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Everything posted by Voodoo8648

  1. Is it possible to use Scripting Module to make a self automated probe like Voyager I & II? I'm early on into my career and don't have the technology for long range comm antennas but I want to send a probe to Eve and slingshot to Duna or Jool. I'd need the Hohmann Transfer planner to set up a maneuver after entering Eve's SOI, but it doesn't appear as though this is possible. Am I missing anything?
  2. @Starwaster thanks for the explanation! Sooo, what exactly does the Launch to Rendezvous button do?
  3. Another question regarding the Scripting Module: Is it possible to create a maneuver like a Hohmann Transfer later in the future and have the Scripting module automatically execute that? For example, if I send a ship to Duna orbit then want it to perform a Hohmann Transfer to It's moon.
  4. I'm trying to launch to rendezvous to my orbiting satellite, but it doesn't seem to be working. I select the target, engage autopilot and wait for launch. It launches when the target is almost on the other side of Kerbin. Also, it doesn't launch to the target's altitude, it launches to whatever orbit alt I have set. It also doesn't launch into the plane of the target, just whatever I have the inclination set to. It's like Launch to Rendezvous is just not working at all. Not even close. I also randomly lose the set target. Am I doing something wrong?
  5. Cool! Please be advised that @StarCrusher96, the KSS author modified orbits of the Kerbol System, I'm just not exactly sure what all is different over stock system. The positions and/or alignments of some or all of the celestial bodies in the Kerbol System may be different. How does FF know the position/alignment of the planets at any given time? How might FF handle the positioning of planets and it's calculations 5,000 years after game Day 1 for example?
  6. @PLAD Is this compatible with Kerbol Star System? If not, would you please make it compatible? KSS is the best multiple star system mod on the market.
  7. I'm looking for a mod to help me plan for gravity assists from multiple celestial bodies like the Voyager 1 and 2 space crafts performed. For example, I want to a gravity assist from Eve to Kerbin (or Duna) to Jool to Voon. I can easily gravity assist from first body to another but I can't calculate or predict from the second body to the third and so on because of the dynamic alignments....
  8. Kerbol Star System is hands down THE BEST and most developed multiple star system / galaxy mod for KSP. Your search is over. Download KSS and get strapped in for a whole new purpose to KSP. I can't say enough good things about this mod other than KSS as a mod is as good as KSP itself. Once you use KSS and understand KSS and everything that it adds to the game, KSP will not be playable without KSS. IT'S. THAT. GOOD. @StarCrusher96
  9. Thank you kindly. Given your better reputation and credibility; would you contact @JPLRepo to pitch this great idea or promote the suggestion to @Thomas P. ?
  10. I'm experiencing a problem where AmpYear is not properly displaying "power production" despite having solar panels. It just always says, 0 power production whether in the VAB or while in flight with the solar panels extended and in full daylight. @JPLRepo looked at my logs and said there is an error from within Kopernicus but no errors within AmpYear. Any ideas? Output log: https://1drv.ms/t/s!AvUWxjgM4SuQhc5xdR3DYGahlxF00A
  11. I found out that MechJeb comes with an autopilot feature called the Scripting Module. Does everything that I want and actually does it better than I expected, do MechJeb is king of autopilot.
  12. I want to send a probe to the outer planets and basically do a Voyager 1 mission. The problem is I won't have communications and I don't want to upgrade the tracking station. Is there a mod that can fully automate a mission? Will Mech Jeb do this? I don't want to learn to code so KOS is out.
  13. Is there another mod that I can get (besides KOS) to automate an interplanetary journey? I don't want to upgrade the Tracking Station and I want to send a probe to outer planets but won't have comms.
  14. NICE PICTURES!! I noticed that you stated a "new career" in your first picture. Did you visit all of those planets in career mode??? If you did, did you use cheats??? Or did you use Hyper Edit?
  15. I'm experiencing a problem where AmpYear is not displaying "power production". It just always says, 0 whether in the VAB or in flight with the solar panels extended and in full daylight. Any ideas? Output log: https://1drv.ms/t/s!AvUWxjgM4SuQhc5xdR3DYGahlxF00A
  16. Any Idea which technologies on the tech tree unlocks the "Stop" and "Hover" and "Follow Terrain" buttons??? EDIT: Never mind... I think it's Altitude Control and HSC.... but correct me if I'm wrong
  17. Ok, so I built a simple VTOL craft with 4 liquid engines and I would like to be able to control it like a quadcopter drone... more specifically, control it like a DJI Phantom drone. When I let off the controls I want the VTOL craft to automatically kill it's horizontal and vertical velocities. Will TCA do what I want it to do or is there another mod I can download to make this happen? Any suggestions? Thanks
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