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Everything posted by Hoddd9000

  1. @HeyThisIsntFallout If you’re looking for something more typical, AIES Aerospace has been dead since 1.0.4. It added loads of little useful parts for landers and smaller rockets. Not sure of the license though.
  2. Damn, this is what I've been waiting for. Nice work. A suggestion: Color name: Simply Grey Sample: Photo Hexadecimal color value: #818181-ish Poll: Torn between A and B.
  3. @AmpCat Awesome ship, love the look of the engine section. What I did to keep partcount down on my Duna and upcoming Jool interplanetary ships is to just use one of the massive centrifuges and the large agro module from SSPXr as the only habitation modules. Is enough for 5-10 Kerbals depending on destination. How do the NF Propulsion engines compare in terms of thrust and efficiency to Nertea’s Nuclear Engines mod? That’s what I use for my ships, but I found when trying to build a interplanetary transport ship using the largest cargo containers in SSPXr they were insufficient. At 100 000 tonnes with three cargo containers loaded full of basically anything, dV was only around ~3000. Not something that’s going to go anywhere anytime soon.
  4. Since this thread is now about SSPXr (which looks incredible), is development of FFT being put on hold? Both seem like alot for one person (though Nert has demonstrated superhuman mod dev skills before )
  5. I'm trying to set up some mining landers that use 1.25 nuclear reactors for power, since using solar will require arseloads of panels and will rule out night-time operation. The problem is, it seems to be impossible to satisfy the cooling needs of a reactor (generating only just enough for the drill) and the drill itself at the same time. So far, the... thing below is the only vehicle I have built that has managed to cool both. As soon as I disable one of the large radiators, the reactor's core temp begins to creep up, eventually shutting down. I have NF electricity installed as well. How do I power this thing?
  6. Didn't realise just how much I'd missed this mod until now. Amazing work.
  7. Is it possible to remove the extra buildings around KSC while keeping everything else? EDIT: Nevermind. Press Ctrl-K in flight to edit the local buildings.
  8. Following up on the success of my first working passenger SSTO, I decided to try to build a heavy cargo SSTO, again using Mark Thrimm's awesome SSTO guide. I overbuilt it quite a bit and added nukes just to test what kind of TWR it would have, so it has 1800 m/s left in the tank, and that's with 3000 units of excess oxidiser. I have yet to find out if it can survive re-entry, but who cares, I built a plane that can go to space and it's awesome. The cargo, my future Minmus base.
  9. I built my first Duna base using KPBS, then built my first functional passenger SSTO (thanks to Mark Thrimm's awesome guide). I then delivered crew to the crew vehicle, which will take the eight Kerbals to their new home on the cheesecake. The base performs it's Duna insertion burn... The Base Core separates to be de-orbited at a site picked using my ore scanning satellite. The transfer stage will be left in orbit as a reserve fuel depot. The base modules were de-orbited using a system inspired by NASA's shelved Constellation program. Unfortunately the front wheels were wonky and I had to unload the modules at the landing site and drive them to the base as one long sausage. Assembling the thing was fairly simple. The modules will be fully deployed and a garage and re-useable lander added when the crew arrives. The SSTO, in all it's glory: Docked to the crew vehicle with 200m/s left in the tank. The lander and base garage will be sent to Duna on a different non-nuclear transfer vehicle.
  10. I'm trying to use my X55 to play the game (fly spaceplanes, etc.), but I'm having trouble with the input mapping. If I map, say, view up to a hat switch on the joystick which is labeled "button 5", and toggle SAS to a switch on the throttle which is also labeled button 5, the two will interfere with each other. If I press the hat switch, the camera will move (as intended) but SAS will toggle, and vice versa. KSP is the only game I experience this issue in. I'm also experiencing massive input lag when using the joystick, however mouse and keyboard are unaffected. Does anyone have any ideas for workarounds/fixes to these issues? I found an old thread about the same issue but haven't found anything recent.
  11. Finding this made me so happy. I really missed those inflatable habitats, the only other ones I could find that I liked were the habs and massive centrifuges in SSTU, but they come with a boat-load of other parts I won't use and are still WIP. Many kudos to you, kind sir.
  12. Have RPM screens been removed from the Mk3-9 pod in the latest update or have I done something wrong? EDIT: Note to self: don't post anything online at 2AM when half asleep
  13. Sent my nuclear Jool mothership to Pol after only just surviving a landing on Laythe. Was meant to visit Bop as well, but due to not being good enough at KSP and not having enough enriched uranium went straight to Pol and conducted some more extensive studies. Looks like a good candidate for a base. Entering Laythe Landed! Got myself a new wallpaper Forgot to take pics of the lander while landed; left some surface experiments behind Back to the mothership
  14. I just sent a huge mothership to Jool powered by four of those things and a tank of 960 units of refined uranium thinking it could use that. How long does the uranium last, approximately? Ship has 20 km/s of dV in LH2 Also, wouldn't it theoretically be possible to refuel the engine from a realism standpoint?
  15. Rescued some kerbals from a dead Mun lander in my shiny new nuclear test ship, the Helios II, before de-orbiting it in spectacular fashion: Next stop: Jool. In a ship four times the Helios' size.
  16. Came back to KSP after a several-month hiatus. Installed a couple mods I'd been looking at (scatterer, EVE, Cryogenic Engines, NTF, etc.) and off I went, beginning with an overly complicated Mun mission. I began by building a basic spacecraft around the Mk1-2 just to refresh my memory, but decided to attept to make the first stage reusable, falcon-9 style. Unfortunately that didn't work out as I accidentally staged instead of pressing Shift, igniting another engine and blowing the first stage to pieces. The first version was forced to re-enter, but the second managed to limp to orbit. Then I went "hey, let's send these guys to the mun in a big spaceship!" So I built a second unmanned spaceship to go pick them up around NFSC's PPD-1, and launched that into orbit. This one I also launched Falcon-9 style, and while it went much better, it almost smashed into the ground because I kept a large amount of the fuel intended for a soft landing which I then had to use to slow my descent. 700m/s at 2000m is really quite terrifying when trying to land a huge empty booster. Unfortunately I decided to test out LH2 as a fuel, which requires a lot of EC for cooling to avoid boil-off and loss of fuel. I didn't realise just how much power it required, and the ship quickly ran out of power in orbit. The problem was, I couldn't turn off the cooling system and allow the batteries to refill because I had no control over it. So it just sat there, being useless. So back to the drawing board, then? No! I built a little RCS-powered module with three gigantors and docking ports on both ends and sent that into orbit, giving it enough power to sustain the cooling system and remaining in control. Next step was to rendezvous with the crew pod: And off we went, straight into another setback: I didn't plan my landing location at all which, after a successful transfer and descent ended me up sliding down a hill at 1m/s unable to stop myself even using RCS at full power. Eventually I decided to relocate to a nice, safe cliff edge. All this faffing around with rendezvouses (rendezvi?) and relocating left me with less fuel than I originally planned. So now Jeb, Bob and Bill are stuck in a 15km orbit around the Mun until I can get a rescue craft out there. At least they have a lot of space in Nertea's wonderful pod and a nice view.
  17. Is the lack of RPM monitors PPD-1 intentional (i.e. not implemented yet) or a bug?
  18. I've just returned to KSP after a long hiatus and couldn't find thid mod, was worried it had been discontinued. So a bunch of threads in the Addons section were deleted? EDIT: My god this thread is difficult to find. Searching "BDArmory" in google just yields a bunch of addons for BDA. Took me 10 minutes of searching until i realised I could see my posting history.
  19. This looks very cool, will you be maintaining/releasing a new version of KIS as well? EDIT: Nevermind, does this new version of KAS work with your version of KIS?
  20. Wow, those are beautiful. Love the asteroid station one
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