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Everything posted by Sputnix

  1. Kudos on going down a completely different route. I know some python - not much - so I think it's brave to go down a path that [comparatively] has little support. Do you have any plans / vision for the final controller layout / enclosure?
  2. Thanks! I've just received some more of the parts from ebay (dual LEDs and the 7-segment displays) - just waiting on the two oLED displays; I've got to try work out how I'm going to put all these into this enclosure - along with how I want to use them. It's a constant thought / evaluation process. Because I'm limited with the fact that I can only 'cut once', I really have to consider what I want to do. [Although, I could probably replace the aluminium with a 3mm piece of ply or mdf, but it wouldn't look quite as nice - even if I painted it. That was the original plans with the console boxes I got that didn't have a cover-plate]
  3. Hey Mulbin - Can you please add my project to the this thread? link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121245-Arduino-KSP_Serial_IO-Odysseus Image:
  4. Current Progress Shot List of posted updates and developments - Mid-May (2015) update - Annunciator Panel mount, Shift-register board, and dual-coloured LED panel mounting - Mid-June (2015) update - Completed 3D printing upper panels with black spool - Late June / Early July (2015) update - completed testing of LCD + 7 Segment displays, finished wiring, began writing the code / testing [lots of internals stuff, SPI issues] - Mid July (2015) update - Labeling the panel + Annunciator - Mid July (2015) update #2 - Master Alarm system Arduino Code / sketch samples Here you will find some sample code that will hopefully help others out with problems they're having, or implementing certain features without getting to the point of wanting to put your head through a wall Previous Development Photos Credit I have to give much credit to zitronen- For the work he's put into creating the plugin that many of us are using to create these controllers, and the support given not just to the plugin, but also with general arduino problems / queries! Thank you! T.A.P.O.R, who personally helped me to get my head around the 7-segment LED screens, along with some additional insights shared. Thanks heaps! Freshmeat, & stibbons, who often (and regularly) have something incredibly useful to add - or assist when the going gets tough, and nothing on google makes sense -- Thank you! Also, credit to AmeliaEatyaHeart for creating the LedControlFunctions 'function', and for various insights shared in a variety of threads; thank you. Mulbin & Marzubus - whose own hardware projects inspired me to start my own. Outside of these two, every other hardware project has provided guidance / inspiration / ideas of some kind. So thank you to everyone in this community sharing their own ideas, interpretations, and struggles. We all benefit from them! Specific Feature Credit Whilst reading different forum threads, various members have commented or made suggestions of elements / features that they want to include in their own projects; some of these I quite like, and wish to incorporate too. I shall provide credit here - with a link to the post - in acknowledgement. Mulbin - dual-coloured LEDs to display more information about the state of the craft. AmeliaEatyaHeart - Flickering panel lights when low power ************************************************************* Background & Long-term project I would love to eventually create a fully immersive simulator, which would have two components: A mission Control, with projector and a few consoles, and a 'shuttle' / cockpit. The two would be separated by a wall, of some kind - and then there would be communication with headsets, which would increase delay to simulate real-life distance delay. No idea if I'll ever get there, but a guy can dream So in the mean time, I will work on a smaller-scale personal physical console for use whilst playing KSP. I'm still debating creating joysticks - as my Logitech proves to be ridiculously useful for that stuff; so why re-invent the wheel? Build, Parts, Plans & Ideas eBay Parts list
  5. This would be a fun 'community project' to work on xD I have plans of doing similar -- only I don't have the space to do such an ambitious project just yet. It'd be cool to partner with some kind of science museum / organisation to incorporate it into some kind of display there. Of course, then you'd have to really build the thing to be hardy against violent patrons (read: kids)
  6. Thanks I'll have to create a thread of my work in the next couple days This is the worst time to do painting. I recall a couple years ago trying to do the same with a costume -- wound up drying it inside, with heaters going solidly for a couple hours to try and get the thing dried. How are you applying decals? (or what are you using - I might have missed that post). I recently got these transfer sheets from ebay [LINK] which I was alerted to by Mulbin in a post on the KSPSerialIO thread: Good luck on the exam -- is it a science / engineering subject? Or is that just a part time hobby?
  7. Zitronen: Thanks so much for the hard work you've put (and continue to put) into this effort. Your work (along with many others) has inspired me to learn the Arduino, and begin working on my own simpit/console! I'm currently reading the archives (up to page 16/96) - but I was wondering if you had a feature-request form? Or some way for us to see what features have been requested (apart from going through all the posts) / are being worked on? I've been thinking that it would be nifty to be able to get overheat warnings when something overheats > 50% [such as rockets at launch] [The latest version of KSP also seems to have 'health' for various parts of the craft, such as parachutes exposed to the re-entry have a health bar show up - which could be useful to output a warning about]
  8. Great job -- keep up the good work. You've got another fan following I was just about to comment (before reading this post) that I've had sellers re-send broken / damaged stuff without acknowledging the message. Seems very odd they didn't send replacement.
  9. I'm just in the process of starting my own simpit controls -- and yours was a big inspiration Thank you. I love the idea of using dual-LEDs - I think I may have to borrow that idea (and of course credit you once I post progress of it)
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