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Everything posted by Sgt.Shutesie

  1. Well, I'd say that we are probably launching these pre-supplies on a SLS rocket which is about a 5 m rocket in KSP. So, if we put the full rover in a 3 x 3 x say 7 meter container, you could feasibly launch a full rover in presupply, which makes it some or no assembly required (Maybe keep the wheels as KAS/KIS assembled at sight parts). Then in 2 launches you could bring both rovers + whatever food stuffs you want as well. Then another say 2 for hab parts including a solar farm and then the Hermes brings the MAV for the next mission as well as the MDV. So, we could keep it as a whole rover and only need say 5-6 pre-supplies which is half of what IRL needs.
  2. I always thought that the pre-supplies would be containers similar to that of a shipping container, but with parachutes, landing engines, etc that re-entered in an aero-shell. So think large shipping container but 1000x more expensive because it's NASA we are talking about.
  3. It could allow you to see problems that are on the ship I suppose. Or to make you feel less coped up.
  4. Ha! That's exactly what I did! See! http://imgur.com/a/ygTVa And It's more than happy to put you in a 200 km orbit around Kerbin. Perfect for Duna or perhaps speeding up to a rendezvous on a Duna Flyby. Except it still uses the SM of the CST-100 to rendezvous and dock.
  5. Well, I'm trying to build a Hermes ripoff called the "Kermes" and I'm launching it in large modules (A propulsion module, Fuel Module, etc) on rockets that are totally feasible. I have a propulsion stage already up that was 15.6 tons dry (Liquid Hydrogen Engine, Some very large batteries in a truss and a reactor with no enriched uranium w/accompanied radiators). And if I'm looking at this correctly, the proposed Ares program rockets would have been perfectly capable. Maybe even the Jupiter family could pull it off too. Although, I'm assuming that this is the Ares Program with an Ares Mission to Mars.
  6. I always thought that the rovers looked similar to that of the LEV/SEV rovers that NASA has but was longer and had more wheels. Which would add a toe hitch and such. The only disappointing part of the movie for me was the lack of the emphasis on just how important the rover trip was and the events that happened in it. That and the fact that the hab material was basically plastic looking and not a heavy Kevlar type material that the book made it out to be.
  7. This is great! I have a mod to look forward to for Hermes, one for all the SLS and STS type rockets, one for the Chinese rocket that I cant remember the name of, and now for the Rover. Question, are you going to add parts that would be similar to that of the book? Or are you basing the whole of it off the movie. Ex: A large pressurized cabin that extends the length of the rover vs a cockpit with flat bed space.
  8. Well it isn't designed to do that. I'm sure you could jerry rig one if you tried and had a use for it (making a KSP Martian movie).
  9. I was looking at my shuttle today and comparing it to the real one. I remembered that the shuttle bay doors were radiators during the mission. Is there anyway to replicate that?
  10. Say, I've got a bit of an issue here. Well, more of a question. What is the magic touch for the station part docking ports? I just spent atleast the last 30 minutes trying to dock using them and I got nothing. The closest I got was a spining motion when I turned off SAS when I got near it. In all the frustration, I managed to get 3.3 km away from the station (at around 0.2 m/s). Am I missing something?
  11. I hope that the movie will give us a better view of the Hermes. I love the book and I can't wait for this mod.
  12. In testing (throwing the mk3 stock airliner under the shuttle and flying it above the KSC) I can land it about 30% of the time intact and around 50% in bits and 20% no return. In flight of the actual shuttle (I put a unity module on a station again from ShadowWorks) I came up short on the runway and became confetti on the mountains, but the crew survived (thank you mk3 shuttle cockpit crash tolerance). My issue is that even before I get near dense atmosphere, I am flipping and either loosing my wings or the ability to use them since I'm going backwards. Turning on fine controls and having a bit of monoprop helps though. I need to figure out the best angles of attack though. So wish me luck when I do more testing.
  13. You might want to put this on the release thread, but maybe it's a weight balance thing?
  14. There is also ShadowWorks Stockalike SLS and More. I even mentioned this mod to him for ideas on his nose cone and OMS. It includes parts for SLS and STS which is what I use. When I get a more successful flight (Still in the design phase), I'll edit a picture or 2 in. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128353-1-0-4-ShadowWorks-Stockalike-SLS-and-More-v1-1-7-25-2015 It isn't in any particular order, but this is the shuttle I made using these parts and ShadowWorks. http://imgur.com/a/Hvb84
  15. I'd pay (If I had the money) for a restaurant like this. Just imagine, Münshakes, The Jebadiah Burger (A huge Burger, when finished in under 2 hours gives you the Bad-ess award.), the Spacebuger Hangar, and so much more.
  16. I didn't land it, lets just say I costed Elon Musk 15.25 Trillion Dollars...
  17. When it comes to KSP, we have all seen it, breaking the universe. Whether you have done it yourself or have seen others do it, how do you like to break the universe? Today I was testing a parachute system for my rover and I ended up in the ocean somehow. I did a little EVA, flew up out of the water and when I came back down, striking the cab. The rover, planet, sun, and so forth were all gone. Any ideas on how high XXXXXX Meters is? Reverted, and still nothing. IVA still works though, so I suppose that's good.
  18. First of all, great mod. I'm currently trying to make a mission to Duna that's more than just a capsule landed on the surface. I have a few ideas and I'm sure someone might like them. Are you considering any of the following? Wheels similar to that of NASA's SEV/LEV rovers. IVA's for the tubes under the parts for ehanced IVAing down them. Something that could be added by the user if they wanted to. Just a simple tube with a hatch at both of the ends and a texture. Battery packs for the shelving on the hub that are full of juice, but not too large to take up lots of space. Ramps for the flatbed to load and unload smaller rovers or pieces of hab for a longer mission. Once again, great mod and I can't wait for the Cab IVA.
  19. So today I returned to attempting a shuttle that looked nice and performed, but this time left all the stats on the tank and SRBs the same. I tried again and managed to get a beautiful looking "orbit" without needing any OMS. I was kind of surprised at how stable it was after SRB jettison, dispite my previous attempts. I also used this mod, which made a nice little lifting body and attachment point for wings on the shuttle. You might also look at that nose cone too. (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/133233-Cormorant-Aeronology-Dev-Thread) Might want to work on landing though. I'm pretty sure shuttles aren't supposed to flat spin into the ocean. Who needs the KSC anyway?
  20. And what about the amount of fuel in the tank? Whenever I've made my own shuttles with the ShadowWorks parts the main fuel tank section is always reduced to roughly 1/3 of its original fuel content. Which also tends to be aided by tons of reaction wheels to "fill" that extra space. Totally not part clipping, I'm just filling that extra space. (It's part clipping)
  21. I tend to do mine in career modes the "RoninPawn" way, since that's the first time I saw it done that way. As for sandbox, I tend to do item names/mission names for rockets and title letters for planes with numbers. All of which are accompanied by my best witty descriptions. For example, the "RoninPawn" way would be (Ship Number) - (Name). Like, "001 - It's just Rocket Science" Which would then follow with some description.. Like this... "Our sources tell us that there is money to be made in this "Aerospace" industry. So we decided to try this out. We even have a cashier that volunteered to test out this beauty. Note: Our sources also tell us that simply filling cardboard tubes with wood shavings might result in an explosion. Good thing the test pilot doesn't know that." Then for sandbox planes a simple acronym for the use and some random number accompanied by a nickname Like "S-87 Flipper" Again with a description worth using... "The engineers assured us that the nickname was nothing related to any sort of aerodynamic quirk associated with flight of this aircraft." I suppose it adds time to the making of it, but it's still fun to make fun of your craft a little bit.
  22. I mean, it's not like they have to develop anything. These things just pop out of thin air, no development required. I find it ridiculous that mod makers slow down on my favorite mods... How rude. Joking of course, keep up the good work SnowWhite.
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