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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. 6/10 I don't get what's is from, but pixel art is cool!
  2. 9/10 Rhyming is cool. Cats sleep. Cats therefore scheme, and of course they also consume copious quantities of whipped cream.
  3. I don't watch the video. I fly an unmanned Saturn V into your house.
  4. It's too long stacked and it has a bulge on one side with no bottom for a part on the engine mount so it looks really weird.
  5. *searches for lie* *accidentally types li instead* *automatically sends me to this* http://listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=Jt-R5hj_lWM#Major_Tom_(Coming_Home)_English On topic.
  6. Yeah, I noticed that after. I learned about the only one engine yesterday and I know the tank is a little short, there isn't the correct tank in Bluedog Design Bureau yet.
  7. HEY GUYS I MADE A THING! EDIT: Now more jpeg!
  8. Of course we love them! They will be great for @CobaltWolf's Saturn V, he can just make a fairing for it. Yay for quality of life!
  9. Cherries because cherry pie is a-mei-zingmazing. OSIRIS-REx vs JCSAT-16
  10. 10/10 RIP Earth. I make all of KSP's textures in Microsoft Paint.
  11. Known for aviators. And it doesn't need to be Tex Kerman.
  12. Everyone is posting what things are in 1.2, so here's my unofficial introduction to the game! ROCKETS!
  13. 5/10 Can in extreme circumstances get things done, otherwise useless. And @Diche Bach it's an AR15 with some magpul furniture. My airsoft M4 is too short for that one (4" rail, 7" barrel).
  14. Farewell @KasperVld! Tell us what you are moving on to (when/if you do) so we can check it out!
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