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Everything posted by Voodoo8648

  1. It was a couple pages back. I plan to start a brand new career mode and work my way up to interstellar travel. I probably won't be using FTL travel. Perhaps near light speed.
  2. According to StarCrusher, 0.6 is supposed to be career ready and is slated to be released this Sunday
  3. Hi I was wondering as to what other mods you are awaiting updates for in order to release .6 Like an estimated time frame.... So excited for .6 !!!!
  4. OH!! I didn't know it was career ready!!! I was told by someone else a couple weeks ago not to expect it to be career ready until 1.0. If thats the case, then I'm definitely excited for the new Trapist system! Hope to see SVE compatibility!
  5. Speaking from a practical standpoint (not to be mean); I'm disappointed to see so much time spent on yet MORE (un-needed) stars and planets instead of focus on a finished 1.0 version and compatibility with career and compatibility with other mods such as SVE. What good are all these (beautiful) stars and planets when we can't play in career?
  6. Whats the difference between EVE and SVE?? I'm using Kerbal Star System and KSS seems to work with EVE, but not SVE and the author doesnt currently plan to make KSS compatible with SVE (at this time). I can't seem to live without clouds and scatterer, so I'm wondering if I can ditch SVE so I can continue to use KSS.
  7. @StarCrusher96 It was not my intention to come across as "harsh" or mean. I am a business analyst and project manager; this is what I do professionally for a financial living. In the adult / business world, constructive feedback can sometimes come across as brutal; but yet the message is not to be personally offensive. The mere intention was to help improve upon the efficiency of the development process. You are a very talented artist when it comes to creating a planet pack and it would be incredible to see even a small portion of this mod come to fruition. I am eager to see future versions of your extraordinary work.
  8. I understand that you have school and you are not working on KSS 24/7. People have to jobs and goto school. Totally understandable. Knowing this, it obviously prolongs the development of ANY mod for any developer... which is why I made the suggestion to consolidate the mod into a more manageable project so that we can can see some "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak. A finish line. At this point there is no end to the development process in sight because of your limited amount of time and the scale of the project. In this situation, consolidating the project only makes sense. You're not willing to do that which is your prerogative. As you stated in PM, if we don't like it, don't use KSS...
  9. He was asking for clarification to something you already clarified. Please don't take any offense. You are incredibly talented. But watching the development of this mod is like watching a pot of water trying to boil; but cups of cold water keep being added to the pot. No offense against you, as you stated, "this is how you work". People need to not be impatient and realize the reality and a realistic time frame. At this rate, it is to my understanding that a finished 1.0 version (of any size) is not going to be released anytime in the foreseeable future and people should adjust their expectations accordingly.
  10. As @StarCrusher96 said on page 15 in response to my suggestion, it is his intention to release all systems FIRST, and THEN work on making the mod stable and career capable (one star system at a time). He's still creating NEW bodies and textures! Look at the new planetary nebula for Korlon posted just yesterday! He doesn't seem to be focusing on making the mod as a whole stable and getting it to a full 1.0 version released. He's busy trying to cram everything (that should be released over a series of versions 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 ect.) into one gigantic 1.0 version. At this point, it seems that he's using the mod and the forum to endlessly create new celestial models and textures to show off his (outstanding) artistic abilities, rather than focus and work diligently toward a goal for a stable and finished 1.0. I believe he should be working on just ONE star system with a few planets and moons, and release that as a fully operational 1.0 version, and THEN work on future star systems behind the scenes to be added in future versions. Meanwhile allowing those of us who love the CONCEPT of this mod to enjoy a smaller, WORKING version where careers won't be broken with future KSS updates. @The-Doctor Given his clearly stated interventions, I wouldn't expect a full, stable 1.0 release anytime in the near future.
  11. @StarCrusher96 before working on more planetary nebulas and texture and all this other stuff I would suggest FOCUSING on the release of just ONE single solar system that's functional and career ready. With biomes, science and compatible with the Kerbnet comm system. After a full release of a full functional system, THEN slowly and METHODICALLY start adding new features in future updates. Giving peace of mind to those playing in career that nothing is going to happen to the existing celestials. It's called Kerbal SPACE PROGRAM ...... Not Kerbal Sandbox. The game was designed to be a career progression type of simulator. KSS further expands on the "endgame" aspect. With KSS as big as it is now, it's unusable in it's entirety because of the size.
  12. KSS is a BIG mod and these extra-planetary systems have a lot of planets and moons which slow down the development process. I feel KSS is a WONDERFUL mod for use in career mode, but it's no good if it never gets a final 1.0 release, ready for career game play. Honestly, I make a suggestion that @StarCrusher96 work on a smaller, more manageable version of KSS with less star systems and less planets. Work on optimizing that version for CAREER mode. Get it functional. Get a 1.0 version released where he can advocated starting a serious career. THEN work on adding more star systems and planets in later releases; 2.0, 3.0 versions. As it is, KSS has so many stars and planets and moons that it would be nearly impossible for anyone playing in career mode to go visit all these celestial bodies anyway! My personal opinion that the shear size of KSS as it is, is counter-productive for a few reasons. #1, Computer resource usage and requirements. #2, development process. I say give us a smaller version with ONE or TWO solar systems (perhaps with less planets and moons) that are functional and playable in career mode with minimal to no bugs, then release more solar system packs in future versions (or release them as add-ons so people can CHOOSE how many solar systems they want loaded), And be able to release the future updates without breaking the current gameplay. I'm making this suggestion because I feel like the current release of KSS is so monumental, so gargantuan than it is extremely difficult for one person to get this mod to a full functional 1.0 career ready release in the foreseeable future.
  13. To elaborate a little further on timeframes, could you give an approximation as to when you might release a version of KSS that you would be able to recommend starting a serious career mode? I was told a few days ago not to start any serious career game until 1.0 is released, so my KSP playing is on hold. (I don't play sandbox) Just wondering when a career ready version could be released.
  14. Ok, So do you think the disappeared satellites are from changes? Do you think the disappeared satellites will happen in any future KSS updates? I'm asking because I'm scared to put any more time into launching satellites for fear of the orbits breaking on future updates. I see. Ok.
  15. @StarCrusher96 Just downloaded and installed .5 It seems that with every installation of a new update, it breaks the orbits of existing satellites. Is there a way for you to fix that bug? Because if someone spends 100 hours in career mode positioning satellites in complicated orbit, only to update KSS and find that all of the hard work is gone. It's happened to me with every update since .4 I've got hundreds of hours in Career gameplay and with an update to .5 I am back to the beginning with no satellites.
  16. Does it require coding or is it as simple as editing the config files? If so, I could help to speed the process
  17. What do you mean writing science for .55? What kind of science are you talking about? If I were to land on one of the new planets or moons, is there science data available in .45 or .5? Like science data from high, or low orbit, or from the surface, ect??
  18. Ohhhhhhh wow! It's so pretty Will this be a supernova included in .5????
  19. I'm trying to create flyby shots, but the camera doesn't seem to want to turn as fast as the camera travels around the ship. It's like the rotation around the vertical axis is about twice as slow???
  20. I hope this doesn't sound pushy, but do you mean this weekend as in next weekend like 7 or 8 days from now or this weekend as in today or tomorrow (because it's still weekend where I'm at)
  21. Your PC will either process the game with the mod or not. If it does not then sadly you need to uninstall the mod. Simple. I would, however recommend making a game backup because installing or updating KSS has consistently broken my games in the form of rearranging or completely removing the orbits of existing satellites I have previously in orbit. VERY FRUSTRATING after you have a hundred hours invested in a game save then you update KSS to find all of your satellite orbits rearranged or missing... MAKE BACK-UPS
  22. I gotchu. Perhaps prioritize your mods. I'm not near my gaming PC at the moment to make any specific mod suggestions, but I suggest binge watching kottabos Games' channel and his mod reviews. Install mods that make your space program more real and more challenging.
  23. Dont play in science mode. Play in career. Download contracts packs. Use contracts. Try to combine multiple contracts into single missions. I am running about 77 mods but I have a super high end PC. Check out Kattabos Games on Youtube and his Space programs mods playlist on his channel to get really good ideas for mods to add to your gamedata folder:
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