't exactly know how to bring Wernher/Mission controls characters much definition in the finale, and since the crew of "MVP" (Mission Very Profitable/Possible) is probably going to have a main focus. The relatively fun/comedy parts that most of Series 4 only really had one line.
  21. I made a torpedo! It worked as planned on my Minekaze inspired ~100 part craft. I used Better bouyancy, Bdarmory, and tweakscale. It goes as fast as ~30 meters a second! Sadly it also only burn for 30 seconds.
  22. It's been just over 10 months since getting KSP! The first thing I ever put up on the forums was my Delta III, my first "true" stock replica. I think it can still fly though. My Dawn and MESSENGER replicas are of special importance by being the first "super-detail" replicas I built. They were hard to fly, and had ~500 parts, but they hold special honors merely because of how much effort and time I put them into the crafts, and they're probably both broke and obsolete due to aeros and changes to mods in ½ a year. Last but most nostalgic, the first craft I ever built, a plane that made it to the Island runway on its first try, and landed back to the KSC with just the engine destroyed. It's probably broken since 1.0, as this was a 0.90 build.
  23. I've tried to do that in the Series 4 finale, and is there anything else to note?
  24. The finale of Series 4 has come! It's by far the longest series, at 12 entries! Wernher initiates the entry into Mun orbit for ARM, Val makes note of plans and explanations. Finally, the Hotel-Refinery is... Well, you'll need to find out! There you have it! The end to series 4! It's also the first time i've depicted Mort and Subeth Kerman. I drew/edited them in SketchbookExpress, the simple art program that came with my drawing tablet. Mr. Signalman is finally in the series. ARM, ADM, and the new launch (Mission: Very Possible) will all be back in Series 5. There won't be any interludes between series 4-5. Btw, the red Mustang is back! What did you think of the series? Do you like the crew? Was it a nice finale?
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