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Everything posted by Sputnix

  1. Haha, thanks for that I was going to upload a newer pic, and call it the same you had linked to make it easier for you But you beat me to it!
  2. Always a font of information. Thanks for the find + share! Someone linked me to the EL cable stuff recently (was it you? ) The Apollo Experience report is another fun read (your find is amazing too!). I also found a heap of documents on Mission control stuff (for when I get around to building one of those ). But seriously - you need to build a full on simpit (and you could fill it up quite nicely with those dials). One way to do the back-lit panels is to get some clear pespex (Acrylic?), stick a cold cathode light on the bottom / top edge, and paint in everything but the lettering. So you'd have to do some masking/ stencil so that when you took it off you'd be left with the clear perspex lettering + lines. Then, the lights would bleed thru the perspex, lighting up the lines / text... Although super-bright LEDs might be the way to go these days. does that make sense?
  3. I've read a bit lately with people having trouble running KSP on windows 10. Have you tried running as Administrator? (Go to the KSP folder, and right-click 'ksp.exe' -> Run as Administrator.
  4. You could always just do what they did in Apollo 13 -- just put a label over it saying "no".
  5. I've been aware of this for a while now too -- I can understand the reasoning for limiting lead in electronics (especially when idiots don't e-cycle); but I've heard these stories far too frequently too. From what I know, you can still get lead-based solder here down-under, but I'm not sure where. Every store I've ever been to has been lead-free all the way. Oh, I'm aware of this I was more curious as to why Stibbons chose to avoid the clone-duinos. I'm using a clone mega2560 without any issues, and would get the same 'brand' clone again - simply cos I know it works (even after doing obscure shorts... like plugging my slider into digital i/o pin 4, instead of analogue 4 ). Like you (and others) I'd love to be able to afford a proper brand-name one to support the work the guys do (even though it's not exactly revolutionary...) however, at about $100 for a mega board, I think I'll wait till the exchange rate is either better, or I have more disposable income
  6. Pft! Arduino's are more powerful at 16 mhz! You should be able to find a few guides on the internet... or possibly a way to compile 'down' to z80 from a higher language.
  7. That's looking awesome! I tried finding some transparency film recently. I asked the friendly staff at officeworks. They just looked at me blankly. I explained 'over-head projectors'... They eventually understood what I was talking about. But they couldn't help me. At least, not at the store I was in. Their ebay store has it. Freakin' expensive! o.O I got water-slide decals that I can print on with laser printer. Eventually I may use these. But I like what I did with my label maker Opaque Perspex would also work with the transparency over it (just trying to think of ways to diffuse the light the best). Though, that's at least another $20 Aus.
  8. That looks so nice! Do you have a link to those LEDs? They sound fun / fascinating! As an alternative - you could try baking paper? Or you could find some lower GSM paper at Officeworks that could work too
  9. How do you plan on using them? Or what do you plan on displaying on them? I'd probably go with two myself - one for each seating area. Perhaps a third, shared view in the middle.
  10. Wowsers! That's awesome Not being able to see the monitor itself (and not seeing anything from the pictures you've posted) -- does the unit have any i/o at all? [eg. serial] Would it be possible to leave the processing being done by the existing system, and send data to it to display what you want, rather than hooking straight into the display?
  11. I think that's just how it goes. Slow but steady. Hang in there! It'll be awesome once its done
  12. Even my comparatively 'rough' version suffered a few cases like this - and I checked, double checked, triple checked, had wiring diagrams - everything. You designed PCBs. That's maddening in itself. So don't feel don't bad. Or too frustrated. Besides, you heard about the satellite / payload that crashed on reentry a couple years back because of a mixup in units of measure? (KM vs Mile) Professionals do this all the time, with much greater consequences
  13. Bingo. Because the onus is on these small (mostly community-run) stores to do electrical tests on the products, and then have a plastic 'tag' applied to verify it has been tested in accordance with the law / safety standards. Depending on the person doing the testing + tagging, the average price is about $50 per device. So, the reality is that these stores could sell the electronics - but they just can't afford to test them and make them compliant with the regulations. I absolutely agree (which makes it hard for someone like me to throw out / e-cycle working computer parts or other electronics). I think I heard about that bill on slashdot at some point. It's definitely one of the smarter things to have been developed / thought about. We can also blame manufacturers (I'm looking at you Apple!) for designing obsolescence into their products. Unfortunately, I think it's come from a fear of litigation (spurred by the wave of crazy stuff in the USA) which is why they've put in so many legal loop-holes about what can and cannot be done. This is what has driven a good portion of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws here down-under. It's good, as a preventative (and keeps the business owners accountable) but it is a double-edged sword, as it overcomplicates things. Most would say that this legislation has been good in preventing accidents. Older tech can still be bought via electronics surplus stores, or some waste transfer stations (aka. rubbish tips) actually have little 'thrift store' style huts where they sell off electronics and stuff that still works. I'm pretty sure they sell it as 'untested' (similar to the way ebay does) but hey, it's one way of reusing. Apart from the game, and yes - keeping the contaminates away from the earth, I feel it's very important to minimise wasted resources; This tv works, so why acquire materials from the planet to go and make a newer one? The function is the same. It's very difficult to convince people who have been brain-washed by the consumerist mind-set of this though :/
  14. That's so awesome and epic! We aren't allowed to have electrical products sold at 'thrift stores' (or, as we call them - op shops, short for 'opportunity'). Really looks the part too!
  15. That's nifty to learn! I always thought they were just 'recessed' because of the panelling (not realising it was thick plastic, and had EL cable behind) and that it was another way of minimising accidentally flipping switches. I love the stuff you learn on these forums
  16. Yeah, I noticed that 'in the days of ye olde' they were basically welded loops -- Some guy was selling a 4x on ebay a while back - unused apollo. Just steel, basically. I like the idea of the uNails. Seen the Ubolt idea, but this is definitely a nice, cheaper alternative. If you got access to a welder, and are neat enough with it, you could go all out and do this [Cost of the materials might be a bit high though, so sticking to ply + uNails will probably be the cheapest option ]
  17. I'd suggest using AmeilaEatYaHeart's custom 7-segment display function / code. That is, assuming the displays use a MAX chip
  18. Haha, I like your thinking
  19. You should totally keep that as the only way in or out... Add a touch of 'realism' to it
  20. The switches I used had a slight taper - which is why I chose them; as a sort of replica Could you look into 3D printing? I've actually designed and printed toggle-switch guards (similar to what you see on shuttles). Of course, this would require you to have access to a 3D printer Though maker-spaces are increases, so there could be one around you somewhere.
  21. Looking so awesome! Great work!
  22. *sigh* The default worked Sorry for the run around. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense; I'll review and revise my code and try work out what's happening. Thanks for the confirmation. With the new code, do I just have to add the two new vessel data variables to the list?
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