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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. 0/10 Other people start making game companies because EA ran them into the ground. Every has to have braces on at all times.
  2. 6/10 Looks like it would hurt. You see, the tactical Magpul makes it scarier and should be more outlawed.
  3. Clearly Jeb, he has far more powers. He can press ALT-F12 and use Whack-A-Kerbal! Sans can... umm... throw bones.
  4. 1406: It's high noon in here. Not safe. You run to the next floor.
  5. 5/10 Doesn't looks dangerous, but it is a cat.
  6. 5/10 T R I G G E R E D Tarps don't work in space anymore.
  7. 0/10 OH GOD NO PLEASE NO Real life is Overwatch.
  8. 2/10 Don't get it. I think it's a Greek or Roman god though. TL;DR It's high noon.
  9. 5/10 http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/new.png Why not everything?
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