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Everything posted by Jasseji

  1. yes i'm trying to narrow it down - so far i have downloaded USI MKS where GC is bundled and that version runs ok, hence i assume it must be some combination of MM Patches from the "Full GC" conflicting with the ones from other mods Edit: Dropbox output_log.txt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oyzkhpn6m9wfnu8/output_log.txt?dl=0
  2. Hello, I seem to be running into some problem, game is career mode, crashing at startup, last stuff i see in log is: [ERR 12:23:06.846] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'BuildEngineer' [ERR 12:23:06.847] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FlightEngineer' [LOG 12:23:07.996] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Bluedog_DB/Parts/Apollo/bluedog_Apollo_Block2_ActiveDockingMechanism/bluedog_Apollo_Block2_ActiveDockingMechanism' I cant really figure out what is causing it, the game runs OK if i remove Ground Construction folder (AT_Utils is not causing it as i run it from another mod) Propably a mod conflict but i cant really figure it out (could it try to overwrite some stuff from BDB ?) Edit: i removed all the Parts and MM Patches from GC and the Game loads so it's not the plugin itself, anyone can point me on what to look for in regards to MM patch conflicts ?
  3. Stuck in 2001 Version due to lacking S0 Truss Mix of Cx, Tantares, BDB and WildBlue MOLE
  4. hey @cxg2827 could you share a screenshot how the grapple fixture should be docked (which way, what angle) i cant get them to connect no matter what i do
  5. I can always claw one of your eyes out, you'll get a patch definitely then
  6. @Angel-125@CobaltWolf how about combining your work where it is duplicated ? I myself find using the Skylab main Part from MOLE (IVA + Lab Functionality) combined with Airlock+Docking adapter from BDB - maybe some joint operation
  7. huh, this therad has no "does it work in 1.3" question ? YEEES it does - well apart from NearFuture which is packaged and crashes the game but after removing NF the rest of the parts seem to work
  8. i have 1.0 downloaded yesterday from spacedock, will download and test later
  9. any chance for that kOS script ? i suck at kOS programming
  10. Tried it just now and was able to orbit without issues with some fuel left in 2nd Stage MJ Ascent to 150km Force roll 0/0 Ascent Path Default Altitude 3.5km turn start, velocity 98m/s, Final angle 0, Turn shape 96% Vectoring engines firing at main SRB startup, left final 957 Liquid Fuel in 2nd Stage @150km Circular Orbit
  11. Thank you for noting, the Lander Ladders dont appear in Career (at least with stock Tech Tree) - changing category = landing to category = Ground does the trick tho, might be different with custom categories, but on stock with no filter extensions and stock tech tree that's needed to make them appear
  12. Hey, as above, can you please share the craft files ? Also i seem to be missing parts in career, am investigating I have your Launcher Pack, CSM and Lander but seem to have problems assembling, just wanted a baseline
  13. I dont want to, question, what purpose what it designed to perform - as i see it from the shape and engine placement, it's for shipping containers TO planet, they don't seem to be meant to be reused so the lander would reOrbit empty
  14. TBH i dont agree with your point of view. As i see it, this would have to be used as a Drop-Ship so with cargo you only use the VTOL Engines to slow you down, after dropping the Cargo, Main Engines are used to Launch to Orbit, hence the CoM/CoT should be tuned for no-Cargo applications
  15. Hey, I've provided the cfg changes for the Lander, apart from that, everything else seems to be working fine
  16. Does anyone have the downloads still ? the links from OP dont seem to work
  17. Hey, Great pack, extremely love it Any chance tyhough for some extended Mission profiles ? Like Duna Transfer -> Initial orbit -> when to drop what etc ?
  18. check the cfg files, there are OMS engines and Booster decouplers, propably if you are playing career, they dont show up in VAB due to bad techRequired entries in cfg
  19. Strange, what ascent profile are you using ? I am able to get this easily into a 150km Pe orbit with some payload, dont know the numbers though
  20. not true but i believe something like Communty Tech Tree needs to be installed - for me it works in Career Mode (or maybe edit of cfg was needed to change TechRequired but i am not sure)
  21. On a manual install i had both IFS and CC so at least manually installing them should be possible - dunno about the full functionality tho, at least CC was working fine
  22. @JPLRepo hey man, can you give us a heads-up if you are working on this nod presently? Do you have a road-map in mind or maybe something the community could help out with ? I know IVA stuff is on the list- what do you have in mind considering the command IVA ? Any specific things you need changed/added there ?
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