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Everything posted by Sputnix

  1. I'll have to futz around with the demo to re-assign the various pin numbers in the morning (Midnight here in the Land Downunder ] However, it seems to do it with all craft. I'm using Stock craft that come with the game for most of my testing. This log is with Kerbal X. As an aside, as I was getting this data, and responding, it suddenly came to life - probably about 00:21:00 (That's 21 minutes past midnight). This log was started at 16 minutes past midnight. So... incredible delay? Or something more obscure? [LOG 00:16:00.671] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SettingsNStuff' from assembly 'KSPSerialIO' [LOG 00:16:00.676] KSPSerialIO: Loading settings... [LOG 00:16:00.742] Parsing double [LOG 00:16:00.742] Parsing string [LOG 00:16:00.743] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.743] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.744] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.744] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.744] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.745] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.745] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.746] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.746] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.746] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.747] Parsing int [LOG 00:16:00.747] Parsing double [LOG 00:16:00.748] KSPSerialIO: Default Port = COM3 [LOG 00:16:00.748] KSPSerialIO: Refreshrate = 0.3 [LOG 00:16:00.749] KSPSerialIO: BaudRate = 38400 [LOG 00:16:00.749] KSPSerialIO: Handshake Delay = 2500 [LOG 00:16:00.750] KSPSerialIO: Pitch Enable = 2 [LOG 00:16:00.750] KSPSerialIO: Roll Enable = 2 [LOG 00:16:00.751] KSPSerialIO: Yaw Enable = 2 [LOG 00:16:00.751] KSPSerialIO: Translate X Enable = 2 [LOG 00:16:00.752] KSPSerialIO: Translate Y Enable = 2 [LOG 00:16:00.752] KSPSerialIO: Translate Z Enable = 2 [LOG 00:16:00.753] KSPSerialIO: Wheel Steering Enable = 2 [LOG 00:16:00.753] KSPSerialIO: Throttle Enable = 1 [LOG 00:16:00.754] KSPSerialIO: Wheel Throttle Enable = 2 [LOG 00:16:00.754] KSPSerialIO: SAS Tol = 0.1 [LOG 00:16:35.760] ExperienceSystem: Found 0 trait types [LOG 00:16:35.763] ExperienceSystem: Found 9 effect types [LOG 00:16:37.042] ScenarioTypes: List Created 12 scenario types loaded from 3 loaded assemblies. [WRN 00:16:37.058] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) ===================== [LOG 00:16:38.626] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'AddScenarioModules' from assembly 'KSP' [LOG 00:16:38.627] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ContractDefs' from assembly 'KSP' [LOG 00:16:40.569] [scenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered [LOG 00:16:40.573] Loading Depletion Nodes [LOG 00:16:40.574] DepNodeCount: 0 [LOG 00:16:40.575] Loading Biome Nodes [LOG 00:16:40.575] BiomeNodeCount: 0 [LOG 00:16:40.576] Loading Planet Nodes [LOG 00:16:40.576] PlanetNodeCount: 0 [LOG 00:16:48.123] Flight State Captured [LOG 00:16:48.133] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 00:16:48.137] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 00:16:48.137] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 00:16:48.193] Game State Saved to saves/SANDBOX_KSPIO/persistent [WRN 00:16:48.212] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to FLIGHT (Async) ===================== [WRN 00:16:50.333] ApplicationLauncher already exist, destroying this instance [LOG 00:16:50.340] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'NavWaypoint' from assembly 'KSP' [LOG 00:16:50.344] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KSPSerialPort' from assembly 'KSPSerialIO' [LOG 00:16:50.347] KSPSerialIO: Version 0.17.4 [LOG 00:16:50.347] KSPSerialIO: Getting serial ports... [LOG 00:16:50.348] KSPSerialIO: Output packet size: 191/255 [LOG 00:16:50.350] KSPSerialIO: Found 2 serial ports [LOG 00:16:50.351] KSPSerialIO: trying default port COM3 [LOG 00:16:54.283] KSPSerialIO: found KSP Display at COM3 [LOG 00:16:54.284] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KSPSerialIO' from assembly 'KSPSerialIO' [LOG 00:16:54.338] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------ [LOG 00:16:54.412] Target vessel index: 8 vessel count: 9 [LOG 00:16:54.414] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Kerbal X ---------------------- [LOG 00:16:54.417] setting new dominant body: Kerbin FlightGlobals.mainBody: Kerbin [LOG 00:16:54.419] Reference Frame: Rotating [WRN 00:16:54.444] HighlightingSystem : Multiple Highlighter components on a single GameObject is not allowed! Highlighter has been disabled on a GameObject with name 'model'. [LOG 00:16:54.920] [Kerbal X]: landed - waiting for ground contact to resume physics... [LOG 00:16:54.925] Camera Mode: AUTO [LOG 00:16:54.955] stage manager resuming... [LOG 00:16:56.921] all systems started [LOG 00:16:59.778] KSPSerialIO: Handshake received - 314 [LOG 00:17:00.027] [scenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered [LOG 00:17:00.029] Loading Depletion Nodes
  2. No need to logic very good. You could logic very bad. Won't fix it I changed it to what was working for you - 57600; Still no dice. I go to launch, it displays "Starting Serial Port Com3" - I see tx/rx lights flash on arduino board. But no data coming through. But, as I said - the older plugin (17.3) has been working fine all night. I've just commented out the two new data sets - byte CurrentStage; & byte TotalStage; And the code is working fine.
  3. I'm using the previous plugin, doing some coding + test flights at the moment. No problems with that baud rate. However, just to humour everyone, I shall try the latest plugin with a lower baud rate. Edit: No dice; I dropped it to 38400 - no change.
  4. Problems with KSP_Serial_IO Ok, so I noticed as I was doing some development near to my current 'code point' that I was getting some drop outs during flights. I modified the config.xml so that: Refresh is 0.3 (from default 0.2) Default Port is COM3 (from default COM8, since my arduino board is detected as COM3) BaudRate ios 115200 instead of default 38400 I picked up the idea for some of these values from a previous discussion on dropouts. These values seemed to work pretty good with the previous version of KSPSerialIO. I was however having issues (on occassion) at launch, where I wasn't getting data coming through to my controller. This seemed to be tied more to the craft I was using (default, simpler craft seemed ok. My purpose-built more complicated craft seemed to have issues). The new plugin seems to work once every now and then (seriously. It won't load / display anything on my controller by default. Then, on occasion, it will work). I disabled everything (LCD / 7-segment Displays / Annunciator panel) - and only left the bare minimum controls (throttles, Stage / RCS / SAS buttons). Still nothing. Reverting to the old plugin (including the updated DLL that you sent me Zitronen, when we were trouble-shooting the heat warning issue) everything works fine at launch. I suspect there's some bug somewhere. And yes, I copied over all the values (from the config file) and ensure everything else was the same (old plugin vs new). I even went so far as commenting out the new additions to the data packet. Made no difference.
  5. To quote Luke Skywalker: "Look at the size of that thing!" o.O Looking great! Be honest: Are you excited? Impatient? Or just over it all and want to play?
  6. Thanks for that! RE: The Arduino code - This is the first update that's been rolled since I started using the arduino + plugin -- is it quicker/easier to copy/paste the relevant updated parts of the various tabs to what we have implemented? Or is it better to just transfer our custom code into the updated arduino sketch / tab?
  7. If it's dated the 16th of July, then yes. Otherwise, give him a little nudge to update the repo
  8. RE: MaxOverHeat -- when implementing this into the Mac version, be mindful that the original was wrong. I worked with Zitronen to get the correct value (parts were overheating without any indication they were). We established you want to get the skin temperature of *any* part that's overheating.
  9. If you download the example sketch, and wire up the components as per the instructions / designation in the sketch and have the plugin installed - it should all work. Can you step us through what you have done?
  10. +1 for truth. I think I just 'assumed' too much. Plus I'm still adjusting to v1.0 improvements.
  11. Hmmz. Those primary solutions / suggestions sound good! I also quite like that second suggestion. I was already flying with an scientist (who's now toast ) to try maximise science through collection... but I never thought of that . Thank you!
  12. Heya, No idea how to being searching for this - so I'm sorry if it's been asked already. I'm doing the 'science' career mode (can't be bothered dealing with contracts and reputations ) and I'm in the early stages. I built a basic pod, with a science bay and 4x mystery goo inside. On the bottom of this I put the 'baby' heat shield. I have 2x radial parachutes on the science bay, and a radial + mk16 parachute on the pod. I have a liquid fuel engine (for secondary stage / space) + 4 Thumper solid fuel as first stages. Now, I did a test to ensure the thing wouldn't burn up on reentry. I got all the way to space, jettisoned the boosters + liquid fuel and did a test re-entry. Worked fine, no problems. No overheat components. On the actual flight, I did 4x goo observations. I closed up the science bay, and proceeded to reentry. However, I seem to overheat and blow up every time. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why the test re-entry was ok, but the 'real mission' is such a failure? Thanks in advance
  13. I do like the purple. It's a nice refreshing change from the usual green. US$125 is ok when the AU$ is close to parity. I might try Breadboard killer in the near(ish) future. Will let you know how I go Thanks for the info
  14. Who cares about progress Sharing the idea and plans is half the fun Sorry to hear about the chip dragon being released :/ I'm not sure I'd be game with SM components just yet. I'm not sure if you mentioned this earlier or not (I don't recall reading it) -- who are you getting your boards manufacturer through, and can I ask how much they cost? I'm looking into getting some done up, and I'm just curious to see who other locals are using.
  15. How did I miss this thread? You gotta put a link in your sig! Seriously amazing work! Looking very slick!
  16. Thank you Yes, that's the stuff I'm 'fine tuning' at the moment. I did a test recently (was testing the mission times / time to Ap and Pe) and I managed to escape kerbin... And the numbers I got on the Ap and Pe were - well - mostly indecipherable I'm in the process of working out conditions based on the numbers, and putting in some decimal points to denote different orders of magnitude. But I definitely like your idea for negative or NaNs values. Thanks for the input!
  17. I love this; why stop at a controller for a game; bring on home automation!
  18. Haha. Love the reference This is seriously amazing + cool. I'm keeping an eye out for one too; If ever I manage to snag one, I'll be sure to get in contact with you (or just review this whole thread ) Edit: I just saw how much velcro is on that FDAI. You may want to address that before you go to space
  19. Looking great! What's your budget? And what's your ultimate purpose? Would you want to be running 'simulator' type situations (crew separate from some kind of 'mission control'?) If so, you'd possibly want to sound-proof it a bit. Blankets could work, but I'd get some acoustic-style foam (style, not the actual stuff, cos that's super expensive) -- either the egg carton style or the straight 'cuboid' style -- and sandwich it between the external wall and some ply / mdf on the internal.
  20. Thanks for that. You USA guys get all the perks! I've seen those around (I had a couple back when I was a kid, no idea what happened to them); they'd be perfect too! They'd be awesome to get more onto an annunciator panel. I either need a bigger display, or smaller lights
  21. Qst 1 - What are the errors? Qst 2 - Have you gone through the Arduino Tutorials? They're a great place to start to get your head around the hardware, coding, and functionality of the devices. Also, you should add things little by little (usually one at a time) to make sure everything is working, and to make troubleshooting / debugging a whole lot easier!
  22. In case anyone is interested - I have worked this one out. I'll detail the information in my worklog tomorrow!
  23. Thank you RE: Warning Light LEDs I got them from a local electrical store; they have a small room dedicated to surplus / cheap stuff. You can find some on eBay from here; and their images have the model number attached - LD706YY. Some googling will yield results for that model, such as data / spec sheet. You can also find similar lights; just look for 'panel lamp' / 'panel light' / 'indicator lamp' or something to that effect.
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