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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Never said Porkjet's work wasn't good, it's very nice, but the colors put me off a bit. Personally I've love to have the engines use some of the black from the Vector instead of the blue, and maybe have the bright, vibrant yellow be a little smeared and be a bit more orange-y. Otherwise I love them! Porkjet did great work, just not my personal favorite, it's still very nice.
  2. Looks amazing @Pine! Can't wait for mine!
  3. Wrong. He IS time. Also futureproofing. No matter what, even if 1.1.4 deletes the game, the mod will work!
  4. Stole the joke I was going to make. Oh well. For me, yes. I need sleek, Porkalike rockets. BDB, Tantares, and MoarMk1 deliver for me, and my stations/ships need to look good also, not an ugly hunk of metal and barrels. I like them sleek and modern.
  5. Nope. It's the technically correct fancy way to say forums.
  6. 7/10 Where are you when you sleep? Not on Earth it seems.
  7. Revolver. You need a revolver. I've been looking into this same kind of situation, as I may soon have two guns that fall into the 500FPS+ category and would need a sidearm. The answer, I have come to the conclusion, is a revolver. Not some tiny, snubnose affair, but a full, 8in heaping mess that just reaks awesomeness and southern accents. From all the review I have read, people call themselves out as soon as you pull it out and spin the cylinder. And if you need more then 6 BB's to kill the 10 people to stupid to call themselves out when you draw, you should stop playing right then and there. Don't even bother with worrying about reloads, with a few years of practice you can refill that entire cylinder faster then the girls drop their panties when you pull out your massive, glistening, oily, 10in long handcannon. Actually, now that I think about it, you really don't even need a "primary" as its thought about in the more common sense. What you really need is 4-5 revolvers, of various lengths and sizes, and mounted stragticly around your person. The first two, obviously of the 10-12 inch variety, are your "primary"(although, since all you have/need are revolvers, every single one of them is your primary, and your secondary. You really don't even have "primaries", or "secondaries", just a revolver here, revolver there, oh look another revolver, wait don't forget that other one stuck down your pants for "emergency" purposes, so basically revolvers everywhere), and since you are fulfilling the DMR role, they will be of the CO2, 550FPS spewing kind. You need the full sweet for these, scopes, compensators(although, with all these handcannons laying around, you really don't need to compensate for anything. Who's going to look twice at the guy with 8 revolvers? Everyone, duh, at least till they go blind from the massive meaty magnificence that is the mightily murdering revolvers, oh and don't worry, chicks dig the handcannons, even more so if they are in packs of 4+, kuz, you know, the more the merrier), as well as amps to properly delver the auditory smack of freedom to both friend or foe in the area. The next two pea shooters in line need to be of only slightly large average size, these will be field "legal"(although, lets be honest here, every revolver is field legal. Who's going to turn away the steaming hunk glimmering with revolvers and looking mighty fine? No one, that's who, and if they have more then two brain cells to rub together, they will give not only you and your revolvers free entry[which of course you have anyway, due to having revolvers, but its nice to let the common foke think they have some control], but also give your entire posse of awed fans free entry and hotdogs), and will be used to deal with those that don't deserve the main points interest, 12yr old cod softers, speed softers, airsoft "celebrities", ect ect you get where this is going, just shoot everyone with these. And keep reloading, you really need to get that reloading down pat for maximum effect and carnage. Oh yeah, that last revolver can be a massively average size, used only for when you allow your self to be "taken" to their "defended" and insignificant "base" to "parlay" with their "leader". Of course you can use that monster of a pew pew beast to shoot not only him, but all his guards, and free his child slaves to fight for and worship you and your revolvers. The one thing you do need to worry about, however, is issueing phraseson" "someone call the undertaker?" "Like shooting fish in a barrel" and above all like Thanks @Wingman703!
  8. Banned for not having a screenshot.
  9. Purple. Because aliens don't wear hats. Why am smart?!?!
  10. Ah, OK. I might submit it soon if I can fix the Atlas's tanks.
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