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Everything posted by Grenartia

  1. I actually like the suggestion @322997am made about a channel alongside the runway. I think it would be best if the port and the channel were somewhere in between the VAB/Crawlerway/Launchpad and the runway. Make some use of that extra space. Alternatively, between R&D and the Tracking Station for the port, and have a water runway adjacent to the port and tracking center running to the shoreline, parallel to the main runway.
  2. Its pretty much impossible without spending lots of time building a rover to take you to the shoreline, and then actually driving it to the shoreline. Unless you decide to airlift the watercraft, but that raises a whole new set of issues. Why, exactly, does career need to be overhauled? I don't get why people are suggesting this be located on Airfield Island. We can't even launch planes from it without landing there first. And yes, if memory serves, aircraft parts originally were a mod. And we do have modders who've made boat and sub mods, so its certainly not outside the realm of possibility for Squad to bring them on board.
  3. Which is like saying land vehicles are unrelated to KSP, so we shouldn't expect Squad to implement rover stuff. I mean, we already have improved buoyancy, and stock seaplanes. Implementing a dock to launch boats/ships/subs/any-of-the-above-crossed-with-a-rocket-or-an-SSTO from only seems like the next logical step. Would make testing seaborne Eve or Laythe bases/stations much easier without resorting to hyperedit.
  4. I seem to recall someone making a flexible docking tube that was connected via KAS/KIS and could go up to 50m. But I only saw it released for 1.0.5, shortly before 1.1, and haven't seen an update since the first time I saw it.
  5. Mk 2 Extensions. Either that, or get some small wings in there.
  6. Looks like the basic design I attempted for my Multipurpose Rover.
  7. Does it count in prograde? Also, the 1812 Overture (WITH CANNON!) has a really nice overlap with that video.
  8. Weird thing is, I actually did try that. I had a 2:1 ratio of RAPIERs to Whiplashes. I think I'll try reversing that for my next attempt. I'd supply pics, but I'm not at my desktop right now. You could mount linear RCS on the cubic octagonals if you needed the roll stability. It has always been my dream to see a Kerbal version of Hunt for Red October. SCIENCE HAS GONE TOO FAR!
  9. Those joints are exactly what I've been looking for for my rover project. Where'd you get them? If anything, that design's more outlandish than what I've been doing. And yeah, I'm using rapiers. 12 of them on my last design, to be exact. I'm doing all stock, too. The only difference in wings that I can see is that you're not using BigS parts. My main issue seems to be that I can barely get to mach 1, and barely get to 8.5km. Good luck on your brain science so you can get back to your rocket surgery.
  10. I wonder if St. Manley has ever recorded a cover of Space Truckin'.
  11. Right. I'm just having trouble getting enough delta-v to said boosters without diminishing the performance of said SSTO (i.e., adding more airbreathers decreases available LF for both the jets and the rockets, SRBs are nice on the thrust end, but only hinder the SSTO after they're used up, etc.). The best I can manage is a mid-altitude heavy cargo jet.
  12. I'm beginning to think I can't into Mk3 SSTOs. I've looked at every tutorial I can get my hands on, and...nothing.
  13. inb4 "How can an irrational unit of measure be rational?"
  14. I honestly don't see an advantage to kiloseconds. It just doesn't seem like there's that many occasions when it would come in handy.
  15. I'd recommend Science mode first, actually. Has all the advantages of starting with Career, but without the drawback of having to worry about money.
  16. An actual cockpit. And I have no idea where to even start in making a mod myself.
  17. I'm pretty sure that's the issue, is that I have my gear attached to the BigS wings. I knew that if they weren't parallel to the takeoff direction, things would be messed up, so I made sure to check for that first, and I was using the larger gears. But I didn't know about the wings. Thanks.
  18. Any advice on how to deal with planes veering off to one side or the other because of the landing gear? I'm pretty sure I've got a workable design aside from my inability to take off because of that. I've got a bunch of reaction wheels, more than enough EC generation, plenty of working control surfaces, LG steering is on, etc.
  19. Don't you think that if there were better ways to do it, it would've been done already?
  20. Please tell me you're using the 1812 overture with cannons.
  21. Docking from orbit on a lander? That's a lot of skillz, yo. Well, there's your problem. You don't have any fins on the bottom.
  22. I do the same thing with parachutes on planes. Worst of all, I can't even actually do spaceplanes. I just stick them on there in case I lose controllability midflight. I use MJ for nearly everything. Probably why I'm a crappy pilot. I mean, I can do it on my own if I have to, but I find it tedious and prefer MJ.
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