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Everything posted by rsparkyc

  1. Recorded my first session in 1.1.2 the other night, but found a few bugs in the end, so didn't actually get to launch. However, I think those bugs have been resolved now, and I'll see what I can do to at least put together and episode showing what's next in our series (even if we don't get to fly).
  2. I added an issue here to help track this against: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter/issues/1
  3. I do remember KSC being perfect for moon launches in 1.0.5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit_of_the_Moon#/media/File:Earth-Moon.PNG If I'm looking at this correctly, it makes me think you should be able to get an in-plane launch from anywhere between roughly -28.5 and +28.5 deg (23.5 from the earth's tilt, plus anther 5 from the inclination of the moons orbit around earth). That's why KSC is perfect, since it's at about 28.4 deg N. I'll pull up KSP later and see if I see the same thing.
  4. Ok, I'm at a loss here. Trying to migrate my 1.0.5 save to 1.1.2 I'm trying to use my sounding rocket using the procedural wings. However, the mass of the fin seems to be way off. You can see before I attach one fin, the weight of the craft is 1.29t, but after it goes up to 1.34t, even though the right click menu says the wing should only weigh .00028... Suggestions?
  5. So I think it's the B9 Procedural Wings (current version is 0.40.7) that's part of the RO suite, correct? Is there a separate forum for that (the B9 mod in particular, not the general RO thread)? I'm having an issue where the mass of a wing is much greater in 1.1.2 than it was in 1.0.5. Is this the right channel for this?
  6. Also, if you're interested in RSS, I'm running a playthrough series on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSiTjUVe4FLhmkGNBq-NWjw
  7. Anyone have much luck using crafts from previous versions? I'm trying to launch the same rocket as I did here (https://youtu.be/B1RMaTW6IDM?t=15m25s), but when I put the rocket on the pad, it shows about half the deltaV it had in 1.0.5 (and performs like it has half the deltaV). If I go back to the VAB, it shows the new, reduced DeltaV number. If I try to adjust the utilization in the tank, many of the game controls freeze up. EDIT: It looks like it has to do with the fins I'm using. Doing some testing, it looks like the fins (both B9 and just the basic fin) are using up a lot more mass than in earlier versions, causing the problem. Take a look at this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pAozWC8BKac429Mfmb0o7a4OuZ3kOcNYLEzQQodE0-k/edit?usp=sharing The short version is this: it looks like for 3 basic fins, the mass of the fins went from .055t to .075t between versions (noticible, but not horrible). For the B9 wings however (which I made really small), the mass went from .002t to 0.152t (extremely noticeable).
  8. I've seen those on some engines, but noticed that the upper attachment point was like 10 meters up
  9. Does anyone know why the 1kN thruster has 3 attachment points? There's one at each end of the engine, and then a 3rd (bigger) one floating above the engine. What would I utilize that attachment port for?
  10. I'm also having an issue with it wanting to roll, even when I tell it not to roll, and it's always oscillating back and forth on both SAS modes.
  11. Anyone having an issues where the contract list is empty? EDIT: It just seemed to be empty at KSC, outside of there it seems fine.
  12. Here's an example of the message I get when trying to do that. Also, picture 2 has some PID numbers that I tried that work well for my first stage, but my second stage goes crazy (as you can see by the flight data screen).
  13. This might be a KSP 1.1 issue in general, but has anyone else noticed really fuzzy fonts? Maybe I'll try messing with the PID numbers, let me know if anyone else has any luck.
  14. Yeah, I know the early rockets with no control over the final stages used 3 stages of SRBs in clusters of 11, 3, and then 1. As we get to larger (controllable) payloads, we'll use something more like what you mentioned. In other news, here's part 7 (really Part 6, Part 2)
  15. I tried that, but the vessel in question doesn't have any modules with stock SAS support, so now it doesn't do anything.
  16. That's a great question! There's actually 4 engines on the third stage (one is in the center). There are actually two reasons I went this route, none of them involving TWR. 1) Once I fire off the 3rd stage, I no longer have control over the rocket. I can't adjust pitch, or even point prograde for that matter. As the earth curves under me, I'll effectively pitch up, and the longer I burn, the more my thrust vector differs from my velocity vector. Burn too long, and I just won't be aligned property. Thus I need a quicker burn, and hence I use more engines. 2) Those engines only have a rated burn time of about 70 seconds (IIRC). If we solved problem #1, we still run into this problem, since we're only going to get 70 seconds worth of thrust out of it. 4 engines gives me 4x the ∆V in the same 70 second window.
  17. Ok, at least it's not just me. Are you talking about ascent guidance? I haven't tried that in 1.1.2 yet.
  18. Part 6 is out! In the interest of time, I cut this one at around 25 mins, so Part 7 will be the 2nd half to this recording. (thus still on KSP 1.0.5)
  19. Good news/bad news, followed by more good news/bad news. The first good news: I got my new mic in. Bad news: there seems to be some sort of beeping in the background (my guess is caused by a flashing LED on the mic), so I'm working with tech support on that. EDIT: Adjusting gain levels has seemed to resolve this. More good news, I've migrated my save file over to 1.1.2! Bad news: flights that were steady on launch (https://youtu.be/B1RMaTW6IDM?t=10m37s) now have a hard time staying on target, as they wobble around my desired heading. Hopefully we'll figure out what's up with that soon. In the meantime, I'm going to work on editing Episode 6 (hopefully my last episode on 1.0.5).
  20. So I'm trying to test crafts I made in my previous realism series, and started with my first orbit-capable craft. In 1.0.5, it was steady as a rock in the ascent (as can be seen here: https://youtu.be/B1RMaTW6IDM?t=10m37s), however in 1.1.2, it rolls around my desired heading (I'm using Smart A.S.S during the ascent). Any ideas what would be causing this behavior?
  21. Don't know how I missed the fact that you replied (probably due to the fact that this week has been crazy with my real job), but in fact, RP-0 has now been updated!!! It was updated much quicker than I had thought, and so I might try to migrate the series over. I'll still spend some time getting episode 6 up, but hopefully episode will be on 1.1.2 (considering it's a lot smoother).
  22. So I've found RO to be almost impossible for me to play as well, if it were not for RP-0. I find that it does a good job of easing me into things. I guess now wouldn't be the worst time to show that I'm actually working on a video series doing just that, as mentioned in this thread:
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