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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. With latest version I experienced some cruise missile issues. They fail allways and what is DLZ?
  2. Cool mod, sadly the turrets (big) got all the same sound and guns dont/cant shoot separate of each other
  3. So i am a bit confused about the weaponry R73 can turn better and have a longer range than aim9 in rl R27 should use the name R27T, cause russia have 2 version. R27R - radar SARH and R27T Thermal/Heat Seeking. P-800 is an antiship missile with GPS path finding and targeting with an active/passive radar homing seeker 9M96E2 is bigger than PAC3 but after all its a pretty desent arsenal
  4. Hi, first good missions so far. But I found some problems: Some structure can't fire the AIM120, they stuck and explode. Sometimes one object of the running mission spawn next to me and stucks in the air. It has no marker but the vehicle is just spawning there. Update the missions to the latest version plz. You can add for hard missions now the PAC-3
  5. The "Oerlikon Millennium" or MANTIS got an to low Firerate, in every video is visible that it can shoot with 1000shots/min. Btw the Cal.Munition is wrong, uses 35mm not Cannon Shells
  6. The fire rate and recoil of the Mantis turret are not correct, can this get fixed?
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