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Everything posted by FireFaced

  1. I will do that. But for now, can you close it?
  2. It's when users decide that they want to hide their reputation from other users. It's mainly a joke.
  3. I have resigned from Halco Aerospace, but I have the military division still open, so I need my thread to be either transferred to Kozak's control, or closed.
  4. KAPOW? I guess you're on Twitch a lot.
  5. Yeah, but still. Next one happening in a YEAR. I just hope my channel gets REALLY good by then, or has less than 500 subs.
  6. Oh. Didn't notice that, probably because I have less than 100 rep.
  7. Actually, this method does not work if you have a lot of rep.
  8. My guess is that it won't happen this year. Maybe next year, but we'll see.
  9. In case you didn't realize, IT ISN'T FOR 1.0.2! No Comment Made from Lienthal. On the RSS thread, before NathanKell even released the dev builds.
  10. A Kerbal X-tra boring. I wish for a perfect cookie that can't be corrupted.
  11. GLOBAL MESSAGE TO ALL PEOPLE: Upsilon and I have been "discussing" a yearly Oscar-B. Enough said.
  12. EVA Report from the surface of Jool You are surprised that there is something to stand on, but then you forget about that while thinking about the limeade-air. You compress some of the air into a container.
  13. I'm only temporarily joining, but here I am! Still, MOAR REP!
  14. One small step for man! One giant leap into the uncertain! Going to reserve my copy! - - - Updated - - - I know what you're feeling.
  15. Flown, but not completed a mission. The user below me is a user.
  16. Knows about what? The user below me has seen me on the forums before.
  17. Nope. The user below me hasn't heard of TheCrazyCarts. (YouTube and Twitch channel) (that I run)
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