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Everything posted by gomker

  1. This is something we have identified that is related to KSP - we will be tracking the issue here https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues/239
  2. It should, minor point releases usually don't break many things.
  3. I disabled CPS and no luck. What is odd is that the way point seem to be not accounting for surface. It's hard to see, but In the vid the targets all have negative altitudes (-200+) I do have scatterer and EVE - would that have an effect on the water detection?
  4. Ok guys, I may have been staring at something way too long. Can someone please point out my stupidity on why this is not working MM Patch: ======================== @PART[DallesqueTorp*]:FINAL { @MODULE[MissileLauncher] %missileType = torpedo } ======================== Part Config ======================== MODULE { name = MissileLauncher missileType = missile ======================== Error ======================== [LOG 18:31:08.140] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SM_Marine/Parts/DallesqueHKS/DallesqueTorp20/DallesqueTorp20' [WRN 18:31:08.142] PartLoader Warning: Variable missileType not found in Part
  5. https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/releases/tag/1.6.1 Adding option to not spawn crew.
  6. v0.1.6.1 gomker released this 16 minutes ago · 3 commits to master since this release Adding support for SM_Marine depth charges Debug label cleanup Configurable crush depth from UI
  7. Action group support added https://github.com/gomker/AirPark/releases/tag/v0.1.6.1 Space dock etc... should update soon as well.
  8. Well this has been a touchy subject in other places Inside joke, I digress... We do not have this enabled everywhere as it can cause issues in balance which then leads to "Why is this not working right" support questions... How I handle this with other mods is I create a folder in my /gamedata/ called "zzzz_gomker" and in that folder I create some MM (Module Manager) configs such as BDA_Settings.cfg @PART[ThePartYouWantChanged]:HAS[!MODULE[TweakScale]]:FINAL { %MODULE[TweakScale] { %name = TweakScale %type = free } } This way you can have whatever tweaks *you* would like
  9. @SpannerMonkey(smce)'s SM Aviation - which may or may not be rolled up into SM Armory - not sure where he decided to put them next.
  10. Radar Ping, Missile Lock, Missile Launch SpaceDock yes, sometimes we lag on patches a bit Only one of the team has access so we sometimes forget to get that done. Only one way to know Let it try and let it fly - note you want to tweak the AI auto pilot for control FYI - Much of the AI flight code was actually written by Ferram (author of FAR) some time ago - so we expect that he took into account people using FAR
  11. @tetryds There have been some significant updates to the ammo/bullet configurations - here are some docs we started, they are a bit thin right now and we are working to get them improved https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/wiki/Bullet-Configuration https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/wiki/Armor https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/blob/master/BahaTurret/Distribution/GameData/BDArmory/BulletDefs/BD_Bullets.cfg -- bulletType configurations with penetration curves They will only need to be configured if you would like them to work with the new armor system, if not configured the bullets will revert back to the old damage model and not interact with any Armor panels. Here are some of the new properties ammoName = 50CalAmmo bulletType = 12.7mmBullet bulletMass = 5.40133e-5 bulletVelocity = 860 bulletDmgMult = 1.1 // new property for small caliber, damage multiplier if needed Getting the message out to mod makers was a bit messy. Let me know if you have any questions about the new features if you choose to use them. Regards,
  12. Yeah, that does look odd - ok, lets go through the basics KSP version - this is only on 1.3 now Latest release installed? https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/releases/tag/1.6.0 - please delete existing and replace
  13. @Themorris There have been some recent updates to BDA for bullet configurations and ranges - I would be happy to send you my updates - I use many of your parts for testing.
  14. Thanks , I will try that. Maybe a way to automatically detect would be by part tag, All the landing targets are going to be certain Helicopter decks or "H" decals - we could tag them with something like "TCALandingTarget"
  15. Large vessels will need Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod - Also very large vessels do not play nice with auto struts I can attest with this does work with very large ships like these including Air craft Carrier size vessels There was a similar request here https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/issues/17 Selection is tricky - but I do like the idea of maybe having a check box [ ] that says "do not spawn crew"
  16. A lot of very cool stuff - Thanks to @SpannerMonkey(smce) for working is butt off and putting up with all of our tweak requests
  17. So many things I'll be uploading some craft to KerbalX as well
  18. That will be a bit tricky at the moment. Even with physics range extensions the GPS system works off of "visual" range. You could try flying the missile close to target, deploying MIRV's and then enabling gaurd mode when within atmosphere. Check your `settings.cfg` and make sure MAX_GUARD_VISUAL_RANGE is set to something like 50000 Not sure if this will work right now, I am working on updating a few things for submarine combat that may help, its in QA testing right now.
  19. Found an odd issue working on a problem with Submarines. It looks like anything that is Splashed / Underwater is considered "VesselType.Debris" . Has anyone else confirmed this, its a problem as I am trying to implement Sonar and I would like to exclude Debris from targeting but be able to keep a list of underwater vessels.
  20. Are the engines still on? The freezing function literally says "stay at this GPS position" every frame. Thrust will keep it moving slightly. Action groups is something I will put in my todo list.
  21. Yeah - all of this applies only to latest version I set the missiles to engage Air only and CIWS for missile in this example Technically speaking the radar has no "locked" range , only the view of the Radar window (which we are increasing to 40KM ). The detection range *was* locked before due to physics range, thus why we use Physics Extender now. Radar works by doing Raycasts and detecting "hits"
  22. Did you change the engagement options on the weapons? You can tell each weapon what to fire on, Air,Ground or missile. I would dedicate the CIWS to Missile.
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